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Last active September 16, 2019 17:02
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  1. I have learned that waterfall is best suited for high capital venture companies, it is not efficient with time. Your product won't ever get consumer response until the very end. Agile moves in much faster cycles part of which includes getting consumer feedback.

  2. We began by trying to use GitHub projects, but we didn't continue to use it after the first day. We didn't necessarily have a system for accountability, but we kept communication on what we were each doing.

  3. I believe my role was one of overall management and coding contribution, in a way a leader role.

  4. I would be more adamant about using tools to stay organized and work harder to make sure everyone was putting in their fair share. I may have also reached out to an instructor for advice when you have members who aren't or feel they cannot contribute.

  5. Retro facilitates feedback and communication. It is a place to go over how things are going, how everyone is feeling, celebrating things going well and brainstorming ways to improve.

  6. I did my best to communicate what went well and what I felt did not go well. I listened openly to the feedback of my teammates.

  7. I can take and give feedback well. Group work has forced me to be more direct and engage in clear direct open conversation. I want to improve my ability to communicate things that are bothering me, it can be hard to speak up.

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I appreciate how you've articulated your processes and lessons learned here in this reflection, and I would encourage you to keep thinking about how you could work on some next steps to continue communicating when things bother you.

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