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Last active February 28, 2020 18:56
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Accountability Group DTR


Use this template to create your DTR with your job seeker accountability groups. Copy/past the template into a gist for your group to send to Allison or Tracey.


Group Members: Alice Post, Mary Lang, Jessie, Le-Ho, Christopher Kelling, Austen Dunn

Schedule for weekly meetings and regular Stand Ups (must have 1 weekly meeting and at least 2 Stand Ups a week): Be prepared to come up with 2-3 different times in case groups overlap so that Tracey can meet with all groups.

Technical Section

  • What do we want to work on together for technical practice? Working on a challenge together, either checking in over slack or meeting on campus or a library Feedback on articulation, practicing technical interview questions

    Suggestions: group code challenges/project work/code reviews

  • How we will hold each other accountable to this technical work: Check in over slack

Strengths & Supports

  • Group member strengths for supporting each other in the job search (what can we each help our group with?): Christopher: Checking in with individuals Alice: Editing cover letters and resumes Jessie: Checking in Mary: In person white boarding

  • What does everyone need in terms of self-care and support: Need good sleep*, eating healthy, cooking, good exercise

    • Systems, people, activities for mental health support: Slack channel for connecting with each other, reaching out to family and friends
    • Systems, people, activities for physical health support: Bike rides, gym, walks
    • How we will hold each other accountable to using these supports: Celebrate wins - make sure to be vocal when you are able to do the things you intend Be sympathetic when people don't always hit the mark, provide motivation or helpful feedback

Meeting Structure

  • Group meeting structures (what will we work on/discuss during group meetings?):

    • What I have done so far towards my action steps
    • What are my next steps
    • What is my overall goal

    Check in with each other, how is the process going, how are we feeling Suggestions: Finding jobs/companies, working on cover letters, finding company contacts, creating messages, finding contact info, etc.

  • How we will hold each other accountable to following through on action steps: Check in on slack, every meeting we will all go over what we've done and what we need to do

  • How we will communicate if someone needs to miss a meeting: Slack

  • Stand Up discussions (what specific questions will we use in our Stand Ups twice a week?):

    • Stand Up #1: What is your plan for the week? Is there anyone who can help me?
    • Stand Up #2: What went in well in the week? What can you improve?

Agenda for meeting #1 (this should happen during the intermission week after graduation):

  • Create a calendar. Each group member should create a schedule for when they will be doing the following activities each day:
    • Coding/technical work
    • Company research
    • Outreach emails/respond to emails
    • Coffee meetings/phone calls
    • Meetups
    • Applications (cover letters, resume)
    • Wellness activities and other life stuff
    • Group meetings and stand ups
  • Meeting topics: How are we feeling, what we have done, what we need to do
  • Action steps for each group member:
  • Additional agenda items:
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