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Last active December 12, 2015 02:59
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mydate Afghan Security Forces afghaninterpolated U.S. Troops usinterpolated Other Foreign Troops otherinterpolated
November-01 0 0 1300 0 0 0
December-01 240 1 2500 0 1667 1
January-02 480 1 4067 0 3333 1
February-02 720 1 5633 0 5000 0
March-02 960 1 7200 0 5000 0
April-02 1200 1 7425 0 5000 0
May-02 1440 1 7650 0 4500 0
June-02 1680 1 7875 0 5000 0
July-02 1920 1 8100 0 4900 1
August-02 2160 1 8567 0 4800 1
September-02 2400 1 9033 0 4700 0
October-02 2640 1 9500 0 4743 1
November-02 2880 1 9500 0 4786 1
December-02 3120 1 9700 0 4829 1
January-03 3360 1 9600 0 4871 1
February-03 3600 1 9600 0 4913 1
March-03 3840 1 9500 0 4957 1
April-03 4080 1 9300 0 5000 0
May-03 4320 1 9800 0 5000 1
June-03 4560 1 9900 0 5000 1
July-03 4800 1 9800 0 5000 1
August-03 5040 1 10100 0 5000 1
September-03 5280 1 9700 0 5000 0
October-03 5520 1 10400 0 5071 1
November-03 5760 1 12000 0 5142 1
December-03 6000 0 13100 0 5213 1
January-04 10250 1 13600 0 5284 1
February-04 14500 1 12300 0 5355 1
March-04 18750 1 14000 0 5426 1
April-04 23000 1 20300 0 5500 0
May-04 27250 1 17700 0 5750 1
June-04 31500 1 17800 0 6000 0
July-04 35750 1 17300 0 6250 1
August-04 40000 1 15800 0 6500 0
September-04 44250 1 16600 0 8000 0
October-04 48500 1 16100 0 10000 0
November-04 52750 1 15800 0 9400 0
December-04 57000 0 16700 0 8500 0
January-05 57750 1 17200 0 9000 0
February-05 58500 1 17300 0 8000 0
March-05 59250 1 19000 0 8000 1
April-05 60000 1 19500 0 8000 1
May-05 60750 1 18000 0 8000 1
June-05 61500 1 18200 0 8000 0
July-05 62250 1 17900 0 9250 1
August-05 63000 1 17900 0 10500 0
September-05 63750 1 17500 0 10125 1
October-05 64500 1 17800 0 9750 1
November-05 65250 1 17400 0 9375 1
December-05 66000 0 17800 0 9000 0
January-06 67667 1 19700 0 9000 1
February-06 69334 1 22600 0 9000 1
March-06 71001 1 22900 0 9000 1
April-06 72668 1 23300 0 9000 1
May-06 74335 1 22000 0 9000 0
June-06 76000 0 22000 0 9700 0
July-06 77667 1 21000 0 12350 1
August-06 79334 1 19700 0 15000 0
September-06 81001 1 20400 0 18000 0
October-06 82668 1 20800 0 20000 0
November-06 84335 1 20400 0 21000 0
December-06 86000 0 22100 0 21000 0
January-07 89250 1 26000 0 21460 0
February-07 92500 1 25200 0 21605 1
March-07 95750 1 24300 0 21750 0
April-07 99000 1 24100 0 21750 0
May-07 102250 1 26500 0 24000 0
June-07 105500 1 23700 0 24125 1
July-07 108750 1 23800 0 24250 0
August-07 112000 1 24000 0 25146.5 1
September-07 115250 1 24500 0 26043 0
October-07 118500 1 24800 0 30177 0
November-07 121750 1 24700 0 28440 1
December-07 125000 0 24700 0 26703 0
January-08 128178 1 27500 0 27476.5 1
February-08 131355 1 27000 0 28250 0
March-08 134533 1 30500 0 28125 1
April-08 137710 0 32500 0 28000 0
May-08 139410 1 31300 0 28675 1
June-08 141100 1 30700 0 29350 0
July-08 142810 1 33700 0 29503 1
August-08 144510 1 31700 0 29656 1
September-08 146210 1 32400 0 29810 0
October-08 147910 0 32400 0 30100 0
November-08 150866 1 30858 0 31150 0
December-08 153822 1 31800 0 31400 0
January-09 156778 1 34400 0 31880 0
February-09 159734 1 36600 0 31520 0
March-09 162690 0 38800 0 32140 0
April-09 165247.5 1 41500 0 32175 0
May-09 167805 1 52100 0 32227.5 1
June-09 170362.5 1 57600 0 32280 0
July-09 172920 0 62800 0 34550 0
August-09 177190 1 62200 0 35110 1
September-09 181460 1 65200 0 35670 1
October-09 185730 1 67100 0 36230 0
November-09 190000 0 67300 0 37300 1
December-09 195089 0 67400 0 38370 0
January-10 201726 1 71700 0 38540 1
February-10 207863 1 76500 0 38710 0
March-10 215000 0 84700 0 38890 0
April-10 219423.5 1 83000 0 40139 0
May-10 223847 0 87000 0 40604.5 1
June-10 230231 1 93000 0 41070 0
July-10 236615 1 96000 0 41315 0
August-10 243000 0 100000 0 41389 0
September-10 258668 0 95000 0 40910.5 1
October-10 261005 0 95000 0 40432 0
November-10 263697 1 95000 0 40930 0
December-10 266389 0 97000 0 41730 0
January-11 270800 0 97000 0 41811.5 1
February-11 275868 1 97000 0 41893 0
March-11 280935 1 100000 0 42203 0
April-11 286003 0 100000 0 42301.5 1
May-11 290488 1 100000 0 42400 0
June-11 294971 1 99000 0 42457 0
July-11 299455 1 99000 0 41568 1
August-11 303941 0 98000 0 40679 0
September-11 306903 0 98000 0 40670 0
October-11 306903 1 97000 0 40638 0
November-11 306903 0 94000 0 40476 0
December-11 306903 0 91000 0 40313 0
January-12 312680 1 89000 0 40386 0
February-12 318459 1 89000 0 39911 1
March-12 324236 1 89000 0 39436 1
April-12 330014 0 89000 0 38961 0
May-12 336806 0 88000 0 39469 0
June-12 344108 0 88000 0 39146 1
July-12 342378 1 86000 0 38824 1
August-12 340648 1 84000 0 38502 1
September-12 338917 1 68000 0 38179 0
October-12 337187 0 68000 0 36905 0
November-12 337187 1 68000 0 36905 1
<!DOCTYPE html>
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rect:hover {
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<p><strong><span id="tipdate">Month and year go here</span></strong></p>
<p><span id="tipcat">Heading</span></p>
<p><span id="tipval">100</span></p>
<span class="title">Troops and Security forces in Afghanistan 2001-2012</span>
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Hide the tooltip"#tooltip").classed("hidden", true)
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/* var troopNames= d3.keys(data[0]).filter(function(key) { return key !==mydate; });
// Transpose the data into layers by tnum.
var trooptypes = d3.layout.stack()(["Afghan Security Forces","U.S. Troops", "Other Foreign Troops" ].map(function(tnum) {
return {
return {x: parse(d.mydate), y: +d[tnum]};
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return {
return {inter: +d[tinterp]};
var thedata = data;
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