Run all of these in 'foreman-rake console'
Check the event queue:
Check 'bound repositories' known to katello
#!/bin/bash | |
# Delay before starting | |
DELAY=10 | |
# Sound notification to let one know when recording is about to start (and ends) | |
beep() { | |
paplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE-Im-Irc-Event.ogg & | |
} |
#! /bin/bash | |
if [ -n "$1" ]; then | |
name=$1 | |
else | |
name=$(hostname) | |
fi | |
git clone | |
cd ownca | |
yes "" | ./ | |
yes | ./ $name |
Run all of these in 'foreman-rake console'
Check the event queue:
Check 'bound repositories' known to katello
namespace :taskbench do | |
desc <<~END_DESC | |
Loads up some tasks | |
def parallelize(param_lists) | |
max_number_of_forks ||= ENV['forks'].to_i || 10 | |
page = 0 | |
page_size = param_lists.length/max_number_of_forks |
Out of the box, foreman ships with orchestrator and a single worker If you have Katello, you will get an additional worker for processing of the host queue
root@modest-gator:~# ls -l /etc/foreman/dynflow/
total 1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root foreman 51 May 14 07:35 orchestrator.yml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root foreman 59 May 14 07:35 worker.yml