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Created November 24, 2020 20:40
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# The withdrawal account.
ethdo wallet create --type=hd --mnemonic='abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art' --wallet='Withdrawal wallet'
ethdo account create --account='Withdrawal wallet/A withdrawal account'
export WITHDRAWAL_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY=$(ethdo account info --account='Withdrawal wallet/A withdrawal account' | grep 'Public key' | sed 's/Public key: //')
# To prove that the withdrawal accout holder holds the private key for a public key:
# 1. The requestor sends a random 32-byte hex string to the withdrawal account holder.
export REQUESTOR_DATA=$(xxd -l 32 -p /dev/urandom | tr -d " \n")
# 2. The two parties agreee upon a shared 32-byte domain.
export DOMAIN=0102030405060708010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708
# 3. The withdrawal account holder signs the data and sends the signature to the requestor.
export SIGNATURE=$(ethdo signature sign --account='Withdrawal wallet/A withdrawal account' --domain=${DOMAIN} --data=${REQUESTOR_DATA})
# 4. The requestor verifies the signature against the public key.
ethdo signature verify --data=${REQUESTOR_DATA} --domain=${DOMAIN} --signature=${SIGNATURE} --signer=${WITHDRAWAL_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY} --verbose
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