If a command breaks, use --no-daemon
as the ForgeGradle currently doesn't uses it
Setup MDK (For Modders who want to create a mod)
- Download the MDK from forge (Forge Test Version for 1.13)
./gradlew eclipse
./gradlew genEclipseRuns
to generate the launch configuration- (
./gradlew genIntellijRuns
for IntelliJ users) - run this two times so the libs get properly linked
- Importing into IDE has not changed
Running client
./gradlew runClient
Running Server
./gradlew runServer
Setup FORGE (for those wishing to work on forge directly)
- Clone the Forge Repo
./gradlew setup
- If it crashes try running it again, as this sometimes helps
./gradlew eclipse
- this generates the eclipse files
- you can then import the projects inside the "projects" folder in an existing workspace
./gradlew genIntellijRuns
for IntelliJ users- this creates the IntelliJ files
- Setup IntelliJ
For Generating the Patches
./gradlew :forge:genPatches
Running client
Vanilla client:
./gradlew clean:runclient
Forge Client:
./gradlew forge:runclient
Running Server
Forge Server:
./gradlew forge:runserver
I REALLY need a way to figure this out, im tired and haven't gotten even remotely close to being able to make the simplest mod because of this damn way they have everything set up. Like why cant it be like visual studio where you create the project and your good to go