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Created August 12, 2008 15:47
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Tab Completion for Campfire
// @namespace
// @description If you hit tab in the campfire chat window, it will tab complete on user names.
// @author Mat Schaffer, CIM Engineering
// @homepage
// @include **
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var getSelection = function() {
var start = $('input').selectionStart;
var end = $('input').selectionEnd;
var selection = $('input').value.substring(start, end);
return selection;
var setName = function(stub, name, doSelect) {
var ss = $('input').value.length;
var rep = new RegExp(stub+'$','i');
var input = $('input').value;
$('input').value = input.replace(rep, name);
if(!doSelect) {
$('input').value += " ";
var ss = $('input').value.length;
var se = $('input').value.length;
Event.observe('input', 'keypress', function(event) {
var input = $("input").value;
if(event.keyCode == 32 && window.tc_matches && window.tc_matches.length) {
$('input').value += ' ';
var l = $('input').value.length;
delete window.tc_matches;
delete window.tc_stub;
delete window.tc_index;
}else if (event.keyCode == 9) {
if(window.tc_matches && window.tc_matches.length > 0) {
var l = window.tc_matches.length;
var index = window.tc_index + 1;
if(index >= l) {
index = 0;
var name = window.tc_matches[index];
var s = getSelection();
var sr = new RegExp(s+'$','i');
$('input').value = input.replace(sr,'');
setName(window.tc_stub, name, true);
window.tc_index = index;
return false;
var stub = $A(input.split(" ")).last();
var selection_start = input.length;
var regexp = new RegExp('^'+stub,'i');
var matches = [];
$$('.user .name').each(function(user) {
var name = user.innerHTML;
// Right now it will use the first match it finds
// TODO :: keep track of matches and if more than one provide a way to select the right one.
if(name.match(regexp)) {
if(matches.length > 1) {
window.tc_matches = matches;
window.tc_stub = stub;
window.tc_index = 0;
setName(stub, matches[0], true);
} else if(matches.length == 1) {
setName(stub, matches[0], false);
} else if(window.tc_matches && window.tc_matches.length) {
delete window.tc_matches;
delete window.tc_stub;
delete window.tc_index;
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