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Created December 24, 2012 11:13
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Styleguides: CSS comments
/* ==========================================================================
Section comment block
========================================================================== */
/* Sub-section comment block
========================================================================== */
/* Sub-section comment block
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Short description using Doxygen-style comment format
* The first sentence of the long description starts here and continues on this
* line for a while finally concluding here at the end of this paragraph.
* The long description is ideal for more detailed explanations and
* documentation. It can include example HTML, URLs, or any other information
* that is deemed necessary or useful.
* @tag This is a tag named 'tag'
* TODO: This is a todo statement that describes an atomic task to be completed
* at a later date. It wraps after 80 characters and following lines are
* indented by 2 spaces.
/* Basic comment */
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