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Created June 12, 2020 14:06
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Permanent Suppression Detection in Splunk
| rest splunk_server=local /services/alerts/suppressions | table title author search disabled description updated
| rex field=search max_match=100 "\s(?!source)(?P<fields>(\w+))(=|>|<)"
| stats values(fields) as fields by title author search disabled description updated
| rex field=search max_match=2 "_time(\<|\>|\=).(?P<time_fields>.[^\s]+)"
| rex field=search max_match=2 "_time(?P<time_comparators>.[^\d+]*)"
| eval multi_times=if(mvcount(time_fields) > 1, "True", "False")
| eval start_time=mvindex(time_fields, 0)
| eval end_time=mvindex(time_fields, 1)
| fillnull start_time, end_time value="0"
| fillnull time_comparators value="-"
| eval duration=if(start_time!=0 AND end_time!=0, (end_time-start_time)/86400, 0)
| eval type=case(mvcount(time_comparators) == 2 AND like(time_comparators, "%>%") AND like(time_comparators, "%<%"), "Start and End Times", like(time_comparators, "%>%") AND NOT like(time_comparators, "%<%"), "Permanent", like(time_comparators, "%<%"), "End Time", time_comparators="-", "Permanent", 1=1, "-")
| eval field_count=mvcount(fields) | fillnull field_count value="0"
| fields title, author, search, type, duration, field_count, disabled description updated
| search type="Permanent" OR duration > 7 OR field_count<=1 NOT ([inputlookup known_suppressions.csv | table title] OR [inputlookup allowed_suppression_authors.csv | table author])
| eval alert_reason=case(type=="Permanent", "No End Time Found In Search.", duration >7, "Extends longer than a week.", field_count<=1, "Has Only One Field.", 1=1, "-")
| join title type=outer [
search index=_audit action=edit_suppressions operation=create earliest="-30d" latest="now" | rex field=_raw "object=\"(?<title>.+)\"" | eval created_at = _time | stats latest(created_at) as created_at by title]
| outputlookup append=t known_suppressions.csv
| table title, description alert_reason, author, search, disabled created_at
| eval message="Permanent suppression was created by ".author
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