- craft - writing, note taking. I switch those often, but have been using this one for a while now, and love it
- 1password - the best password manager
- Noizio - white noise generator
- Raycast - the single most used app on my Mac. It's a more modern and user friendly of Alfred.Below are some of my favorite extensions:
- ChatGPT - get quick answers without leaving Raycast
- Confluence — quickly find anything on confluence
- GitHub - easily navigate to any repo
- Kill Process - murder pesky processes without using the terminal
- BetterTouchTool - a very powerful app, though I use it mostly for 2 additional trackpad gestures — moving between browser tabs and closing tabs. Very useful when browsing the web.
- CleanShotX - the best screenshot/recording capture tool
- KeepingYouAwake - prevent your mac from falling asleep
- AppCleaner - super simple uninstaller; removes leftover files when deleting apps
- Bartender 5 - only keep must-have apps in the Mac menu bar
- MeetingBar - an absolute must to keep your meetings easily visibly. Also helps with jumping directly to the correct Zoom or Google Meet window
- The Unarchiver - can unzip, untar and unrar anything you need
- Magnet - best workspace organizer/window snapper
- Thor Launcher - a simple way to create global shortcuts to launch apps (I like it to launching the terminal, browser and VSCode)
- Starship — I've replaced a bunch of zinit, powerlevel10k, etc with this one excellent and simple to use prompt.
- fzf - an all purpose fuzzy finder. I have it aliased out to
to quickly find files, and aliased tov
withvim $(f)
to jump immediately into an editor. - z - the quickest way to jump around folders in the terminal. I integrate it with
for extra goodness. - asciicinema - a great way to record videos in the terminal. Use asciicast2gif to convert those to gifs.
- bat - a better cat.
- cloc - calculate lines of code (by language) if a file/folder.
- git-delta - good looking git diffs (I like it better than diff-so-fancy).
- exa - a modern, beautiful
. Can also create good looking folder trees. - tldr - quickly get a basic overview of command line tool.
I’m not a huge vim user, but there are a few things I picked up along the way. Please don’t judge — I don’t claim to know this well :)
- vim-plug - my vim plugin manager of choice. Super simple to use, which is what I was optimizing for.
- tagbar - get a side view of tags (functions, methods, etc), and easily jump between then.
- nerdtree - a great way to traverser folders right inside vim.
- vim-lastplace - reopen files at your last edit position
- vim-colorschemes - get a bunch of colorschemes to choose from. I use tender. It's well aligned with the muted, pastel colors I use in the terminal (which is a small variation on onehalf dark).
- VSCode - I like it better than IntelliJ/Pycharm. It takes a bit of time to make it work really well with Python projects, but once done, it's so much faster than Jetbrains products.
- GitHub Desktop - one of the things that IntelliJ/Pycharm do a lot better than VSCode is complex VCS management. That’s why I sometimes supplement the terminal with GH Desktop.
- OpenLens - the free version of the K8s IDE