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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.8.0
var turboReload;
turboReload = function() {
var browserCompatibleDocumentParser, documentParser, url;
browserCompatibleDocumentParser = function() {
var createDocumentUsingDOM, createDocumentUsingParser, createDocumentUsingWrite, e, testDoc, _ref;
createDocumentUsingParser = function(html) {
return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
createDocumentUsingDOM = function(html) {
var doc;
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html;
return doc;
createDocumentUsingWrite = function(html) {
var doc;
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');'replace');
return doc;
try {
if (window.DOMParser) {
testDoc = createDocumentUsingParser('<html><body><p>test');
return createDocumentUsingParser;
} catch (_error) {
e = _error;
testDoc = createDocumentUsingDOM('<html><body><p>test');
return createDocumentUsingDOM;
} finally {
if ((testDoc != null ? (_ref = testDoc.body) != null ? _ref.childNodes.length : void 0 : void 0) !== 1) {
return createDocumentUsingWrite;
documentParser = browserCompatibleDocumentParser();
url = document.location.href;
return $.get(url, function(updatedHtml) {
var updatedBody;
updatedBody = documentParser(updatedHtml).body;
return $('body').html(updatedBody);
# Call turboReload() on any page to update the content of the current
# page without disturbing the user.
# 1) It is faster than a normal reload because the browser doesn't fetch or
# parse any scripts or stylesheets in the head. Instead, we just replace the
# body contents with the updated body.
# 2) It doesn't cause the page to scroll or flicker on the user.
turboReload = ->
# browserCompatibleDocumentParser, borrowed from TurboLinks.
# Use createDocumentUsingParser if DOMParser is defined and natively
# supports 'text/html' parsing (Firefox 12+, IE 10)
# Use createDocumentUsingDOM if createDocumentUsingParser throws an exception
# due to unsupported type 'text/html' (Firefox < 12, Opera)
# Use createDocumentUsingWrite if:
# - DOMParser isn't defined
# - createDocumentUsingParser returns null due to unsupported type 'text/html' (Chrome, Safari)
# - createDocumentUsingDOM doesn't create a valid HTML document (safeguarding against potential edge cases)
browserCompatibleDocumentParser = ->
createDocumentUsingParser = (html) ->
(new DOMParser).parseFromString html, 'text/html'
createDocumentUsingDOM = (html) ->
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument ''
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html
createDocumentUsingWrite = (html) ->
doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument '' 'replace'
doc.write html
if window.DOMParser
testDoc = createDocumentUsingParser '<html><body><p>test'
catch e
testDoc = createDocumentUsingDOM '<html><body><p>test'
unless testDoc?.body?.childNodes.length is 1
return createDocumentUsingWrite
documentParser = browserCompatibleDocumentParser()
url = document.location.href
$.get url, (updatedHtml) ->
updatedBody = documentParser(updatedHtml).body
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