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Created April 29, 2014 01:47
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//Michael Crumm 2010-10-04
package stack;
//An ArrayStack uses an internal Object array to store elements.
public class ArrayStack implements Stack
private int size = 0;
private Object[] element;
//Initialize an ArrayStack of size 100
public ArrayStack()
//Initialize an ArrayStack of size theSize
public ArrayStack(int theSize)
this.element = new Object[theSize];
//post: returns number of elements in this stack
public int size()
return this.size;
//post: returns true if this stack is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
if (this.size() > 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
//post: theElement is added to the top of this stack
public void push(Object theElement)
if(this.element.length == this.size) {
this.element[this.size] = theElement;
//pre: stack not empty
//post: removes top element and returns it
public Object pop()
if(this.isEmpty()) {
throw new StackEmptyException("Could not pop.");
Object removedElement = this.element[this.size];
this.element[this.size] = null;
return removedElement;
//pre: stack not empty
//post: returns the top element
public Object peek()
if(this.isEmpty()) {
throw new StackEmptyException("Could not peek.");
return this.element[(this.size-1)];
//returns a String representation of the ArrayStack
public String toString()
String retval = "";
String sep = "";
int count = this.size-1;
while(count >= 0) {
retval += sep + this.element[count].toString();
sep = ",";
return retval;
//doubles size of this.element while retaining its data
private void doubleArrayCapacity()
Object[] bigArray = new Object[2*this.size];
int count = 0;
while(count < this.size) {
bigArray[count] = this.element[count];
this.element = bigArray;
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