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Last active February 16, 2024 02:21
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R code to apply bonferroni-holm adjustment for multiple comparisons
bonferroni.holm <- function(pValues, alpha=0.05, sidak=FALSE) {
pOrders <- order(pValues)
unadjusted.p <- pValues[pOrders]
undoOrder = order(pOrders)
m <- rev(rank(unadjusted.p, ties.method = "min"))
if (sidak) {
adjusted.alpha <- 1 - (1 - alpha) ^ (1 / m)
adjusted.p <- 1 - (1 - unadjusted.p) ^ m
} else {
adjusted.alpha <- alpha / m
adjusted.p <- pmin(unadjusted.p * m, 1.0)
adjusted.p <- Reduce(max, adjusted.p, accumulate = TRUE)
returnVar <- data.frame(unadjusted.p, adjusted.alpha, adjusted.p)
returnVar$significant <- returnVar$unadjusted.p < returnVar$adjusted.alpha
whichNonSig <- which(!returnVar$significant)
if (length(whichNonSig) > 0) {
nonSigIndicies <- whichNonSig[1]:nrow(returnVar)
returnVar$significant[nonSigIndicies] <- FALSE
returnVar$adjusted.alpha[nonSigIndicies[-1]] <- NA
> source("~/bonferroni-holm.R")
> b <- bonferroni.holm(c(0.01, 0.04, 0.03, 0.005))
> b
unadjusted.p adjusted.alpha adjusted.p significant
2 0.010 0.01666667 0.03 TRUE
4 0.040 NA 0.06 FALSE
3 0.030 0.02500000 0.06 FALSE
1 0.005 0.01250000 0.02 TRUE
> b <- bonferroni.holm(c(0.01, 0.04, 0.03, 0.005), sidak = TRUE)
> b
unadjusted.p adjusted.alpha adjusted.p significant
2 0.010 0.01695243 0.0297010 TRUE
4 0.040 NA 0.0591000 FALSE
3 0.030 0.02532057 0.0591000 FALSE
1 0.005 0.01274146 0.0198505 TRUE
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