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Last active July 11, 2020 17:39
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Future getPosts(BuildContext context) async {
int index = getFromSF();
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot =
await Firestore.instance.collection('fortunepool').getDocuments();
if (indexList.contains(index)) {
// TODO: get any other document
int currentIndex = index;
String myFortune = "";
// This should return you the next title
while(index < querySnapshot.documentChanges.length && indexList.contains(currentIndex)){
myFortune = querySnapshot.documents[index++].data['title'];
currentIndex = index++;
myFortune = querySnapshot.documents[index++].data['title'];
currentIndex = index++;
saveIndexNumbers(indexList, "listofIndexes");
} else if (indexList.isEmpty || index == 5) {
// Keep this part if is working
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