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Created October 4, 2012 20:00
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params: {}
response.headers: { server: 'CouchDB/1.0.2 (Erlang OTP/R14B)',
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{ error: 'render_error',
reason: 'function raised error: (new TypeError("req.headers.Accept is undefined", "", 11)) \nstacktrac
e: ([object Object],[object Object])@:11\nrunList(function (head, req) {var row, out, sep = "\\n";if (re
q.headers.Accept.indexOf("application/json") != -1) {start({headers: {\'Content-Type\': "application/jso
n"}});} else {start({headers: {\'Content-Type\': "text/plain"}});}if ("callback" in req.query) {send(req
.query.callback + "(");}send("{\\"type\\": \\"FeatureCollection\\", \\"features\\":[");while ((row = get
Row())) {out = "{\\"type\\": \\"Feature\\", \\"geometry\\": " + JSON.stringify(row.value.geometry);delet
e row.value.geometry;out += ", \\"properties\\": " + JSON.stringify(row.value) + "}";send(sep + out);sep
= ",\\n";}send("]}");if ("callback" in req.query) {send(")");}},[object Object],[object Array])@/opt/co
uchbase-server/share/couchdb/server/main.js:951\n(function (head, req) {var row, out, sep = "\\n";if (re
q.headers.Accept.indexOf("application/json") != -1) {start({headers: {\'Content-Type\': "application/jso
n"}});} else {start({headers: {\'Content-Type\': "text/plain"}});}if ("callback" in req.query) {send(req
.query.callback + "(");}send("{\\"type\\": \\"FeatureCollection\\", \\"features\\":[");while ((row = get
Row())) {out = "{\\"type\\": \\"Feature\\", \\"geometry\\": " + JSON.stringify(row.value.geometry);delet
e row.value.geometry;out += ", \\"properties\\": " + JSON.stringify(row.value) + "}";send(sep + out);sep
= ",\\n";}send("]}");if ("callback" in req.query) {send(")");}},[object Object],[object Array])@/opt/co
uchbase-server/share/couchdb/server/main.js:996\n("_design/geo",[object Array],[object Array])@/opt/couc
56\n@/opt/couchbase-server/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1467\n' }
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