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Created January 8, 2025 16:14
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  • Save mdboom/0a12d97ab87cb32b55ecab3b1bd55f6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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darwin arm64 (darwin)

vs. 3.10.4

  • Geometric mean: 1.396x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.28x faster at 99th %ile)
  • Memory usage: 1.32x
  • missing benchmarks: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
  • new benchmarks: async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager_io, async_tree_eager_io_tg, async_tree_eager_memoization, async_tree_eager_memoization_tg, async_tree_eager_tg, async_tree_io_tg, async_tree_memoization_tg, async_tree_none_tg, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers
  • 📄table
  • 📈time plot

vs. 3.12.0

  • Geometric mean: 1.179x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.12x faster at 99th %ile)
  • Memory usage: 1.18x
  • missing benchmarks: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, gunicorn, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
  • new benchmarks: async_tree_eager, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager_io, async_tree_eager_io_tg, async_tree_eager_memoization, async_tree_eager_memoization_tg, async_tree_eager_tg, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, genshi_text, genshi_xml, html5lib, k_core, many_optionals, pylint, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers, thrift
  • 📄table
  • 📈time plot

vs. 3.13.0

  • Geometric mean: 1.187x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.13x faster at 99th %ile)
  • Memory usage: 1.03x
  • missing benchmarks: chameleon, dask, djangocms, gevent_hub, gunicorn, tornado_http
  • 📄table
  • 📈time plot

vs. base

Results vs. 3.10.4

  • fork: Fidget-Spinner
  • ref: tail_call
  • machine: darwin-arm64
  • commit hash: f1d3190
  • commit date: 2025-01-07
  • overall geometric mean: 1.396x faster
  • HPT reliability: 100.00%
  • HPT 99th percentile: 1.28x faster
  • Memory change: 1.32x

Benchmarks with tag 'apps':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
2to3 192 ms 151 ms: 1.27x faster
docutils 1.73 sec 1.37 sec: 1.27x faster
html5lib 42.4 ms 29.0 ms: 1.46x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.33x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'asyncio':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
async_tree_io 980 ms 348 ms: 2.81x faster
async_tree_none 388 ms 152 ms: 2.55x faster
async_tree_memoization 474 ms 191 ms: 2.48x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 649 ms 401 ms: 1.62x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 2.32x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'math':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
float 69.0 ms 43.4 ms: 1.59x faster
nbody 93.0 ms 60.2 ms: 1.54x faster
pidigits 282 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.35x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'regex':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
regex_compile 95.3 ms 61.9 ms: 1.54x faster
regex_dna 174 ms 138 ms: 1.26x faster
regex_effbot 2.46 ms 2.05 ms: 1.20x faster
regex_v8 17.1 ms 16.8 ms: 1.02x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.24x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'serialize':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
unpickle_pure_python 194 us 120 us: 1.62x faster
pickle_pure_python 281 us 182 us: 1.54x faster
tomli_loads 1.71 sec 1.14 sec: 1.50x faster
xml_etree_process 46.5 ms 33.9 ms: 1.37x faster
json_dumps 8.11 ms 7.08 ms: 1.15x faster
xml_etree_generate 53.5 ms 48.4 ms: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_parse 108 ms 97.7 ms: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 72.1 ms 68.8 ms: 1.05x faster
json_loads 16.4 us 16.1 us: 1.02x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.25x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'startup':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
python_startup 10.9 ms 18.6 ms: 1.71x slower
python_startup_no_site 7.91 ms 13.6 ms: 1.72x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.72x slower

Benchmarks with tag 'template':

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
mako 9.87 ms 6.91 ms: 1.43x faster
genshi_text 17.3 ms 12.4 ms: 1.39x faster
django_template 26.4 ms 19.1 ms: 1.38x faster
genshi_xml 33.8 ms 26.5 ms: 1.28x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.37x faster

All benchmarks:

Benchmark bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
typing_runtime_protocols 323 us 89.7 us: 3.60x faster
async_tree_io 980 ms 348 ms: 2.81x faster
async_tree_none 388 ms 152 ms: 2.55x faster
async_tree_memoization 474 ms 191 ms: 2.48x faster
deltablue 4.91 ms 2.05 ms: 2.40x faster
go 151 ms 70.9 ms: 2.13x faster
deepcopy_memo 34.7 us 16.5 us: 2.10x faster
logging_silent 117 ns 57.8 ns: 2.03x faster
raytrace 301 ms 152 ms: 1.98x faster
deepcopy 272 us 140 us: 1.95x faster
chaos 65.8 ms 34.5 ms: 1.91x faster
generators 32.3 ms 17.2 ms: 1.88x faster
richards_super 57.8 ms 30.8 ms: 1.88x faster
pylint 277 ms 150 ms: 1.84x faster
sqlglot_parse 1.24 ms 684 us: 1.82x faster
richards 48.7 ms 27.4 ms: 1.78x faster
scimark_sor 128 ms 72.7 ms: 1.76x faster
scimark_monte_carlo 65.6 ms 37.6 ms: 1.74x faster
sqlglot_transpile 1.44 ms 840 us: 1.72x faster
asyncio_websockets 410 ms 242 ms: 1.70x faster
hexiom 6.19 ms 3.71 ms: 1.67x faster
unpickle_pure_python 194 us 120 us: 1.62x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 649 ms 401 ms: 1.62x faster
deepcopy_reduce 2.33 us 1.46 us: 1.60x faster
spectral_norm 94.8 ms 59.4 ms: 1.60x faster
scimark_lu 103 ms 64.6 ms: 1.59x faster
float 69.0 ms 43.4 ms: 1.59x faster
comprehensions 16.9 us 10.7 us: 1.58x faster
nbody 93.0 ms 60.2 ms: 1.54x faster
pickle_pure_python 281 us 182 us: 1.54x faster
crypto_pyaes 71.8 ms 46.6 ms: 1.54x faster
regex_compile 95.3 ms 61.9 ms: 1.54x faster
logging_simple 4.45 us 2.92 us: 1.52x faster
pyflate 427 ms 282 ms: 1.51x faster
logging_format 4.83 us 3.23 us: 1.50x faster
tomli_loads 1.71 sec 1.14 sec: 1.50x faster
pprint_pformat 1.30 sec 875 ms: 1.49x faster
pprint_safe_repr 641 ms 437 ms: 1.47x faster
html5lib 42.4 ms 29.0 ms: 1.46x faster
pycparser 877 ms 609 ms: 1.44x faster
sqlalchemy_imperative 8.86 ms 6.15 ms: 1.44x faster
mako 9.87 ms 6.91 ms: 1.43x faster
coroutines 20.7 ms 14.7 ms: 1.41x faster
genshi_text 17.3 ms 12.4 ms: 1.39x faster
django_template 26.4 ms 19.1 ms: 1.38x faster
thrift 572 us 416 us: 1.37x faster
xml_etree_process 46.5 ms 33.9 ms: 1.37x faster
dulwich_log 35.3 ms 26.2 ms: 1.35x faster
scimark_fft 224 ms 167 ms: 1.35x faster
sympy_sum 92.2 ms 69.3 ms: 1.33x faster
sqlalchemy_declarative 73.3 ms 55.3 ms: 1.33x faster
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 3.42 ms 2.60 ms: 1.32x faster
sympy_integrate 13.1 ms 10.2 ms: 1.29x faster
genshi_xml 33.8 ms 26.5 ms: 1.28x faster
sympy_str 165 ms 130 ms: 1.27x faster
2to3 192 ms 151 ms: 1.27x faster
docutils 1.73 sec 1.37 sec: 1.27x faster
fannkuch 303 ms 240 ms: 1.26x faster
regex_dna 174 ms 138 ms: 1.26x faster
nqueens 63.8 ms 50.7 ms: 1.26x faster
sympy_expand 269 ms 220 ms: 1.22x faster
sqlglot_optimize 36.8 ms 30.4 ms: 1.21x faster
regex_effbot 2.46 ms 2.05 ms: 1.20x faster
bench_thread_pool 527 us 454 us: 1.16x faster
json_dumps 8.11 ms 7.08 ms: 1.15x faster
mdp 1.63 sec 1.43 sec: 1.14x faster
sqlglot_normalize 190 ms 167 ms: 1.14x faster
meteor_contest 77.7 ms 70.0 ms: 1.11x faster
json 3.08 ms 2.78 ms: 1.11x faster
xml_etree_generate 53.5 ms 48.4 ms: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_parse 108 ms 97.7 ms: 1.10x faster
pathlib 24.5 ms 22.5 ms: 1.09x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 72.1 ms 68.8 ms: 1.05x faster
json_loads 16.4 us 16.1 us: 1.02x faster
regex_v8 17.1 ms 16.8 ms: 1.02x faster
pidigits 282 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
sqlite_synth 1.46 us 1.54 us: 1.05x slower
coverage 41.5 ms 45.0 ms: 1.08x slower
async_generators 231 ms 279 ms: 1.21x slower
telco 3.49 ms 4.41 ms: 1.26x slower
gc_traversal 2.36 ms 3.06 ms: 1.30x slower
create_gc_cycles 860 us 1.27 ms: 1.47x slower
bench_mp_pool 37.4 ms 59.9 ms: 1.60x slower
python_startup 10.9 ms 18.6 ms: 1.71x slower
python_startup_no_site 7.91 ms 13.6 ms: 1.72x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.39x faster
Ignored benchmarks (15) of results/bm-20220323-3.10.4-9d38120/bm-20220323-darwin-arm64-python-v3.10.4-3.10.4-9d38120.json: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
Ignored benchmarks (19) of results/bm-20250107-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190/bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190.json: async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager_io, async_tree_eager_io_tg, async_tree_eager_memoization, async_tree_eager_memoization_tg, async_tree_eager_tg, async_tree_io_tg, async_tree_memoization_tg, async_tree_none_tg, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers
  • Geometric mean (including insignificant results): 1.396x faster

HPT report

  • Reliability score: 100.00% likely to be faster
  • 90% likely to have a speedup of 1.33x
  • 95% likely to have a speedup of 1.32x
  • 99% likely to have a speedup of 1.28x


  • memory change: 1.32x
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Results vs. 3.12.0

  • fork: Fidget-Spinner
  • ref: tail_call
  • machine: darwin-arm64
  • commit hash: f1d3190
  • commit date: 2025-01-07
  • overall geometric mean: 1.179x faster
  • HPT reliability: 100.00%
  • HPT 99th percentile: 1.12x faster
  • Memory change: 1.18x

Benchmarks with tag 'apps':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
2to3 169 ms 151 ms: 1.12x faster
docutils 1.50 sec 1.37 sec: 1.10x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.11x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'asyncio':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
async_tree_io_tg 669 ms 331 ms: 2.02x faster
async_tree_io 668 ms 348 ms: 1.92x faster
async_tree_none_tg 258 ms 138 ms: 1.86x faster
async_tree_memoization_tg 323 ms 181 ms: 1.79x faster
async_tree_none 266 ms 152 ms: 1.74x faster
async_tree_memoization 312 ms 191 ms: 1.64x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 532 ms 398 ms: 1.34x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 526 ms 401 ms: 1.31x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.68x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'math':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
float 55.8 ms 43.4 ms: 1.29x faster
nbody 68.8 ms 60.2 ms: 1.14x faster
pidigits 282 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.14x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'regex':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
regex_effbot 2.64 ms 2.05 ms: 1.29x faster
regex_compile 77.9 ms 61.9 ms: 1.26x faster
regex_dna 154 ms 138 ms: 1.12x faster
regex_v8 16.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.05x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.14x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'serialize':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
unpickle_pure_python 151 us 120 us: 1.25x faster
tomli_loads 1.39 sec 1.14 sec: 1.22x faster
xml_etree_process 39.7 ms 33.9 ms: 1.17x faster
xml_etree_generate 55.8 ms 48.4 ms: 1.15x faster
pickle_pure_python 200 us 182 us: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_parse 106 ms 97.7 ms: 1.09x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 74.0 ms 68.8 ms: 1.08x faster
json_loads 17.2 us 16.1 us: 1.07x faster
json_dumps 6.22 ms 7.08 ms: 1.14x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.11x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'startup':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
python_startup_no_site 9.37 ms 13.6 ms: 1.45x slower
python_startup 11.4 ms 18.6 ms: 1.63x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.54x slower

Benchmarks with tag 'template':

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
django_template 22.3 ms 19.1 ms: 1.17x faster
mako 7.71 ms 6.91 ms: 1.12x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.14x faster

All benchmarks:

Benchmark bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
async_tree_io_tg 669 ms 331 ms: 2.02x faster
async_tree_io 668 ms 348 ms: 1.92x faster
async_tree_none_tg 258 ms 138 ms: 1.86x faster
generators 31.1 ms 17.2 ms: 1.81x faster
async_tree_memoization_tg 323 ms 181 ms: 1.79x faster
async_tree_none 266 ms 152 ms: 1.74x faster
asyncio_websockets 409 ms 242 ms: 1.69x faster
deepcopy 235 us 140 us: 1.68x faster
deepcopy_memo 27.7 us 16.5 us: 1.67x faster
async_tree_memoization 312 ms 191 ms: 1.64x faster
go 102 ms 70.9 ms: 1.43x faster
deepcopy_reduce 2.07 us 1.46 us: 1.42x faster
raytrace 212 ms 152 ms: 1.39x faster
comprehensions 14.5 us 10.7 us: 1.35x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 532 ms 398 ms: 1.34x faster
logging_silent 76.4 ns 57.8 ns: 1.32x faster
deltablue 2.71 ms 2.05 ms: 1.32x faster
coroutines 19.2 ms 14.7 ms: 1.31x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 526 ms 401 ms: 1.31x faster
spectral_norm 76.4 ms 59.4 ms: 1.29x faster
float 55.8 ms 43.4 ms: 1.29x faster
regex_effbot 2.64 ms 2.05 ms: 1.29x faster
logging_simple 3.69 us 2.92 us: 1.26x faster
regex_compile 77.9 ms 61.9 ms: 1.26x faster
unpickle_pure_python 151 us 120 us: 1.25x faster
sqlglot_parse 848 us 684 us: 1.24x faster
logging_format 3.98 us 3.23 us: 1.23x faster
chaos 42.5 ms 34.5 ms: 1.23x faster
nqueens 62.4 ms 50.7 ms: 1.23x faster
hexiom 4.54 ms 3.71 ms: 1.22x faster
tomli_loads 1.39 sec 1.14 sec: 1.22x faster
sqlglot_transpile 1.02 ms 840 us: 1.22x faster
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 3.14 ms 2.60 ms: 1.20x faster
scimark_sor 87.4 ms 72.7 ms: 1.20x faster
scimark_monte_carlo 45.0 ms 37.6 ms: 1.20x faster
scimark_lu 76.0 ms 64.6 ms: 1.18x faster
richards 32.1 ms 27.4 ms: 1.17x faster
xml_etree_process 39.7 ms 33.9 ms: 1.17x faster
richards_super 36.0 ms 30.8 ms: 1.17x faster
django_template 22.3 ms 19.1 ms: 1.17x faster
scimark_fft 195 ms 167 ms: 1.17x faster
pprint_pformat 1.01 sec 875 ms: 1.16x faster
xml_etree_generate 55.8 ms 48.4 ms: 1.15x faster
nbody 68.8 ms 60.2 ms: 1.14x faster
pprint_safe_repr 497 ms 437 ms: 1.14x faster
sympy_str 148 ms 130 ms: 1.14x faster
dulwich_log 29.8 ms 26.2 ms: 1.14x faster
sqlalchemy_declarative 62.3 ms 55.3 ms: 1.13x faster
2to3 169 ms 151 ms: 1.12x faster
sqlglot_optimize 34.0 ms 30.4 ms: 1.12x faster
sympy_sum 77.6 ms 69.3 ms: 1.12x faster
sympy_integrate 11.4 ms 10.2 ms: 1.12x faster
pyflate 316 ms 282 ms: 1.12x faster
regex_dna 154 ms 138 ms: 1.12x faster
mako 7.71 ms 6.91 ms: 1.12x faster
sqlglot_normalize 186 ms 167 ms: 1.11x faster
pycparser 677 ms 609 ms: 1.11x faster
crypto_pyaes 51.9 ms 46.6 ms: 1.11x faster
json 3.09 ms 2.78 ms: 1.11x faster
bench_thread_pool 504 us 454 us: 1.11x faster
mdp 1.58 sec 1.43 sec: 1.11x faster
docutils 1.50 sec 1.37 sec: 1.10x faster
sympy_expand 241 ms 220 ms: 1.10x faster
pickle_pure_python 200 us 182 us: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_parse 106 ms 97.7 ms: 1.09x faster
async_generators 304 ms 279 ms: 1.09x faster
sqlalchemy_imperative 6.68 ms 6.15 ms: 1.09x faster
pathlib 24.2 ms 22.5 ms: 1.08x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 74.0 ms 68.8 ms: 1.08x faster
json_loads 17.2 us 16.1 us: 1.07x faster
typing_runtime_protocols 93.0 us 89.7 us: 1.04x faster
fannkuch 248 ms 240 ms: 1.04x faster
meteor_contest 71.7 ms 70.0 ms: 1.03x faster
sqlite_synth 1.57 us 1.54 us: 1.02x faster
pidigits 282 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
regex_v8 16.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.05x slower
json_dumps 6.22 ms 7.08 ms: 1.14x slower
coverage 38.9 ms 45.0 ms: 1.16x slower
telco 3.68 ms 4.41 ms: 1.20x slower
gc_traversal 2.40 ms 3.06 ms: 1.28x slower
bench_mp_pool 44.9 ms 59.9 ms: 1.33x slower
python_startup_no_site 9.37 ms 13.6 ms: 1.45x slower
python_startup 11.4 ms 18.6 ms: 1.63x slower
create_gc_cycles 701 us 1.27 ms: 1.81x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.18x faster
Ignored benchmarks (14) of results/bm-20231002-3.12.0-0fb18b0/bm-20231002-darwin-arm64-python-v3.12.0-3.12.0-0fb18b0.json: aiohttp, asyncio_tcp, asyncio_tcp_ssl, chameleon, dask, gunicorn, mypy2, pickle, pickle_dict, pickle_list, tornado_http, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list
Ignored benchmarks (20) of results/bm-20250107-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190/bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190.json: async_tree_eager, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed, async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg, async_tree_eager_io, async_tree_eager_io_tg, async_tree_eager_memoization, async_tree_eager_memoization_tg, async_tree_eager_tg, bpe_tokeniser, connected_components, genshi_text, genshi_xml, html5lib, k_core, many_optionals, pylint, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers, thrift
  • Geometric mean (including insignificant results): 1.179x faster

HPT report

  • Reliability score: 100.00% likely to be faster
  • 90% likely to have a speedup of 1.13x
  • 95% likely to have a speedup of 1.13x
  • 99% likely to have a speedup of 1.12x


  • memory change: 1.18x
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Results vs. 3.13.0

  • fork: Fidget-Spinner
  • ref: tail_call
  • machine: darwin-arm64
  • commit hash: f1d3190
  • commit date: 2025-01-07
  • overall geometric mean: 1.187x faster
  • HPT reliability: 100.00%
  • HPT 99th percentile: 1.13x faster
  • Memory change: 1.03x

Benchmarks with tag 'apps':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
2to3 181 ms 151 ms: 1.20x faster
docutils 1.44 sec 1.37 sec: 1.06x faster
html5lib 36.6 ms 29.0 ms: 1.26x faster
sphinx 600 ms 539 ms: 1.11x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.16x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'asyncio':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
async_tree_memoization_tg 289 ms 181 ms: 1.60x faster
async_tree_eager_io 514 ms 340 ms: 1.51x faster
async_tree_io_tg 499 ms 331 ms: 1.51x faster
async_tree_io 510 ms 348 ms: 1.47x faster
async_tree_none_tg 199 ms 138 ms: 1.44x faster
async_tree_memoization 268 ms 191 ms: 1.41x faster
async_tree_none 212 ms 152 ms: 1.39x faster
async_tree_eager_io_tg 481 ms 345 ms: 1.39x faster
coroutines 19.8 ms 14.7 ms: 1.35x faster
async_tree_eager_memoization 168 ms 135 ms: 1.25x faster
async_tree_eager_memoization_tg 138 ms 115 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_eager 69.9 ms 58.8 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_eager_tg 48.0 ms 40.4 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 460 ms 401 ms: 1.15x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 448 ms 398 ms: 1.13x faster
async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed 373 ms 350 ms: 1.06x faster
async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg 346 ms 329 ms: 1.05x faster
async_generators 292 ms 279 ms: 1.05x faster
asyncio_websockets 243 ms 242 ms: 1.01x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.27x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'math':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
float 56.3 ms 43.4 ms: 1.30x faster
nbody 73.9 ms 60.2 ms: 1.23x faster
pidigits 284 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.17x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'regex':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
regex_effbot 2.62 ms 2.05 ms: 1.27x faster
regex_compile 78.6 ms 61.9 ms: 1.27x faster
regex_dna 148 ms 138 ms: 1.07x faster
regex_v8 17.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.01x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.15x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'serialize':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
tomli_loads 1.56 sec 1.14 sec: 1.37x faster
unpickle_pure_python 164 us 120 us: 1.37x faster
xml_etree_process 41.0 ms 33.9 ms: 1.21x faster
xml_etree_generate 57.0 ms 48.4 ms: 1.18x faster
pickle_pure_python 214 us 182 us: 1.17x faster
xml_etree_parse 107 ms 97.7 ms: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 74.1 ms 68.8 ms: 1.08x faster
json_loads 17.0 us 16.1 us: 1.06x faster
json_dumps 6.51 ms 7.08 ms: 1.09x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.15x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'startup':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
python_startup_no_site 15.8 ms 13.6 ms: 1.16x faster
python_startup 20.6 ms 18.6 ms: 1.11x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.13x faster

Benchmarks with tag 'template':

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
genshi_text 16.9 ms 12.4 ms: 1.36x faster
genshi_xml 34.1 ms 26.5 ms: 1.29x faster
mako 7.70 ms 6.91 ms: 1.11x faster
django_template 20.5 ms 19.1 ms: 1.08x faster
Geometric mean (ref) 1.20x faster

All benchmarks:

Benchmark bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5 bm-20250107-darwin-arm64-Fidget%2dSpinner-tail_call-3.14.0a3+-f1d3190
generators 31.5 ms 17.2 ms: 1.83x faster
deepcopy 234 us 140 us: 1.68x faster
deepcopy_memo 27.3 us 16.5 us: 1.65x faster
go 115 ms 70.9 ms: 1.62x faster
async_tree_memoization_tg 289 ms 181 ms: 1.60x faster
async_tree_eager_io 514 ms 340 ms: 1.51x faster
async_tree_io_tg 499 ms 331 ms: 1.51x faster
async_tree_io 510 ms 348 ms: 1.47x faster
scimark_sor 106 ms 72.7 ms: 1.45x faster
async_tree_none_tg 199 ms 138 ms: 1.44x faster
deepcopy_reduce 2.08 us 1.46 us: 1.43x faster
async_tree_memoization 268 ms 191 ms: 1.41x faster
async_tree_none 212 ms 152 ms: 1.39x faster
async_tree_eager_io_tg 481 ms 345 ms: 1.39x faster
tomli_loads 1.56 sec 1.14 sec: 1.37x faster
unpickle_pure_python 164 us 120 us: 1.37x faster
genshi_text 16.9 ms 12.4 ms: 1.36x faster
coroutines 19.8 ms 14.7 ms: 1.35x faster
scimark_monte_carlo 50.6 ms 37.6 ms: 1.35x faster
hexiom 4.83 ms 3.71 ms: 1.30x faster
deltablue 2.67 ms 2.05 ms: 1.30x faster
float 56.3 ms 43.4 ms: 1.30x faster
genshi_xml 34.1 ms 26.5 ms: 1.29x faster
spectral_norm 76.3 ms 59.4 ms: 1.28x faster
richards 35.2 ms 27.4 ms: 1.28x faster
regex_effbot 2.62 ms 2.05 ms: 1.27x faster
richards_super 39.2 ms 30.8 ms: 1.27x faster
regex_compile 78.6 ms 61.9 ms: 1.27x faster
html5lib 36.6 ms 29.0 ms: 1.26x faster
pyflate 355 ms 282 ms: 1.26x faster
sqlglot_parse 859 us 684 us: 1.26x faster
pprint_pformat 1.10 sec 875 ms: 1.26x faster
async_tree_eager_memoization 168 ms 135 ms: 1.25x faster
logging_simple 3.59 us 2.92 us: 1.23x faster
nbody 73.9 ms 60.2 ms: 1.23x faster
pprint_safe_repr 535 ms 437 ms: 1.23x faster
sqlglot_transpile 1.03 ms 840 us: 1.22x faster
nqueens 61.8 ms 50.7 ms: 1.22x faster
logging_silent 70.1 ns 57.8 ns: 1.21x faster
xml_etree_process 41.0 ms 33.9 ms: 1.21x faster
logging_format 3.90 us 3.23 us: 1.21x faster
2to3 181 ms 151 ms: 1.20x faster
scimark_fft 200 ms 167 ms: 1.20x faster
chaos 41.3 ms 34.5 ms: 1.20x faster
pylint 179 ms 150 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_eager_memoization_tg 138 ms 115 ms: 1.19x faster
raytrace 181 ms 152 ms: 1.19x faster
fannkuch 285 ms 240 ms: 1.19x faster
scimark_lu 76.7 ms 64.6 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_eager 69.9 ms 58.8 ms: 1.19x faster
async_tree_eager_tg 48.0 ms 40.4 ms: 1.19x faster
xml_etree_generate 57.0 ms 48.4 ms: 1.18x faster
pickle_pure_python 214 us 182 us: 1.17x faster
crypto_pyaes 54.4 ms 46.6 ms: 1.17x faster
pycparser 708 ms 609 ms: 1.16x faster
python_startup_no_site 15.8 ms 13.6 ms: 1.16x faster
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 3.00 ms 2.60 ms: 1.15x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 460 ms 401 ms: 1.15x faster
sqlglot_optimize 34.8 ms 30.4 ms: 1.14x faster
typing_runtime_protocols 103 us 89.7 us: 1.14x faster
bpe_tokeniser 3.25 sec 2.86 sec: 1.14x faster
sqlglot_normalize 188 ms 167 ms: 1.13x faster
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed_tg 448 ms 398 ms: 1.13x faster
sympy_expand 247 ms 220 ms: 1.13x faster
bench_thread_pool 508 us 454 us: 1.12x faster
comprehensions 12.0 us 10.7 us: 1.12x faster
thrift 465 us 416 us: 1.12x faster
sympy_str 145 ms 130 ms: 1.12x faster
sympy_integrate 11.3 ms 10.2 ms: 1.11x faster
mako 7.70 ms 6.91 ms: 1.11x faster
sphinx 600 ms 539 ms: 1.11x faster
python_startup 20.6 ms 18.6 ms: 1.11x faster
k_core 1.62 sec 1.47 sec: 1.10x faster
json 3.06 ms 2.78 ms: 1.10x faster
xml_etree_parse 107 ms 97.7 ms: 1.10x faster
shortest_path 349 ms 320 ms: 1.09x faster
dulwich_log 28.6 ms 26.2 ms: 1.09x faster
sqlalchemy_imperative 6.68 ms 6.15 ms: 1.09x faster
telco 4.79 ms 4.41 ms: 1.09x faster
sympy_sum 75.1 ms 69.3 ms: 1.08x faster
bench_mp_pool 64.9 ms 59.9 ms: 1.08x faster
xml_etree_iterparse 74.1 ms 68.8 ms: 1.08x faster
django_template 20.5 ms 19.1 ms: 1.08x faster
meteor_contest 75.1 ms 70.0 ms: 1.07x faster
regex_dna 148 ms 138 ms: 1.07x faster
sqlalchemy_declarative 59.1 ms 55.3 ms: 1.07x faster
connected_components 320 ms 300 ms: 1.07x faster
async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed 373 ms 350 ms: 1.06x faster
json_loads 17.0 us 16.1 us: 1.06x faster
docutils 1.44 sec 1.37 sec: 1.06x faster
async_tree_eager_cpu_io_mixed_tg 346 ms 329 ms: 1.05x faster
mdp 1.50 sec 1.43 sec: 1.05x faster
async_generators 292 ms 279 ms: 1.05x faster
pathlib 23.3 ms 22.5 ms: 1.04x faster
pidigits 284 ms 280 ms: 1.01x faster
regex_v8 17.0 ms 16.8 ms: 1.01x faster
coverage 45.5 ms 45.0 ms: 1.01x faster
sqlite_synth 1.56 us 1.54 us: 1.01x faster
asyncio_websockets 243 ms 242 ms: 1.01x faster
gc_traversal 2.93 ms 3.06 ms: 1.04x slower
create_gc_cycles 1.20 ms 1.27 ms: 1.06x slower
json_dumps 6.51 ms 7.08 ms: 1.09x slower
subparsers 9.50 ms 11.4 ms: 1.20x slower
many_optionals 324 us 423 us: 1.30x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.19x faster
Ignored benchmarks (6) of results/bm-20241007-3.13.0-60403a5/bm-20241007-darwin-arm64-python-v3.13.0-3.13.0-60403a5.json: chameleon, dask, djangocms, gevent_hub, gunicorn, tornado_http
  • Geometric mean (including insignificant results): 1.187x faster

HPT report

  • Reliability score: 100.00% likely to be faster
  • 90% likely to have a speedup of 1.14x
  • 95% likely to have a speedup of 1.13x
  • 99% likely to have a speedup of 1.13x


  • memory change: 1.03x
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