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Last active February 20, 2025 19:46
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  • Save mdbraber/bf37df37967903ad0b0e4a6285533983 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Save Safari website as PDF (with syncing cookies)
@preconcurrency import WebKit
@preconcurrency import Foundation
@preconcurrency import Darwin
// Disable everything written to stderr
freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr)
struct Cookie {
var domain: String
var path: String
var secure: Bool
var expires: Date?
var name: String
var value: String
struct CookieFlags {
static let secure: Int = 0x01
static let httpOnly: Int = 0x04
extension Data {
func read(location:Int, length: Int) -> Data {
if location >= self.count || length <= 0 {
return Data()
let endLocation = location + length
if self.count < endLocation {
return self.subdata(in: location..<(self.count - location))
return self.subdata(in: location..<(location + length))
func string(encoding: String.Encoding) -> String? {
return String(data: self, encoding: encoding)
func readUntilZero(from startIndex: Int) -> Data {
let start = startIndex
// Find the next zero byte
guard let zeroIndex = self[start...].firstIndex(of: 0) else {
// If no zero byte is found, return the remainder of the data
return self[start...]
// Extract the data up to (but not including) the zero byte
let resultData = self[start..<zeroIndex]
// Return the data and the index after the zero byte
return Data(resultData)
class BinaryCookiesReader {
static func getCookies() -> [Cookie] {
let path = NSHomeDirectory().appending("/Library/Containers/")
return self.readCookies(path: path)
static func getCookies(like domain:String) -> [Cookie] {
let path = NSHomeDirectory().appending("/Library/Containers/")
return self.readCookies(path: path).filter { $0.domain.contains(domain) }
static func readCookies(path: String) -> [Cookie] {
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path)) else {
return []
return self.readCookies(data: data)
static func readCookies(data: Data) -> [Cookie] {
var curentLocation: Int = 0
var cookieList:[Cookie] = []
let file_header = curentLocation, length: 4)
curentLocation += 4
if String(data: file_header , encoding: .utf8) != "cook" {
debugPrint("Not a Cookies.binarycookie file")
return cookieList
// pageCount
let pageCount = self.bytesToInt(data: curentLocation, length: 4) , isBe: true)
curentLocation += 4
guard pageCount - 1 >= 0 else {
return cookieList
// pageSize of page
var pageSize:[Int] = []
for _ in 0...(pageCount - 1) {
let size = self.bytesToInt(data: curentLocation, length: 4) , isBe: true)
curentLocation += 4
// cookie
for i in 0...(pageCount - 1) {
let begin = curentLocation, length: pageSize[i])
let cookies = self.handleCookieData(data: begin)
cookieList.append(contentsOf: cookies)
curentLocation += pageSize[i]
return cookieList
static func handleCookieData(data: Data) -> [Cookie] {
let cookieData = data
var tempLocation:Int = 0
var cookieList:[Cookie] = []
let pageHeader = self.bytesToInt(data: cookieData, isBe: true)
tempLocation += 4
if pageHeader != 0x00000100 {
debugPrint("page header is error, not 0x00000100!")
return cookieList
let cookieCount = self.bytesToInt(data: tempLocation, length: 4) , isBe: false)
tempLocation += 4
if cookieCount - 1 >= 0 {
for _ in 0...(cookieCount - 1 ) {
let offset = self.bytesToInt(data: tempLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
tempLocation += 4
let contentData = offset, length: cookieData.count - offset)
var contentDataLocation = 0
//let cookieSize = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
// let version = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
let flags = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
//let hasPort = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
let domain_offset = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
let name_offset = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
let path_offset = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
let value_offset = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 4), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 4
//let endofcookie = self.bytesToInt(data: contentDataLocation, length: 8), isBe: false)
contentDataLocation += 8
let data:NSData = contentDataLocation, length: 8) as NSData
contentDataLocation += 8
var out:double_t = 0;
memcpy(&out, data.bytes, MemoryLayout<double_t>.size);
let expiry_date_epoch = Int64(out) + Int64(978307200)
let expires:Date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(expiry_date_epoch))
let domainData = contentData.readUntilZero(from: domain_offset)
let domain = String(data: domainData, encoding: .utf8)?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "") ?? ""
let nameData = contentData.readUntilZero(from: name_offset)
let name = String(data: nameData, encoding: .utf8)?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "") ?? ""
let pathData = contentData.readUntilZero(from: path_offset)
let path = String(data: pathData, encoding: .utf8)?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "") ?? ""
let valueData = contentData.readUntilZero(from: value_offset)
let value = String(data: valueData, encoding: .utf8)?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "") ?? ""
let cookie = Cookie(
domain: domain,
path: path,
secure: (flags & != 0,
expires: expires,
name: name,
value: value
return cookieList
static func bytesToInt(data: Data, isBe: Bool) -> Int {
if data.count < 4 {
return 0
let temp = [UInt8](data)
var src:[UInt64] = []
for item in temp {
if isBe {
let first = (src[3] & 0xFF) | ((src[2] & 0xFF)<<8)
return Int(first | ((src[1] & 0xFF)<<16) | ((src[0] & 0xFF)<<24))
} else {
let first = (src[0] & 0xFF) | ((src[1] & 0xFF)<<8)
return Int(first | ((src[2] & 0xFF)<<16) | ((src[3] & 0xFF)<<24))
class SaveWebView: WKWebView, WKNavigationDelegate {
var contentHeight: CGFloat
private var loadCompletion: ((Error?) -> Void)?
override init(frame: CGRect, configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) {
self.contentHeight = frame.height
super.init(frame: frame, configuration: configuration)
self.navigationDelegate = self
configuration.websiteDataStore = .default()
configuration.processPool = WKProcessPool()
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
// Initialize for storyboard/xib usage
self.contentHeight = 0
super.init(coder: coder)
self.navigationDelegate = self
func load(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
self.loadCompletion = completion
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
func loadCookiesFromFile(path: String) -> [Cookie] {
guard let content = try? String(contentsOfFile: path, encoding: .utf8) else {
print("Could not read cookie file")
return []
var cookies: [Cookie] = []
let lines = content.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
for line in lines {
// Skip comments and empty lines
if line.starts(with: "#") || line.isEmpty {
let parts = line.components(separatedBy: "\t")
if parts.count < 7 {
print("Invalid cookie format: \(line)")
if parts.count >= 7 {
let domain = parts[0]
let path = parts[2]
let secure = parts[3] == "TRUE"
let expiryString = parts[4]
let name = parts[5]
let value = parts[6]
// Convert expiry timestamp
let expires = Double(expiryString).flatMap { Date(timeIntervalSince1970: $0) }
let cookie = Cookie(
domain: domain,
path: path,
secure: secure,
expires: expires,
name: name,
value: value
return cookies
func syncCookiesToWebView(cookies: [Cookie], completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
for cookieData in cookies {
var properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey: Any] = [
.domain: cookieData.domain as String,
.path: cookieData.path as String,
.name: as String,
.value: cookieData.value as String,
.secure: as Bool
if let expires = cookieData.expires {
properties[.expires] = expires
if let cookie = HTTPCookie(properties: properties) {
self.configuration.websiteDataStore.httpCookieStore.setCookie(cookie) {
group.notify(queue: .main) {
func loadUrlWithFileCookies(url: URL, cookieFilePath: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let cookies = loadCookiesFromFile(path: cookieFilePath)
syncCookiesToWebView(cookies: cookies) {
self.load(url: url, completion: completion)
func loadUrlWithSyncedCookies(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let cookies = BinaryCookiesReader.getCookies(like:!)
syncCookiesToWebView(cookies: cookies) {
self.load(url: url, completion: completion)
func scrollPage(_ timeout: Int) {
let javascript = """
(async function () {
const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
const totalHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
while (window.scrollY < totalHeight - viewportHeight) {
top: viewportHeight,
behavior: 'smooth'
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, \(timeout)));
self.evaluateJavaScript(javascript) { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Error preloading images: \(error.localizedDescription)")
/// Save a copy of the web view's contents as a webarchive file.
/// This method will block until the webarchive has been saved,
/// or the save has failed for some reason.
func saveAsWebArchive(savePath: URL, contentHeight: CGFloat) {
var isSaving = true
// Create PDF configuration with full content size
let config = WKPDFConfiguration()
// Set the rect to cover the entire content
config.rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 900, height: contentHeight)
//self.createWebArchiveData(completionHandler: { result in
self.createPDF(configuration: config, completionHandler: { result in
do {
let data = try result.get()
try data.write(
to: savePath,
options: [Data.WritingOptions.withoutOverwriting]
isSaving = false
} catch {
fputs("Unable to save webarchive file: \(error.localizedDescription)\n", stderr)
while (isSaving) { Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1))
// WKNavigationDelegate Methods
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
self.evaluateJavaScript("document.documentElement.scrollHeight") { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Error getting scrollHeight: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
self.contentHeight = result as! CGFloat
group.notify(queue: .main) {
self.loadCompletion = nil
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFail navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: Error) {
print("Navigation failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.loadCompletion = nil
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFailProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: Error) {
self.loadCompletion = nil
guard CommandLine.arguments.count == 3 else {
fputs("Usage: \(CommandLine.arguments[0]) <URL> <OUTPUT_PATH>\n", stderr)
var keepRunning = true
let frameHeight: Int = 1200
let scrollTimeout: Double = 0.25
let webView = SaveWebView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 900, height: frameHeight))
let url = URL(string: CommandLine.arguments[1])!
let savePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: CommandLine.arguments[2])
func wait(seconds: Double) {
let until = Date().addingTimeInterval(seconds)
repeat { .default, before: until)
} while Date() < until
webView.loadUrlWithSyncedCookies(url: url) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Failed to load the page: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
wait(seconds: 5.0)
webView.scrollPage(Int(scrollTimeout * 1000))
wait(seconds: ceil(Double(webView.contentHeight) / Double(frameHeight)) * scrollTimeout * 1.1)
//print(webView.title as Any)
webView.saveAsWebArchive(savePath: savePath, contentHeight: webView.contentHeight)
keepRunning = false
while keepRunning { .default, before: .distantFuture)
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