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Created April 13, 2017 20:36
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(Java SDK) Import User with SHA-1 Password into Stormpath
A super basic script that shows how to import a user with a freshly SHA-1 hashed password into Stormpath
and authenticate him using the Java SDK (version 1.5.5):
NOTE: You will need to add the apache commons codec jar (version 1.10) to your project in order to use DigestUtils
public class Quickstart {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(quickstart.class);
private static String APPLICATION_NAME = "My Application";
public static void main(String[] args) {
ClientBuilder builder = Clients.builder();
Client client =;
Tenant tenant = client.getCurrentTenant();"Current Tenant: " + tenant.getHref() + ", " + tenant.getName());
ApplicationList applications = tenant.getApplications(
Application application = applications.iterator().next();"Application: " + application.getHref() + ", " + application.getName());
Account account = client.instantiate(Account.class);
//Create the sha-1 hash of the password & return it as a byte array
byte[] byte_array = DigestUtils.sha1("Changeme1");
//Base 64 encode the byte array and convert it into a string
String pwd = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(byte_array);
//Create the password string according to the docs:
String MCFEncode = "$stormpath2$SHA-1$1$$" + pwd;
//Set the account properties
.setEmail("[email protected]")
// Create the account! :)
account = application.createAccount(Accounts.newCreateRequestFor(account).setPasswordFormat(PasswordFormat.MCF).build());
// Search for the newly created User Account
Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
queryParams.put("email", "[email protected]");
AccountList accounts = application.getAccounts(queryParams);
account = accounts.iterator().next();"Found Account: " + account.getHref() + ", " + account.getEmail());
String usernameOrEmail = "[email protected]";
String rawPassword = "Changeme1";
// Create an authentication request using the credentials
AuthenticationRequest request = UsernamePasswordRequests.builder()
// Authenticate the account against the application:
try {
AuthenticationResult result = application.authenticateAccount(request);
account = result.getAccount();"Authenticated Account: " + account.getUsername() + ", Email: " + account.getEmail());
} catch (ResourceException ex) {
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