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Last active October 24, 2021 14:25
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module Ui.Table exposing
( Column, column, header, withWidth, withStickyColumn
, view, Config, columns
, withRowKey, onRowClick, withStickyHeader, withStickyRow, withScrollable
, viewWithState
, columnWithState, withVisibility, withOrder
, withSort
myTable =
[ Ui.Table.column
{ header = Ui.Table.header "Name"
, view =
\row ->
, Ui.Table.column
{ header = Ui.Table.header "Occupation"
, view =
\row ->
Ui.text row.occupation
viewTable model =
Ui.Table.view [] myTable
## Column Configuration
@docs Column, column, header, withWidth, withStickyColumn
## Table Configuration
@docs view, Config, columns
@docs withRowKey, onRowClick, withStickyHeader, withStickyRow, withScrollable
# Advanced Tables with State
@docs viewWithState
@docs columnWithState, withVisibility, withOrder
@docs withSort
import Ui exposing (Attribute, Element)
{-| -}
type alias Config state data msg =
{ toKey : data -> String
, columns : List (Column state data msg)
, sort : Maybe (state -> List data -> List data)
, onRowClick : Maybe (data -> msg)
, headerStick : Bool
, rowStick : data -> Bool
, scrollable : Bool
{-| -}
columns :
List (Column state data msg)
-> Config state data msg
columns cols =
{ toKey = \_ -> "keyed"
, columns = cols
, onRowClick = Nothing
, headerStick = False
, rowStick = \_ -> False
{-| Adding a `key` to a row will automatically use `Keyed` under the hood.
withRowKey : (data -> String) -> Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
withRowKey toKey (Config cfg) =
{ cfg | toKey = toKey }
{-| -}
onRowClick : (data -> msg) -> Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
onRowClick onClick cfg =
{ cfg | onRowClick = onClick }
{-| -}
withStickyHeader : Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
withStickyHeader cfg =
{ cfg | headerStick = True }
{-| -}
withSort : (state -> List data -> List data) -> Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
withSort sort cfg =
{ cfg | sort = Just sort }
{-| -}
withStickyRow : (data -> Bool) -> Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
withStickyRow rowStick cfg =
{ cfg | rowStick = rowStick }
{-| -}
withScrollable : Config state data msg -> Config state data msg
withScrollable cfg =
{ cfg | scrollable = True }
{-| -}
type Column state data msg
= Column
{ header : state -> Element msg
, width :
{ fill : Bool
, min : Maybe Int
, max : Maybe Int
, view : Int -> state -> data -> Element msg
, visible : state -> Bool
, order : state -> Int
, sticky : Bool
{-| A simple header with some default styling.
Feel free to make your own! This is just an `Element`
header : String -> Element msg
header str =
Ui.el []
(Ui.text str)
{-| -}
column :
{ header : Element msg
, view : data -> Element msg
-> Column state data msg
column input =
{ header = \state -> input.header
, view = \index state data -> input.view data
, id = Nothing
, width = Nothing
, visible = \_ -> True
, order = \_ -> 0
, sticky = False
{-| -}
columnWithState :
{ header : state -> Element msg
, view : Int -> state -> data -> Element msg
-> Column state data msg
columnWithState input =
{ header = input.header
, view = input.view
, id = Nothing
, width = Nothing
, visible = \_ -> True
, order = \_ -> 0
, sticky = False
{-| -}
withWidth :
{ fill : Bool
, min : Maybe Int
, max : Maybe Int
-> Column state data msg
-> Column state data msg
withWidth col =
{-| -}
withStickyColumn : Column state data msg -> Column state data msg
withStickyColumn col =
{-| -}
withVisibility : (state -> Bool) -> Column state data msg -> Column state data msg
withVisibility col =
{-| -}
withOrder : (state -> Int) -> Column state data msg -> Column state data msg
withOrder col =
{-| -}
view :
List (Attribute msg)
-> Config () data msg
-> List data
-> Element msg
view attrs config data =
Debug.todo "Do da table"
{-| -}
viewWithState :
List (Attribute msg)
-> Config state data msg
-> state
-> List data
-> Element msg
viewWithState attrs config state data =
Debug.todo "With state!"
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