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Daniel Martinez mdmartinez

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erikig / common-domain-prefix-suffix-list.tsv
Last active January 22, 2025 20:13
Top 5000 Most Common Domain Prefix/Suffix List - Courtesy LeanDomainSearch -, Google Sheets version with changes to domain length -
Rank Type Prefix/Suffix Length
1 Prefix my+ 2
2 Suffix +online 6
3 Prefix the+ 3
4 Suffix +web 3
5 Suffix +media 5
6 Prefix web+ 3
7 Suffix +world 5
8 Suffix +net 3
9 Prefix go+ 2
raysan5 /
Last active February 16, 2025 01:13
A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines



A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a relatively small studio. I know there are some companies using custom engines but it's very difficult to find a detailed market study with that kind of information curated and updated. So this article.

Nowadays lots of companies choose engines like Unreal or Unity for their games (or that's what lot of people think) because d

ageis /
Last active December 29, 2024 01:12
Technical guide for using YubiKey series 4 for GPG and SSH

YubiKey 4 series GPG and SSH setup guide

Written for fairly adept technical users, preferably of Debian GNU/Linux, not for absolute beginners.

You'll probably be working with a single smartcard, so you'll want only one primary key (1. Sign & Certify) and two associated subkeys (2. Encrypt, 3. Authenticate). I've published a Bash function which automates this slightly special key generation process.

aparrish / understanding-word-vectors.ipynb
Last active March 10, 2025 03:06
Understanding word vectors: A tutorial for "Reading and Writing Electronic Text," a class I teach at ITP. (Python 2.7) Code examples released under CC0, other text released under CC BY 4.0
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aparrish / spacy_intro.ipynb
Last active July 29, 2024 21:03
NLP Concepts with spaCy. Code examples released under CC0, other text released under CC BY 4.0
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kamaljoshi / check_cloudflare.rb
Last active May 27, 2017 21:57
This script collects domains from your Chrome history for the default profile and checks to see if they are being proxied through Cloudflare by checking presence of a header.
# Except sqlite3 all the libraries are standard that should be present with a Ruby installation.
# If you don't have sqlite3 installed. Use `gem install sqlite3`
require 'fileutils'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'set'
require 'thread'

things I don't know

I took this list from What CS majors should know.

I think it is fun to list things I don't know so I did it =D. I actually found it to be a cool exercise -- maybe I should do a fun graphics project and learn about Open GL!

i wrote this because, while i think the things on this list are potentially worth knowing, and I actually think it's an awesome list of project ideas as well as good food for thought for people developing CS curricula (many of the things I don't know are great exercises!) -- I thought it was really weird to say that every CS student should know all of them. I have a CS degree and I learned very few of the things I do know inside my degree.

I classify "do know" as anything that I have a reasonable grasp of or at least some basic experience with -- the kind of experience I'd expect a CS student to be able to get. If I say I don't know something, it means either I know pretty much nothing about it (for "gr

epixoip /
Last active November 3, 2024 15:42
8x Nvidia GTX 1080 Hashcat Benchmarks
# see
# core
brew install coreutils
# key commands
brew install binutils
brew install diffutils
brew install ed --default-names
brew install findutils --with-default-names
vasanthk / System
Last active March 6, 2025 11:22
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?