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Created October 8, 2014 20:01
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Robot arm scout
var util = require('util');
var Scout = require('zetta').Scout;
var RobotServer = require('./robot_server');
var RobotArm = require('./robot_arm');
//Inherit scouty goodness
var RobotArmScout = module.exports = function(){;
//This is the server we use to communicate with the robot arm
this.updServer = new RobotServer();
util.inherits(RobotArmScout, Scout);
//Initialize function
RobotArmScout.prototype.init = function(next){
var self = this;
//Start up our UDP server, and listen for our robot arm
//If a robot arm comes online
this.updServer.on('online', function(socket, port, ip){
//Let's check if this arm has come online previously
var query = self.server.where({ type: 'arm' });
self.server.find(query, function(err, results) {
if(err) {
//An arm has come online previously
if (results.length) {
//Let's initialize it with saved info from the registry
self.provision(results[0], RobotArm, socket, port, ip);
} else {
//This is a new arm that has come online. Let's initialize it normally., socket, port, ip);
//Scouting setup complete. Move on to the next scout.
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