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Created January 17, 2023 22:22
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A simple http get example, using the Smarty US Street Address API (but no error handling or deferred functions)
package main
import (
func main() {
inputs := [][]string{
{"3214 N University Ave", "Provo", "UT"},
{"2335 S State St", "Provo", "UT"},
// more here?
for _, address := range validateAddresses("84604", inputs) {
func validateAddresses(targetZIPCode string, records [][]string) (results []Address) {
for _, record := range records {
for _, candidate := range validateAddress(record) {
if strings.Contains(candidate.LastLine, targetZIPCode) {
results = append(results, candidate)
return results
func validateAddress(record []string) (results []Address) {
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", smartyAPIURL, nil)
params := request.URL.Query()
params.Set("auth-id", smartyAuthID)
params.Set("auth-token", smartyAuthToken)
params.Set("street", record[0])
params.Set("city", record[1])
params.Set("state", record[2])
request.URL.RawQuery = params.Encode()
response, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(request)
_ = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&results)
_ = response.Body.Close()
return results
var (
smartyAPIURL = ""
smartyAuthID = os.Getenv("SMARTY_AUTH_ID")
smartyAuthToken = os.Getenv("SMARTY_AUTH_TOKEN")
type Address struct {
DeliveryLine1 string `json:"delivery_line_1"`
DeliveryLine2 string `json:"delivery_line_2"`
LastLine string `json:"last_line"`
func (this Address) String() string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(
fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", this.DeliveryLine1, this.DeliveryLine2, this.LastLine),
"\n\n", "\n")
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