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Last active October 9, 2021 18:02
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freelook camera test
# original:
extends Camera
export(float, 0.0, 1.0) var sensitivity = 0.25
# Mouse state
var _mouse_position = Vector2(0.0, 0.0)
var _total_pitch = 0.0
# Movement state
var _direction = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var _velocity = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var _acceleration = 30
var _deceleration = -10
var _vel_multiplier = 4
# Keyboard state
var _w = false
var _s = false
var _a = false
var _d = false
var _q = false
var _e = false
func _ready():
func _input(event):
# Receives mouse motion
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
_mouse_position = event.relative
# Receives mouse button input
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
match event.button_index:
BUTTON_RIGHT: # Only allows rotation if right click down
# Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED if event.pressed else Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE)
BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: # Increases max velocity
_vel_multiplier = clamp(_vel_multiplier * 1.1, 0.2, 20)
BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: # Decereases max velocity
_vel_multiplier = clamp(_vel_multiplier / 1.1, 0.2, 20)
# Receives key input
if event is InputEventKey:
match event.scancode:
_w = event.pressed
_s = event.pressed
_a = event.pressed
_d = event.pressed
_q = event.pressed
_e = event.pressed
# Updates mouselook and movement every frame
func _process(delta):
# Updates camera movement
func _update_movement(delta):
# Computes desired direction from key states
_direction = Vector3(_d as float - _a as float,
_e as float - _q as float,
_s as float - _w as float)
# Computes the change in velocity due to desired direction and "drag"
# The "drag" is a constant acceleration on the camera to bring it's velocity to 0
var offset = _direction.normalized() * _acceleration * _vel_multiplier * delta \
+ _velocity.normalized() * _deceleration * _vel_multiplier * delta
# Checks if we should bother translating the camera
if _direction == Vector3.ZERO and offset.length_squared() > _velocity.length_squared():
# Sets the velocity to 0 to prevent jittering due to imperfect deceleration
_velocity = Vector3.ZERO
# Clamps speed to stay within maximum value (_vel_multiplier)
_velocity.x = clamp(_velocity.x + offset.x, -_vel_multiplier, _vel_multiplier)
_velocity.y = clamp(_velocity.y + offset.y, -_vel_multiplier, _vel_multiplier)
_velocity.z = clamp(_velocity.z + offset.z, -_vel_multiplier, _vel_multiplier)
# translation = lerp(translation, _velocity * delta, 1.0)
# translation = lerp(translation, translation+_velocity * delta, _acceleration*0.1)
# translation+=_velocity*delta
translate(_velocity * delta)
# Updates mouse look
func _update_mouselook():
# Only rotates mouse if the mouse is captured
if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED:
_mouse_position *= sensitivity
var yaw = _mouse_position.x
var pitch = _mouse_position.y
_mouse_position = Vector2(0, 0)
# Prevents looking up/down too far
pitch = clamp(pitch, -90 - _total_pitch, 90 - _total_pitch)
_total_pitch += pitch
rotate_object_local(Vector3(1,0,0), deg2rad(-pitch))
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