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Created May 11, 2019 03:52
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ToneMap UE4+GT Plot
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.messagebox as tkmsg
import numpy as np
# XYZ_2_AP0_MAT = np.array([
# [1.0498110175, 0.0, -0.0000974845],
# [-0.4959030231, 1.3733130458, 0.0982400361],
# [0.0, 0.0, 0.9912520182]])
# AP0_2_XYZ_MAT = np.array([
# [ 0.952552396, 0.00000000, 0.0000936785927],
# [ 0.343966450, 0.728166097, -0.0721325464],
# [ 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 1.00882518]])
XYZ_2_AP1_MAT = np.array([
[1.6410233797, -0.3248032942, -0.2364246952],
[-0.6636628587, 1.6153315917, 0.0167563477],
[0.0117218943, -0.0082844420, 0.9883948585]])
AP1_2_XYZ_MAT = np.array([
[ 0.66245418, 0.13400421, 0.15618769],
[ 0.27222872, 0.67408177, 0.05368952],
[-0.00557465, 0.00406073, 1.0103391 ]])
AP1_RGB2Y = AP1_2_XYZ_MAT[1]
RGB_2_XYZ_MAT = np.array([
[0.412391, 0.357585, 0.180482],
[0.212639, 0.71517, 0.0721926],
[0.0193308, 0.119195, 0.950536]])
XYZ_2_RGB_MAT = np.array(
[[ 3.24096769, -1.53738183, -0.49861209],
[-0.96924115, 1.87596362, 0.04155539],
[ 0.05562988, -0.20397614, 1.0569672 ]])
D65_2_D60_CAT = np.array([
[1.01303, 0.00610531, -0.014971],
[0.00769823, 0.998165, -0.00503202],
[-0.00284131, 0.00468513, 0.924507]])
D60_2_D65_CAT = np.array(
[[ 0.9872288, -0.0061133, 0.01595341],
[-0.0075984, 1.00185983, 0.00533 ],
[ 0.00307258, -0.00509592, 1.08167959]])
# AP0_2_AP1_MAT =, AP0_2_XYZ_MAT)
# AP1_2_AP0_MAT =, AP1_2_XYZ_MAT)
# AP1_2_AP0_MAT = np.array(
# [[ 1.45143932, -0.23651075, -0.21492857],
# [-0.07655377, 1.1762297, -0.09967593],
# [ 0.00831615, -0.00603245, 0.9977163 ]])
# AP0_2_AP1_MAT = np.array(
# [[ 0.69545224, 0.1406787, 0.16386906],
# [ 0.04479456, 0.85967112, 0.09553432],
# [-0.00552588, 0.00402521, 1.00150067]])
# sRGB -> XYZ -> AP1
# sRGB_2_AP1_MAT =, RGB_2_XYZ_MAT)
# AP1 -> XYZ -> sRGB
# AP1_2_sRGB_MAT =, AP1_2_XYZ_MAT)
# D65(sRGB) -> D60(sRGB) -> XYZ -> AP1
sRGB_2_AP1_MAT =,, D65_2_D60_CAT))
# AP1 -> XYZ -> sRGB(D60) -> sRGB(D65)
AP1_2_sRGB_MAT =,, AP1_2_XYZ_MAT))
# sRGB_2_AP1_MAT = np.array(
# [[0.61334146, 0.32964333, 0.03370195],
# [0.07807693, 0.91871792, 0.00612098],
# [0.02068772, 0.12040973, 0.86906566]])
# AP1_2_sRGB_MAT = np.array(
# [[ 1.7095552, -0.60527189, -0.0620327 ],
# [-0.14514882, 1.14086934, -0.00240654],
# [-0.02058472, -0.14366012, 1.15247114]])
def log10(x):
return np.log10(x)
def lerp(a,b,x):
return a+(b-a)*x
def step(edge, x):
return 1 if x>=edge else 0
def smoothstep(edge0, edge1, x):
t = np.clip((x-edge0) / (edge1-edge0), 0, 1)
return t*t*(3-2*t)
def tonemap_UE4(x, filmSlope=0.88, filmToe=0.55, filmShoulder=0.26, filmBlackClip=0.0, filmWhiteClip=0.04):
UE4 ToneMap.
flimSlope : float
This will adjust the steepness of the S-curve used for the tone mapper, where larger values will make the slope steeper (darker) and lower values will make the slope less steep (lighter). Value is in the range of [0.0, 1.0]. [0.0, 1.0].
filmToe : float
This will adjust the dark color in the tone mapper. Value is in the range of [0.0, 1.0]. [0.0, 1.0].
filmShoulder : float
This will adjust the bright color in the tone mapper. Value is in the range of [0.0, 1.0]
filmBlackClip : float
This will set where the crossover happens where black's start to cut off their value. In general, this value should NOT be adjusted. Value is in the range of [0.0, 1.0]
flimWhiteClip : float
This will set where the crossover happens where white's start to cut off their values. This will appear as a subtle change in most cases. Value is in the range of [0.0, 1.0]
if x <= 0:
return 0
toeScale = 1.0 + filmBlackClip - filmToe
shoulderScale = 1.0 + filmWhiteClip - filmShoulder
inMatch = 0.18
outMatch = 0.18
toeMatch = 0.0
if filmToe > 0.8:
# 0.18 will be on straight segment
toeMatch = (1.0 - filmToe - outMatch) / filmSlope + log10(inMatch)
# 0.18 will be on toe segment
# Solve for toeMatch such that input of inMatch gives output of outMatch
bt = (outMatch + filmBlackClip) / toeScale - 1.0
toeMatch = log10(inMatch) - 0.5*np.log((1.0+bt)/(1.0-bt+1e-05))*(toeScale / filmSlope)
straightMatch = (1.0 - filmToe) / filmSlope - toeMatch
shoulderMatch = filmShoulder / filmSlope - straightMatch
logColor = log10(x)
straightColor = filmSlope * (logColor + straightMatch)
toeColor = (-filmBlackClip) + (2.0*toeScale) / (1.0+np.exp((-2.0*filmSlope/toeScale)*(logColor - toeMatch)))
shoulderColor = (1.0+filmWhiteClip) - (2.0*shoulderScale) / (1.0+np.exp(( 2.0*filmSlope/shoulderScale)*(logColor - shoulderMatch)))
toeColor = toeColor if logColor < toeMatch else straightColor
shoulderColor = shoulderColor if logColor > shoulderMatch else straightColor
t = np.clip((logColor - toeMatch) / (shoulderMatch - toeMatch + 1e-05), 0, 1)
t = 1.0-t if shoulderMatch < toeMatch else t
t = (3.0-2.0*t)*t*t
toneColor = lerp(toeColor, shoulderColor, t)
return toneColor
def tonemap_GT(x, P=1.0, a=1.0, m=0.22, l=0.4, c=1.33, b=0.0):
GT Tonemap.
Uchimura 2017, "HDR theory and practice"
P : float
max display brightness
a : float
m : float
linear section start
l : float
linear section length
c : float
b : float
l0 = ((P-m)*l)/a
# L0 = m-m/a
# L1 = m+(1.0-m)/a
S0 = m+l0
S1 = m+a*l0
C2 = (a*P)/(P-S1+1e-05)
CP = -C2/P
w0 = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.0, m, x)
w2 = step(m+l0,x)
w1 = 1.0 - w0 - w2
T = m*((x/m)**c)+b
S = P-(P-S1)*np.exp(CP*(x-S0))
L = m+a*(x-m)
return T*w0 + L*w1 + S*w2
class App:
def __init__(self):
def makeGraph(self, root):
self.f = Figure(figsize=(20,6), dpi=100)
self.a = self.f.add_subplot(111)
self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.f, master=root)
self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
def onChanged(self, n):
exposure = self.uiExposure.get()
slope = self.uiSlope.get()
toe = self.uiToe.get()
shoulder = self.uiShoulder.get()
blackClip = self.uiBlackClip.get()
whiteClip = self.uiWhiteClip.get()
GT_P = self.uiMaximumBrightness.get()
GT_a = self.uiContrast.get()
GT_m = self.uiLinearSectionStart.get()
GT_l = self.uiLinearSectionLength.get()
GT_c = self.uiBlack.get()
GT_b = self.uiPedestal.get()
x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)
yUE4 = np.zeros(100)
yGT = np.zeros(100)
for i in range(100):
linearColor = np.array([x[i]]*3) * exposure
# UE4 ToneMap
# sRGB -> AP1(ACEScg)
t1 = np.max(, linearColor),0)
# Pre desaturate
t2 = lerp(np.array([, AP1_RGB2Y)]*3), t1, 0.96)
# Tone Mapping
t3 = np.array([
tonemap_UE4(t2[0], slope, toe, shoulder, blackClip, whiteClip),
tonemap_UE4(t2[1], slope, toe, shoulder, blackClip, whiteClip),
tonemap_UE4(t2[2], slope, toe, shoulder, blackClip, whiteClip)])
# Post desaturate
toneColor = t3
t4 = lerp(np.array([, AP1_RGB2Y)]*3), t3, 0.93)
# AP1(ACEScg) -> sRGB
t5 =, t4)
yUE4[i] = t5[0]
# GT ToneMap
yGT[i] = tonemap_GT(linearColor[0], GT_P, GT_a, GT_m, GT_l, GT_c, GT_b)
self.a.plot(x,yUE4, label="UE4")
self.a.plot(x,yGT, label="GT")
self.a.set_xlim(0, 2.0)
self.a.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
self.a.legend(loc="upper left")
def makeUIScale(self, parent, label, row, from_, to, value):
uiLabel = tk.Label(parent, text=label)
uiLabel.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
uiScale = tk.Scale(parent, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, from_=from_, to=to, resolution=0.01, command=self.onChanged)
uiScale.grid(row=row, column=1)
return (uiLabel, uiScale)
def makeUI(self, parent):
row = 0
self.uiExposureLabel, self.uiExposure = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' Exposure: ', row, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0)
row += 1
uiLabel = tk.Label(parent, text="--- UE4 ---")
uiLabel.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2)
row += 1
self.uiSlopeLabel, self.uiSlope = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' Slope: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.88)
row += 1
self.uiToeLabel, self.uiToe = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' Toe: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.55)
row += 1
self.uiShoulderLabel, self.uiShoulder = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' Shoulder: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.26)
row += 1
self.uiBlackClipLabel, self.uiBlackClip = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' BlackClip: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
row += 1
self.uiWhiteLabel, self.uiWhiteClip = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' WhiteClip: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02)
row += 1
uiLabel = tk.Label(parent, text="--- GT ---")
uiLabel.grid(row=row, column=0, columnspan=2)
row += 1
self.uiMaximumBrightnessLabel, self.uiMaximumBrightness = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' P: ', row, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0)
row += 1
self.uiContrastLabel, self.uiContrast = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' a: ', row, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0)
row += 1
self.uiLinearSectionStartLabel, self.uiLinearSectionStart = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' m: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.22)
row += 1
self.uiLinearSectionLengthLabel, self.uiLinearSectionLength = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' l: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.4)
row += 1
self.uiBlackLabel, self.uiBlack = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' c: ', row, 1.0, 3.0, 1.33)
row += 1
self.uiPedestalLabel, self.uiPedestal = self.makeUIScale(parent, ' b: ', row, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
row += 1
def run(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.root.title('python + tkinter + matplotlib')
self.lpanel = tk.Frame(self.root)
self.lpanel.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH)
self.rpanel = tk.Frame(self.root)
self.rpanel.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.BOTH)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App()
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