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Last active September 1, 2024 07:22
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  • Save mebiusbox/e91ad9faafeb702527cc25f3f5178ba0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mebiusbox/e91ad9faafeb702527cc25f3f5178ba0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extend-exclude = [
"*.patch" # Automatically generated files that should not be manually modified.
extend-ignore-re = [
# spellchecker: disable-line, disable-next-line, disable, enable
# "(?Rm)^.*(#|//|/\\*)\\s*spellchecker:\\s*disable-line$",
# "(?m)^\\s*(?:#|//|/\\*)\\s*spellchecker:\\s*disable-next-line.*$\\r?\\n.*$",
# "(?s)(#|//|/\\*|<!--)\\s*spellchecker:\\s*disable.*?\\n\\s*(#|//|/\\*|<!--)\\s*spellchecker:\\s*enable"
extend-ignore-identifiers-re = [
# Corrections take the form of a key/value pair. The key is the incorrect word
# and the value is the correct word. If the key and value are the same, the
# word is treated as always correct. If the value is an empty string, the word
# is treated as always incorrect.
# Match Whole Word - Case Sensitive
# ba = "ba"
# Match Inside a Word - Case Insensitive
# ba = "ba"
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