I hereby claim:
- I am mechastorm on github.
- I am mechastorm (https://keybase.io/mechastorm) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDBNG2rttEyCfqCP9WJ8RhiJVL30cnynTncx_zuI5tkCAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
https://github.com/ansible/ansible/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/ansible/molecule/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/inspec/inspec/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/releases.atom | |
https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-github/releases.atom |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Look at LSB init scripts for more information.
Copy to /etc/init.d
# replace "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME" with your service's name (whenever it's not enough obvious)
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/teleport | |
# | |
# Daemonize the teleport agent. | |
# | |
# chkconfig: 2345 95 20 | |
# description: SSH Infrastructure for clusters and teams # processname: teleport | |
# pidfile: /var/run/teleport/pidfile |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.9.8 | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.8.3 | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform", "apply"} | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /myfolder | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /myfolder | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /myfolder/.terraformrc | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring. | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{"apply"} | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /myfolder | |
2017/06/08 18:02:44 [DEBUG] command: loading backend config file: /myfolder/ops/workspace/folder |
# Source from https://github.com/capitalone/cloud-custodian/tree/master/tools/c7n_mailer | |
git clone https://github.com/capitalone/cloud-custodian | |
# Not mentioned in docs, you should run from the root of the repo | |
cd cloud-custodian | |
virtualenv c7n_mailer | |
source c7n_mailer/bin/activate | |
# In the README, it mentions to instead `cd c7n_mailer` but that goes to the virualenv environment, that has no requirements.txt |
policies: | |
- name: ec2-auto-tag-owner | |
resource: ec2 | |
mode: | |
type: cloudtrail | |
events: | |
- RunInstances | |
filters: | |
- "tag:Owner": absent | |
actions: |
(custodian) vagrant@sliong:/workspace/custodian$ custodian validate test.yml | |
2017-05-05 21:32:41,128: custodian.commands:ERROR Configuration invalid: test.yml | |
2017-05-05 21:32:41,136: custodian.commands:ERROR {'filters': [{'tag:Owner': 'absent'}], 'name': 'ec2-auto-tag-owner', 'actions': [{'tag': 'OwnerContact', 'type': 'auto-tag-user'}], 'mode': {'type': 'cloud-trail', 'events': ['CreateInstance']}} is not valid under any of the given schemas | |
Failed validating 'anyOf' in schema['properties']['policies']['items']: | |
{'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/firehose/policy'}, | |
{'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/rds-cluster-snapshot/policy'}, | |
{'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/event-rule/policy'}, | |
{'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/elb/policy'}, | |
{'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/redshift-snapshot/policy'}, |
policies: | |
- name: ec2-auto-tag-owner | |
mode: | |
type: cloud-trail | |
events: | |
- CreateInstance | |
filters: | |
- tag:Owner: absent | |
actions: | |
- type: auto-tag-user |
server { | |
set $rootPath /var/www/vhosts/mysite/public; | |
listen 80; | |
server_name assets.mydomain.com; | |
root $rootPath; | |
access_log /var/log/nginx/access_assets.log; |