Provided as distinct CJS modules, installable via npm
Individual modules of es5-ext package. See ES6 features for usage information.
- Array.prototype.concat (updated) -> es5-ext/array/#/concat
- Array.prototype.copyWithin -> es5-ext/array/#/copy-within
- Array.prototype.entries -> es5-ext/array/#/entries
- Array.prototype.fill -> es5-ext/array/#/fill
- Array.prototype.filter (updated) -> es5-ext/array/#/filter
- Array.prototype.find -> es5-ext/array/#/find
- Array.prototype.findIndex -> es5-ext/array/#/find-index
- Array.prototype.keys -> es5-ext/array/#/keys
- (updated) -> es5-ext/array/#/map
- Array.prototype.slice (updated) -> es5-ext/array/#/slice
- Array.prototype.splice (updated) -> es5-ext/array/#/splice
- Array.prototype.values -> es5-ext/array/#/values
- Array.prototype[@@iterator] -> es5-ext/array/#/@@iterator
- Number.EPSILON -> es5-ext/number/epsilon
- Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER -> es5-ext/number/max-safe-integer
- Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER -> es5-ext/number/min-safe-integer
- Number.isFinite -> es5-ext/number/is-finite
- Number.isInteger -> es5-ext/number/is-integer
- Number.isNaN -> es5-ext/number/is-nan
- Number.isSafeInteger -> es5-ext/number/is-safe-integer
- Object.assign -> es5-ext/object/assign
- Object.keys (updated) -> es5-ext/object/keys
- Object.setPrototypeOf -> es5-ext/object/set-prototype-of
- RegExp.prototype.match -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/match
- RegExp.prototype.replace -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/replace
- -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/search
- RegExp.prototype.split -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/split
- RegExp.prototype.sticky -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/sticky/implement
- RegExp.prototype.unicode -> es5-ext/reg-exp/#/unicode/implement
- String.fromCodePoint -> es5-ext/string/from-code-point
- String.raw -> es5-ext/string/raw
- String.prototype.codePointAt -> es5-ext/string/#/code-point-at
- String.prototype.contains -> es5-ext/string/#/contains
- String.prototype.endsWith -> es5-ext/string/#/ends-with
- String.prototype.normalize -> es5-ext/string/#/normalize
- String.prototype.repeat -> es5-ext/string/#/repeat
- String.prototype.startsWith -> es5-ext/string/#/starts-with
- String.prototype[@@iterator] -> es5-ext/string/#/@@iterator
- Math.acosh -> es5-ext/math/acosh
- Math.asinh -> es5-ext/math/asinh
- Math.atanh -> es5-ext/math/atanh
- Math.cbrt -> es5-ext/math/cbrt
- Math.clz32 -> es5-ext/math/clz32
- Math.cosh -> es5-ext/math/cosh
- Math.expm1 -> es5-ext/math/expm1
- Math.fround -> es5-ext/math/fround
- Math.hypot -> es5-ext/math/hypot
- Math.imul -> es5-ext/math/imul
- Math.log1p -> es5-ext/math/log1p
- Math.log2 -> es5-ext/math/log2
- Math.log10 -> es5-ext/math/log10
- Math.sign -> es5-ext/math/sign
- Math.signh -> es5-ext/math/signh
- Math.tanh -> es5-ext/math/tanh
- Math.trunc -> es5-ext/math/trunc
Map -> es6-map
Set -> es6-set
Symbol -> es6-symbol
WeakMap -> es6-weak-map
for...of -> es6-iterator/for-of
Implementation of for..of
iteration, with forOf(iterable, callback[, thisArg])
Template strings -> es6-template-strings
Template strings notation compiler.