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* Application Controller
* @package cake
* @subpackage
class AppController extends Controller {
var $components = array(
var $helpers = array('Session', 'Html', 'Form', 'Js', 'Time');
* The Shopify API Object
* @var Object
var $Shopify = false;
* Before Filter.
* Sets up any Language Stuff. If you override beforeFilter in your controllers and don't call parent::beforeFilter(),
* then don't forget you need to trigger initLanguage() in your beforeFilter
* This includes initializing the Shopify Session, and checking for validity.
* If it is invalid, by default we redirect to the Home Page
* Otherwise, we make sure we have the token.
* If not, we will redirect the user to the Request Permission Url generated by the API.
* Lastly, if we've gotten this far, but don't have a Merchant in the session,
* then we initalize the merchant session.
* @return void
function beforeFilter() {
//Invalid token for some reason. Trigger an error
if(!$this->Shopify->valid()) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__d('errors', 'please_login', true ));
// trigger_error('API Not Valid', E_USER_ERROR);
//Do we have the token set? If not, redirect to the perm url
if(!$this->Session->read('Shopify.token')) {
//Everything else has passed, so store the merchant info in the session
if(!$this->Session->read('Merchant')) {
if(!$this->Session->read('Shop')) {
* Will initalize any requirements for language.
* @return void
function initLanguage() {
Configure::write('Config.language', 'eng');
* initShopifySession
* Check the various $_GET query params to setup $this->Shopify API object
* Sample URL coming back from Login in via Shopify
* Set up Shopify session values as well.
* @return void
function initShopifySession() {
// We create a Shopify Config which holds our API_KEY and SECRET
// See shopify.php.default
// Load up the shopify_api.
// Unfortunately, it uses some pretty generic class names - in this case, Session.
App::import('Vendor', 'Session', array('file'=>'shopify_api/lib/shopify_api.php'));
$this->Session->write('', $_GET['shop']);
// We also use this as the Merchant ID - subdomain of
$this->Session->write('Shopify.shop_id', str_replace('','', $_GET['shop']));
$this->Session->write('Shopify.token', $_GET['t']);
$shop = $this->Session->read('');
$token = $this->Session->read('Shopify.token');
$this->Shopify = new Session(
* initMerchantSession
* Initialize the Merchant Session Data.
* Looks up the Merchant record, and if it doesn't exist, will create an entry for the Merchant
* If the Merchant is set to recurring (for billing) then we check with Shopify if it is still active.
* You would modify this function if there's any additional data you need added to your Merchant session info.
* @todo Reexamine the use of paid field to do double duty of checking whether merchant is paid/ when they paid.
* See Merchant model for more info
* @return void
function initMerchantSession() {
$Merchant = ClassRegistry::init('Merchant');
$merchantData = $Merchant->read(false, $this->Session->read('Shopify.shop_id'));
if(!$merchantData) {
$merchantData = $Merchant->create(array(
'title' => $this->Session->read('')
if(!$Merchant->save()) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__d('errors','problem_saving_merchant', true));
//If recurring, make sure still valid
if(1 == $merchantData['Merchant']['recurring']) {
$chargeInfo = $this->Shopify->recurring_application_charge->get($merchantData['Merchant']['charge_id']);
if('active' != $chargeInfo['status']) {
$merchantData['Merchant']['paid'] = null;
$this->Session->write('Merchant', $merchantData['Merchant']);
* Load up the Shop settings.
* Set whether we are in test more.
* @return void
function initShopSession() {
$shop = $this->Shopify->shop->get();
//this used in billing. Can check for it for other cases.
Configure::write('Shopify.test', false);
if('development' == $shop['plan-name']) {
Configure::write('Shopify.test', true);
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