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Created May 14, 2019 14:07
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DevOps | IIS | Creates a new IIS Pool containing a website and that contains a single application
Import-Module ServerManager
Import-Module WebAdministration
# Functions
function Refresh-Directory {
Param (
#If it exists, then remove it
if(Test-Path $DirectoryPath){
#If we make it this far, the folder is not locked
Remove-Item "${DirectoryPath}" -Force -Recurse
Write-Host "Removed Directory ${DirectoryPath} as there was already a folder."
#Create a new Directory
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "${DirectoryPath}"
#Used to transform the configurations in the package that follow the structure
# web.devonline.config => web.config (dev)
# web.proddmz.config => web.config (uat dmz etc.)
function Transform-Configurations {
$configs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($OctopusParameters['Octopus.Action.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath'])\*" -Include *.config,*.json
$environment = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Environment.Name"]
$roles = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Machine.Roles"]
#Check to see if the current machine is in the DMZ, then ensure we update
#the environment string to be uatdmz instead of uat
if($roles -like '*DMZ*'){
$environment = "$($environment)dmz".ToLower()
$environment = "$($environment)".ToLower()
Write-Output $roles
Write-Output "Environment set to $($environment)"
#Rename all the default configurations first
foreach($configFile in $configs)
$currentFile = $($configFile.FullName)
#[Advice, Web, Config]
$currentFileSplit = $($configFile.Name.ToLower()).Split(".")
$currentFileName = "$($($currentFileSplit)[0..($($currentFileSplit).Count-3)] -join ".")"
$currentFileExt = "$($currentFileSplit[$($currentFileSplit).Length-1])"
$currentFileEnvironment = "$($currentFileSplit[$($currentFileSplit).Length-2])"
#If it's web.config (without the .devonline) then lets rename it to keep it
if(!($currentFileEnvironment.Contains("online") -or $currentFileEnvironment.Contains("offline"))){
Write-Output "\> $currentFile => $($currentFile).default"
Rename-Item -Path "$currentFile" -NewName "$($currentFile).default"
#Rename all the Environment Specific ones
$configs = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($OctopusParameters['Octopus.Action.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath'])\*" -Include *.config,*.json
foreach($configFile in $configs)
$currentFile = $($configFile.FullName)
#[Advice, Web, Config]
$currentFileSplit = $($configFile.Name.ToLower()).Split(".")
$currentFileName = "$($($currentFileSplit)[0..($($currentFileSplit).Count-3)] -join ".")"
$currentFileExt = "$($currentFileSplit[$($currentFileSplit).Length-1])"
$currentFileEnvironment = "$($currentFileSplit[$($currentFileSplit).Length-2])"
#If the current config file currentFileEnvironment is equal to currentFileEnvironment'Online'; rename it to applicationName.Config
if($currentFileEnvironment -eq "$($environment.ToLower())online"){
Write-Output "$> $currentFile => $($currentFileName).$($currentFileExt)"
Rename-Item -Path "$currentFile" -NewName "$($currentFileName).$($currentFileExt)"
Remove-Item $configFile
# Script
Write-Host "::Project Path: ${OctopusPackageInstalledDirectoryPath}"
Get-ChildItem -Path "${OctopusPackageInstalledDirectoryPath}"
Write-Error "Project Name is Null or Empty. Exiting."
Write-Error "IISPort is Null or Empty. Exiting"
#Generated Variables
#File System
#Transform Files
#Check if there is an Web Application to Remove
if (Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\${ProjectWebSite}\${ProjectWebApp}"){
Write-Host "WebApplication IIS:\Sites\${ProjectWebSite}\${ProjectWebApp} found. Deleting..."
Remove-WebApplication "${ProjectWebApp}" -Site "${ProjectWebSite}"
#Check if there is a Web Site to Remove
if (Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\${ProjectWebSite}"){
Write-Host "Site IIS:\Sites\${ProjectWebSite} found. Deleting..."
Remove-WebSite ${ProjectWebSite}
#Check if there is an App Pool to remove
if (Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\${ProjectAppPool}" -pathType container){
Write-Host "AppPool IIS:\AppPools\${ProjectAppPool} found. Deleting..."
Remove-WebAppPool $ProjectAppPool
#Create new App Pool and set to NetworkService and restart at 3am with .NET Version V4.0
$appPool = New-Item "IIS:\AppPools\${ProjectAppPool}"
$appPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name managedRuntimeVersion -Value $iisAppPoolDotNetVersion
$appPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name processModel.identityType -Value 2
$appPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name Recycling.periodicRestart.time -Value 0
$appPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name Recycling.periodicRestart.schedule -Value @{value="03:00"}
#Get Properties#Get-Item "${iisAppPoolName}" | select *
#Create Website
Refresh-Directory -DirectoryPath "${ProjectWebsiteInstallLocation}"
New-WebSite -Name ${ProjectName} -Port ${IISPortHTTP} -IPAddress "*" -PhysicalPath "${ProjectWebsiteInstallLocation}" -ApplicationPool "${ProjectAppPool}"
#Create Web Application
Refresh-Directory -DirectoryPath "${ProjectWebAppInstallLocation}"
New-WebApplication -Name "${ProjectWebApp}" -Site "${ProjectWebSite}" -PhysicalPath "${ProjectWebAppInstallLocation}" -ApplicationPool "${ProjectAppPool}"
#Copy files
Write-Host "::Project Path: ${OctopusPackageInstalledDirectoryPath}"
Get-ChildItem -Path "${OctopusPackageInstalledDirectoryPath}"
Copy-Item -Path "${OctopusPackageInstalledDirectoryPath}\*" -Recurse -Destination "${ProjectWebAppInstallLocation}" -Container
#Start Sites
Start-Website "${ProjectName}"
Start-WebAppPool -Name "${ProjectAppPool}"
#Dummey Request
#$webclient = New-Object Net.WebClient
$dnsName = '${MachineName}:${IISPortHTTPS}'
$newCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $dnsName -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
# get the web binding of the site
$binding = Get-WebBinding -Name $ProjectWebSite -Protocol "https"
# set the ssl certificate
$binding.AddSslCertificate($newCert.GetCertHashString(), "my")
New-WebBinding -Name "Default Web Site" -IPAddress "*" -Port 80 -HostHeader TestSite
New-WebBinding -Name "${ProjectWebSite}" -IPAddress * -Port ${IISPortHTTPS} -Protocol "https"
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