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Deepak Mahat meepak

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# Function to exit on error
exit_on_error() {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
# Stop all running Docker containers
echo "Stopping all Docker containers..."
# Function to exit on error
exit_on_error() {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
# Update system
sudo apt update || exit_on_error "Failed to update package list"
meepak / Set-BgInfo.ps1
Created September 5, 2024 00:02
PowerShell script to add a custom context menu item to windows Desktop, that uses BgInfo.exe from SysInternals to display PC info on desktop.
PowerShell script to add a custom context menu item to windows Desktop,
that uses BgInfo.exe from sysinternals to display PC info on desktop.
This script sets up BGInfo by downloading it if necessary, creating a batch file to run it,
and adding a context menu item to the desktop background for easy access.
- dpk, 09/2024
meepak /
Last active August 28, 2024 02:11
Setup CLI editor (neovim + plugins) for laravel development. Supports file browsing, intellisense, CTRL click to jump to references, PHP debugging, blade syntax, vuejs, prettify , etc, etc.
# Function to print error messages
error_exit() {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
# Function to generate ctags with a progress bar, only for new/modified files
generate_ctags() {
meepak /
Created December 3, 2023 04:21
Cinnamon panel launcher - add quick touchscreen toggle button
# Set the device name, find it using xinput list
# deviceName="G2Touch Multi-Touch by G2TSP"
# Get touchscreen device id, if it's too slow, hardcode it
# deviceId=$(xinput list | grep "$deviceName" | awk '{print $7}' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')
# Hardcoding this because it seems a bit slow and the cursor disappears