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Devin Korb meepen

View GitHub Profile
"variables": {
"$$healthcolor": "#fff"
"fonts": {
"elements": [
"element": "curve",
"color": [255, 0, 111, 0],
const { buf } = require("crc-32"); // npm install this
const { readdir, readFile, stat } = require("fs").promises;
const { createWriteStream } = require("fs");
const too_big_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
async function* getFiles(dir) {
const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const dirent of dirents) {
const res = dir + "/" +
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
const { buf } = require("crc-32");
const { readFile, stat } = require("fs").promises;
const { createWriteStream } = require("fs");
const addon_data = JSON.stringify(require("./addon.json"));
class GMAFile {
constructor(fname) { = createWriteStream(fname);
this.current_length = 8; // crc32 + 0 (uint)
"name": "SpectatingOverlay",
"type": "ttt_curve_outline",
"pos": [0.5, 0.1, 0],
"size": [0.22, 0.04],
"curve": 0.005,
"bg_color": [154, 153, 153],
"outline_color": [230, 230, 230],
"name": "SpectatingOverlay",
"type": "ttt_curve_outline",
"pos": [0.5, 0.1, 0],
"size": [0.22, 0.04],
"curve": 0.005,
"bg_color": [154, 153, 153],
"outline_color": [230, 230, 230],
"disappear_no_target": true,
-- major features of the hook library need to be considered
-- performance is eaten from in-engine hook.Call calls every few frames/ticks
-- add/remove are not super important but should be considered still
local hook_name = "HookSuite"
local slow = true
local call_count = slow and 32000000 or 2000000000
local no_hook_call_count = slow and 200000000 or 2000000000
local invalid_call_count = slow and 200 or 20000
meepen /
Created February 28, 2018 17:43
Did I have a severe case of stimulant psychosis? I cannot tell. But I do know I'm fucking lucky to not be dead

Hello everyone.

My name is verideth, and I've been going through a very dark and depressed time lately, but we'll just cut to the chase. A few days ago, I was depressed, craving a high. I'm only 15, so I haven't had much experiences with intense drugs, and intense hallucinations. However, I have OD'd before. I would like to state, that everything you hear me talk about is something I wish I never did. I wish this never happened, I'm not proud of it, however, the experience was pretty different from anything I've seen or heard.

It was 12:00am, my parents were sleeping, and I was craving a high, and quite depressed. I got on snapchat and started to message a few people, and then I went looking for my old medication (I have severe ADHD, and I remember reading about how ADHD medication gives you quite a high). Little did I know I'd actually find my drugs, hidden away. I was surprised to find these because due to my addictive personality, and not so good run in with drugs before, I've ran into massive problems w

meepen / ttt_sprint.lua
Last active February 15, 2018 01:13
Predicted TTT sprinting code (double tap W)
local WAIT_TIME = 0.2 -- seconds between w presses
local SPEED_MULT = 2
local sprinttime = function(ply, val)
if (val ~= nil) then
ply:SetNW2Float("SprintTime", val)
return ply:GetNW2Float("SprintTime", 0)
meepen / steam_accounts_with_number_names.json
Created January 12, 2018 07:26
11,372 steam accounts with numbers as their names (w/ games played, game time, bans, name, steamid, public data, friends)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
meepen / hook.lua
Last active January 2, 2022 13:55
NEW GMOD HOOKS 70,000% FASTER - new LINKED LIST version available now for purchase (FREE PRIORITIZATION INCLUDED)
hook = include "newhook.lua"