Hello everyone.
My name is verideth, and I've been going through a very dark and depressed time lately, but we'll just cut to the chase. A few days ago, I was depressed, craving a high. I'm only 15, so I haven't had much experiences with intense drugs, and intense hallucinations. However, I have OD'd before. I would like to state, that everything you hear me talk about is something I wish I never did. I wish this never happened, I'm not proud of it, however, the experience was pretty different from anything I've seen or heard.
It was 12:00am, my parents were sleeping, and I was craving a high, and quite depressed. I got on snapchat and started to message a few people, and then I went looking for my old medication (I have severe ADHD, and I remember reading about how ADHD medication gives you quite a high). Little did I know I'd actually find my drugs, hidden away. I was surprised to find these because due to my addictive personality, and not so good run in with drugs before, I've ran into massive problems w