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Created June 7, 2019 08:26
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Notes for Git and GitHub command line
Right click on folder and select 'Git Bash'
git init --> initialises repository in current folder, can be init in new and current
Even though you're working under change control, it isn't a backup
Folder can be zipped, and thus repo accessed by anyone zip it is sent to
git status --> shows standing at any given time
git add <file_name> --> stages file for commit
When you make a change to a previously staged (tracked) file, you need to stage the new changes
git add . --> stages everything
git add *.html --> specified wildcard pattern, e.g. stage all files with html extensions
.gitignore --> add directories to be ignored in staging/commits (make sure to stage and commit this file)
git commit --> ends up in VIM-like screen
press 'I', puts you in 'insert' mode
enter commit message
hit 'Esc' key to exit 'insert' mode
enter ':wq' to rewrite current file and exit, causing Git to finish commit
git commit -m 'change 3' --> avoids VIM screen for simple commit message
git commit -a -m 'change 6' --> skips staging step, any changes to tracked files are automatically staged (untracked files need to be manually added, git add)
git log --> view commit history, useful when working with other developers
enter q to quit git log
branching allows you to work on a copy of the code in the main line without affecting the main line directly
e.g. when working on bug fix/new feature, with all benefits of source control
git branch <branch_name> --> creates new branch
git checkout <branch_name> --> switches to branch
make changes, stage and commit changes
git checkout master --> switches to main branch
ensure you are on destination branch, git status to view current branch
git merge <source_branch_name> --> merges changes from <branch_name>
merge conflict - if you make a new branch, and then make some changes on the master branch, as well as different changes on the new branch
as they are at different stages of development, when you attempt to merge your changes back into the main line you will have a conflict
<<<<< HEAD --> version in current branch
>>>>> master --> version of source branch
you must manually handle the conflict
to avoid complexity in bigger project: git mergetool --> launches tool to make fixing merge conflicts a lot easier, must be set up
if you're in a branch and make changes but don't commit them, you must stash them temporarily
otherwise changes will persist during branch change - major issue
git stash --> takes dirty state of branch including tracked modifications and staged changes and saves on stack of unfinished changes that can be reapplied at any time
git stash apply --> re-applies changes when you return to continue work
### remote repositories ###
even though you're interacting with remote repository, everything is still happening locally
you must manually retreive/push changes to remote repository
git remote --> view list of existing remote repositories you have
any remote repos added will only apply to current local repo
git clone <repo_url> --> clones repo, pulling entire repo including commit history, putting it into own folder
cd <clone_name>
git remote --> will now show remote repo within cloned repo file
git remote -v --> shows urls - use alias shown when issuing git commands as opposed to using the url
## keep repo up-to-date when making changes ##
git fetch <repo_name> --> goes out to server and gets any changes made since you last cloned/fetched
pulls data into local repo, but will not merge into your work - you will need to merge manually
git pull <repo_name> --> automatically fetches and merges changes from remote branch into current branch
when you're ready to submit your changes, commit your work, then...
git push <repo_name> <branch_name> --> tells Git to push changes to remote repo known to us as <repo_name>, and commit to <branch_name>
*will be prompted for credentials*
git remote add <repo_name> <repo_url> --> adds additional remote repo
NOTE TO SELF: ### added local repo to online repo? ###
### This is useful for first setup with remote repo, simplified without definitions
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
### For merging branches
git checkout <branch_to_merge_too>
git merge <branch_to_merge_from>
git push
### Common usage
git fetch && git pull --> fetch and pull from a remote repo at the same time
git rm --cached <file_to_remove> --> remove a file from the remote git repository
git status (to view if there's anything needing to be committed)
git add .
git commit -a -m '{commit name}'
git remote (to view remote repositories)
git push pp master (pp is the remote repo name ('Phishing Project'))
git log (view commit history) PRESS Q TO QUIT LOG
git reset HEAD~
*make edits, or re-commit as shown in instructions above*
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