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Created November 28, 2015 12:50
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@hydrabolt's discord.js voice example which was used for testing during development. I slightly changed some things and added lots of comments. The original is since gone from the repo but it can still be found in the history:
var Discord = require("discord.js");
// Make a client to add events to
var client = new Discord.Client();
var request = require("superagent");
// Debug and warning handlers, these log debug messages and warnings to console
client.on("debug", (m) => console.log("[debug]", m));
client.on("warn", (m) => console.log("[warn]", m));
// Directory from which to load sound files. Before testing, make sure to change
// this to the actual directory you want to load stuff from
var LOADDIR = "C:/Users/User/Music/"
// Hardcoded Discord email and password. Make sure to change this too
var D_EMAIL = "[email protected]",
D_PASS = "hunter2"
// The message event handles all messages
client.on("message", m => {
// A message containing exactly `&init` will make the bot join the first
// available voice channel
if (m.content === "&init") {
// Iterate over all channels
for (var channel of {
// If the channel is a voice channel, ...
if (channel instanceof Discord.VoiceChannel) {
// ... reply with the channel name and the ID ...
client.reply(m, + " - " +;
// ... and join the channel
// Afterwards, break the loop so the bot doesn't join any other voice
// channels
// A message starting with `$$$ stop` will stop the current playback
if (m.content.startsWith("$$$ stop")) {
// If the voice connection exists (i.e. the bot is connected to a voice
// channel) ...
if (client.internal.voiceConnection) {
// ... stop the current playback
// Return to prevent execution of further commands
// A message starting with `$$$ leave` will make the bot leave the voice
// channel it is connected to
if (m.content.startsWith("$$$ leave")) {
// Leave the voice channel
// Return to prevent further commands
// A message starting with `$$$` and containing a file name will load the
// specified file inside the hardcoded directory (see line 13) and play it
// back over voice
if (m.content.startsWith("$$$")) {
// Split the message by spaces...
var rest = m.content.split(" ");
// ...remove the first element (i.e. `$$$`)...
rest.splice(0, 1);
// ...and join the rest together using spaces. This returns the message
// with the `$$$` removed
rest = rest.join(" ");
// If the bot is connected to voice...
if (client.internal.voiceConnection) {
// ...tell the user that you will play the file...
client.reply(m, "ok, I'll play that for you");
// ...get the voice connection that is currently active...
var connection = client.internal.voiceConnection;
// ...get the path from which to load the file (the hardcoded directory
// concatenated with the argument to the command)...
var filePath = LOADDIR + rest
// ...and play the file
// A message starting with `pipeit` and containing a URL will load the
// specified URL and play it back over voice
if (m.content.startsWith("pipeit")) {
// Get the argument (see above)
var rest = m.content.split(" ");
rest.splice(0, 1);
rest = rest.join(" ");
// Make sure the bot is connected to voice
if (client.internal.voiceConnection) {
// Get the voice connection...
var connection = client.internal.voiceConnection;
// ...get the request module which will be used to load the URL...
var request = require("request");
// ...get the stream from the URL...
var stream = request(rest);
// ...and play it back
connection.playRawStream(stream).then(intent => {
// If the playback has started successfully, reply with a "playing"
// message...
client.reply(m, "playing!").then((msg) => {
// and add an event handler that tells the user when the song has
// finished
intent.on("end", () => {
// Edit the "playing" message to say that the song has finished
client.updateMessage(msg, "that song has finished now.");
// This function is used by &init to handle connection errors
function error(e) {
// Login using the username and password specified above and catch any errors
client.login(D_EMAIL, D_PASS).catch((e) => console.log(e));
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ghost commented Apr 1, 2017

what does 'm' mean in '`

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jbwar22 commented Apr 4, 2017

Its the message. Notice the client.on("message", m => {...}. That is the function that runs when the bot receives a message. m is the message.

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XSAUC3 commented May 2, 2017

it says Cannot read property 'channels' of undefined .....

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Because the server become guild in later versions

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nyekuuu commented Jul 28, 2017

i get this error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'voiceConnection' of undefined

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Client.internal no longer exists. Perhaps try Client.voiceConnections? Its value is a Collection of Snowflakes and VoiceConnections.

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