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Created March 1, 2015 23:04
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- hosts: all
- set_fact: newrelic_version=""
- name: Creating 'bin' directory in local user directory
file: path=~/bin state=directory
- name: Creating 'etc' directory in local user directory
file: path=~/etc state=directory
- name: Creating 'newrelic' directory in local user 'etc' directory
file: path=~/etc/newrelic state=directory
- name: Creating 'logs' directory in local user directory
file: path=~/logs state=directory
- name: Creating 'newrelic' directory in local user 'logs' directory
file: path=~/logs/newrelic state=directory
- name: Download 'other' newrelic agent for manual install
get_url: url={{ newrelic_version }}-linux.tar.gz dest=./newrelic-sysmond-{{ newrelic_version }}-linux.tar.gz
- name: Unarchiving newrelic agent
unarchive: src=newrelic-sysmond-{{ newrelic_version }}-linux.tar.gz dest=./ copy=no
- name: Get architecture of target system (x86 or x64)
action: shell uname -m | sed 's/86_//g' | sed 's/i6/x/g'
register: arch
- name: Installing nrsysmond to target system
action: shell cp newrelic-sysmond-{{ newrelic_version }}-linux/daemon/nrsysmond.{{ arch.stdout }} bin/nrsysmond
- name: Installing config file for newrelic
action: shell cp newrelic-sysmond-{{ newrelic_version }}-linux/nrsysmond.cfg ~/etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg
- name: Set newrelic key in nrsysmond.cfg
action: shell sed -i "s/REPLACE_WITH_REAL_KEY/{{ newrelic_key }}/g" ~/etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg
- name: Starting newrelic agent
command: ~/bin/nrsysmond -c ~/etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg -l ~/logs/newrelic/newrelic.log
async: 15
poll: 0
- name: Removing zipped and extracted folders for installation
action: shell rm -rf newrelic-sysmond-*
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