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harikt /
Created January 5, 2012 18:47
Compile and Install PHP 5.4 from Source
#Download Apache and extract it
$ ./configure --help
#You will get a list of options, run with enable-so
$ ./configure --enable-so
$ make
poppen / menu.lst
Created July 23, 2012 03:01
menu.lst of grub4dos for booting iso images from usb drive
# This is a sample menu.lst file. You should make some changes to it.
# The old install method of booting via the stage-files has been removed.
# Please install GRLDR boot strap code to MBR with the
# utility under DOS/Win9x or Linux.
color white/light-blue yellow/cyan light-gray/magenta white/light-red
title Acronis True Image Home
find --set-root /atih.iso
map /atih.iso (0xff) || map --mem /atih.iso (0xff)
nabucosound /
Created December 30, 2013 12:40
Script to copy environment variables from an existing heroku app to another one
# Source:
set -e
while read key value; do
tspacek / upgrade.rb
Created January 4, 2014 05:37
Quick and dirty script to upgrade a Heroku Postgres DB according to Usage: ruby upgrade.rb <app_name> with_worker
@app = ARGV[0]
puts @app
@scale_worker = (ARGV.last == "with_worker")
def prepare
db_info = `heroku pg:info -a #{@app}`
@db_name = db_info.split("\n").first.split(" ")[1]
follower_available = db_info.include? "Fork/Follow: Available"
juliandunn /
Created April 29, 2015 00:53
Post mortem template



Waiving meetings

In some cases the IC might determine that a PM meeting for the incident isn't needed. If the IC decides to waive the meeting please replace the Meeting section with a note indicating the meeting has been waived (example: Meeting waived: Paul Mooring)

RobertoSchneiders /
Last active October 29, 2024 19:38
IAM Policy for deploy on Elastic Beanstalk

I am deploying with this IAM using Codeship and Circle CI to Elastic Beanstalk. I had a lot of trouble with this config. I talked to the aws support for about 6 hours until this worked properly, so, I guess it is worth to share.

UPDATE: In the end, I have to use the AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess policy. My custom policy keep breaking every week with some new added permission or some EB internal change. Anyway, the IAM I was using is below.

This works for me with CircleCI and EB Cli.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
parmentf /
Last active March 14, 2025 13:29
Git Commit message Emoji
# Change Chrome and Safari Homepage
# This script assumes that default preference files for all three browsers have been installed
# with FUT/FEU options in Casper.
# Define homepage
Keshava11 /
Created February 22, 2017 09:02
Simple python script to upload file to Dropbox.
# Prerequisites :
# 1.SetUp dropbox sdk to be able to use Dropbox Api's
# $ sudo pip install dropbox
# By default python dropbox sdk is based upon the python 3.5
# 2. Create an App on dropbox console ( which will be used and validated to do
# the file upload and restore using dropbox api. Mostly you need an access token to connect to Dropbox before actual file/folder operations.
juancarlospaco / 10-my-media-automount.rules
Last active March 3, 2025 17:21
UDev rule that auto mounts any hot-plugged device under /media/<label> and works seamlessly with vfat, ntfs, etc USB storages on Arch Linux. Paste this file and reboot:
# /etc/udev/rules.d/10-my-media-automount.rules
# start at sdb to ignore the system hard drive
KERNEL!="sd[b-z]*", GOTO="my_media_automount_end"
ACTION=="add", PROGRAM!="/sbin/blkid %N", GOTO="my_media_automount_end"
# import some useful filesystem info as variables
IMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p %N"