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Last active December 19, 2020 13:55
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Ambari v2.0.1 and Debian Stretch

Ambari-Server Debian troubleshooting

Install java8 on all nodes

apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64" > /etc/profile.d/

source /etc/profile.d/

Fake debian_version

echo "12" > /etc/debian_version

Install ambari-server (see official documentation on how to install it in ubuntu)

apt-get install ambari-server

ambari-server setup

Create ca keypair (use content of /var/lib/ambari-server/keys/pass.txt as passphrase)

openssl req -config /var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.config.hack -new -x509 -keyout /var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.key -out /var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.crt -days 3650

Create keystore.p12

openssl pkcs12 -export -in '/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.crt' -inkey '/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.key' -certfile '/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/ca.crt' -out '/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/keystore.p12' -password file:'/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/pass.txt'

Review keystore.p12

openssl pkcs12 -info -in '/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/keystore.p12' -password file:'/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/pass.txt'

Get and trush ambari-server ssl cert

mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/ambari

echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /usr/share/ca-certificates/ambari/server.crt

dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates # and then choose ask and select ambari/server.crt

On installation zookeeper-server fails to install. Manually install zookeeper-server.deb package on each zookeeper server because it conflicts with zookeeper.deb and we need to --force-overwrite. Then retry installation from ambari-server WEB UI.

dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/zookeeper-2-2-6-0-2800-server_3.

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