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Created January 9, 2014 20:18
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type Name = String
type Customer = (Name, Int, Int, Int)
type VStore = [Customer]
cust1 :: Customer
cust1 = ("Neil", 311, 271, 345)
cust2 :: Customer
cust2 = ("Fred", 0, 271, 0)
vstore :: VStore
vstore = [cust1, cust2]
myloans :: VStore -> Name -> [Int]
myloans vs n = loans $ head $ filter (\(name,_,_,_) -> name == n) vs
where loans (_,a,b,c) = [l | l <- [a,b,c], l /= 0]
members :: VStore -> [Name]
members vs = [n | (n,_,_,_) <- vs]
owners :: VStore -> Int -> [Name]
owners vs id = [n | (n,a,b,c) <- vs, a == id || b == id || c == id]
borrow :: VStore -> Name -> Int -> VStore
borrow vs n id = map borrow' vs
borrow' (name,a,b,c)
| name == n = loan (name,a,b,c)
| otherwise = (name,a,b,c)
loan (name,a,b,c)
| a == 0 = (name,id,b,c)
| b == 0 = (name,a,id,c)
| c == 0 = (name,a,b,id)
| otherwise = (name,a,b,c)
return :: VStore -> Name -> Int -> VStore
return vs n id = map return' vs
return' (name,a,b,c)
| name == n = loan (name,a,b,c)
| otherwise = (name,a,b,c)
loan (name,a,b,c)
| a == id = (name,0,b,c)
| b == id = (name,a,0,c)
| c == id = (name,a,b,0)
| otherwise = (name,a,b,c)
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