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Created May 1, 2015 21:55
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Calculates leap years between two years
def divisible_by_4?(year)
return true if year % 4 == 0
def divisible_by_100?(year)
return true if year % 100 == 0
def divisible_by_400?(year)
return true if year % 400 == 0
puts 'Please type starting year.'
year1 = gets.to_i
puts 'Thank you. Please type ending year.'
year2 = gets.to_i
while year1 <= year2
if divisible_by_4?(year1)
puts year1.to_s + ' is a leap year'
elsif !divisible_by_100?(year1) && divisible_by_400?(year1)
puts year1.to_s + ' is a leap year'
year1 = year1 + 1
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