%YAML 1.2 |
--- |
# https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/syntax.html |
# https://www.https://www.nushell.sh/book/ |
name: nushell |
scope: source.nu |
version: 2 |
file_extensions: |
- nu |
first_line_match: |- |
(?xi: |
^ \s* \%+ .*? -\*- .*? \bnu\b .*? -\*- # editorconfig |
) |
variables: |
# ? |
identifier: (?:[A-Za-z]\w*) |
filename: (?:[^;,(\s]+) |
eol: (?=\s*[%\n]) |
# https://www.nushell.sh/book/command_reference.html#command-reference |
nushell_functions: |- |
(?x: all | ansi | any | append | ast | bits | bytes | cd | char | chunks | clear | collect | columns | commandline | compact | complete | config | cp | date | debug | decode | default | describe | detect | do | drop | du | each | echo | encode | enumerate | error | every | exec | exit | explain | explore | fill | filter | find | first | flatten | fmt | format | from | generate | get | glob | grid | group-by | hash | headers | help | hide-env | histogram | history | http | ignore | input | insert | inspect | interleave | into | is-admin | is-empty | is-not-empty | is-terminal | items | join | keybindings | kill | last | length | let-env | lines | load-env | ls | math | merge | metadata | mkdir | mktemp | move | mv | nu-check | nu-highlight | open | overlay | panic | par-each | parse | path | plugin | port | prepend | print | ps | query | random | range | reduce | reject | rename | reverse | rm | roll | rotate | run-external | save | schema | scope | select | seq | shuffle | skip | sleep | sort | sort-by | split | split-by | start | stor | str | sys | table | take | tee | term | timeit | to | touch | transpose | tutor | ulimit | uname | uniq | update | upsert | url | values | version | view | watch | which | whoami | window | with-env | wrap | zip) |
custom_functions: |- |
(?x: 7z | \? | _atuin_search_cmd | activate | adbtasker | add-preamble | ai | ansi-strip-table | apps-update | askai | askdalle | askpdf | autolister | autouse-file | balena | banner | bar | base2dec | batstat | bhe-update | bitly | cblue | cd-pipe | chat_gpt | chatpdf | check-link | claude_ai | clean-analytics | clone-ubuntu-install | code | column | column2 | const-table | copy-downloads-2-ubbdrive | copy-research-2-ubbdrive | copy-scripts-and-commit | copy-webies-2-ubbdrive | copy-yandex-and-commit | coretemp | countdown | cp-pipe | cpwd | create_left_prompt | create_right_prompt | dall_e | date | debunk-table | dec2base | default-table | dpx | echo-c | echo-g | echo-r | exchange_rates | export-nushell-docs | find-file | find-index | fix-docker | fix-green-dirs | format-mails | fuzzy-dispatcher | fuzzy-select-fs | gcal | generate-dates | get-aliases | get-devices | get-dirs | get-env | get-files | get-github-latest | get-input | get-ips | get-keybindings | get-miss-chapters | get-monitors | get-pass | get-phone-number | get-rows | get-vers | get_weather_by_interval | gg | gg-trans | github-app-update | gmail | gnome-settings | gnu-plot | google_ai | google_search | goto-nuconfigdir | grep-nu | group-list | guake | h | habitica | history | history-stats | http | indexify | install-font | intersect | into | is-column | is-mounted | iselect | isleap | jd | jdown | join-text-files | killn | le | left_prompt | lg | libreoff | list-diff | list-sum | listen-ports | lister | lists2table | ln | lo | ls-ports | lt | m | maps | math | matlab-cli | mcx | med_discord | media | mk-anime | mkcd | monitor | mpv | multiwhere | mv-anime | mv-manga | mv-pipe | mv-torrents | my-pandoc | my-pdflatex | nchat | nerd-fonts-clean | network-switcher | nu-crypt | nu-sloc | nufetch | nushell-syntax-2-sublime | obs | op | open-analytics | open-credential | open-link | openf | openl | openm | patch-font | pdf | pip3-upgrade | pivot-table | plot-table | png-plot | print-file | progress_bar | ps | psn | pwd | pwd-short | qrenc | quick-ubuntu-and-tools-update-module | r9 | ram | rand-select | randi | random | range2list | rclone | re-enamerate | rebrandly | rename-all | rename-date | replicate-tree | reset-alpine-auth | return-error | rm-empty-dirs | rm-pipe | rml | rmount | save-credential | scale-minmax | scale-minmax-table | scompact | send-gmail | set-env | set-screen | setdiff | show-ips | show_banner | speedtest-plot | ssh-sin-pass | ssh-termux | ssh-to | std | stop-net-apps | str | subl | sum-size | supgrade | svg2pdf | sys | t | table-diff | table2record | tasker | tasker-join | to-conversiones | to-onedrive | tokei | token2word | trans | tts | typeof | ubb | ubb_announce | um | umall | union | uniq-by | unset-env | up2ubb | update-nu-config | upload-debs-to-gdrive | usage | ver | verify | weather | wget-all | which-cd | wifi-info | wifi-pass | xls2csv | ydx | yt-api | ytcli | ytm | z | zi) |
plugin_functions: |- |
(?x: from | gstat | highlight | hist | inc | plot | polars | port | query | to | xyplot) |
nushell_keywords: |- |
(?x: alias | break | const | continue | def | export | export-env | extern | for | hide | if | let | loop | match | module | mut | overlay | plugin | return | source | source-env | try | use | where | while | else | catch) |
nushell_aliases: |- |
(?x: R | apagar | append-table | bard | bat | btop | cable-ubb | cal | copy | cputemp | dexit | ds | dsitcl | enter | finished | g | get-mac | get-wg | grp | math mean | math std | max-vol | mcv | mount-ssd4 | mpydf | mute | n | ncdu | netspeed | nu-clean | open-config | p | paste | png | print-list | quantum | reiniciar | s | shells | takephoto | to matlab-matrix | trc | tree | unmute | wsp) |
nushell_personal: |- |
(?x: speedtest | myffmpeg | subtitles-renamer) |
nushell_operators: |- |
(?x: and | or | mod | in | not-in | not | xor | bit-or | bit-xor | bit-and | bit-shl | bit-shr | starts-with | ends-with) |
boolean_operators: |- |
(?x: true | false) |
################################################################################ |
contexts: |
main: |
- include: function-declarations |
- include: class-declarations |
- include: keywords |
- include: expressions |
expressions: |
- include: comments |
- include: line-continuations |
- include: parens |
- include: brackets |
- include: braces |
- include: numbers |
- include: strings |
- include: operators |
- include: accessor-dots |
- include: terminators |
- include: separator-commas |
- include: builtin-packages |
- include: structures |
- include: builtin-constants |
- include: builtin-variables |
- include: transposed-variables |
- include: variable-assignments |
- include: builtin-types |
- include: builtin-commands |
- include: builtin-functions |
- include: custom-functions |
- include: plugin-functions |
- include: nushell-keywords |
- include: nushell-aliases |
- include: nushell-personal |
- include: nushell-operators |
- include: boolean-operators |
- include: variables |
- include: invalid-variables |
eol-pop: |
- match: "{{eol}}" |
pop: 1 |
else-pop: |
- match: (?=\S) |
pop: 1 |
###[ COMMENTS AND LINE CONTINUATION ]########################################### |
comments: |
- include: block-comments |
- include: line-comments |
block-comments: |
- match: ^\s*(#\{)\s*\n |
captures: |
1: punctuation.definition.comment.nu |
push: block-comment-content |
block-comment-content: |
- meta_scope: comment.block.percentage.nu |
- match: ^\s*(#)\s*$\n? |
captures: |
1: punctuation.definition.comment.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: block-comments |
line-comments: |
- match: (#+).*\n? |
scope: comment.line.percentage.nu |
captures: |
1: punctuation.definition.comment.nu |
# line-continuations: |
# - match: (\.{3})\s*(\S.*\n?)? |
# captures: |
# 1: punctuation.separator.continuation.line.nu |
# 2: comment.line.nu |
###[ LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS ]#################################################### |
numbers: #? |
- match: \b(0[xX])(\h+)(u8|u16|u32|u64|s8|s16|s32|s64)?\b |
scope: meta.number.integer.hexadecimal.nu |
captures: |
1: constant.numeric.base.nu |
2: constant.numeric.value.nu |
3: constant.numeric.suffix.nu |
push: maybe-transpose |
- match: \b(0[bB])([01]+)(u8|u16|u32|u64|s8|s16|s32|s64)?\b |
scope: meta.number.integer.binary.nu |
captures: |
1: constant.numeric.base.nu |
2: constant.numeric.value.nu |
3: constant.numeric.suffix.nu |
push: maybe-transpose |
- match: ((?:\d+(\.)\d*|(\.)?\d+)(?:[Ee][-+]?\d+)?)(i|j)\b |
scope: meta.number.imaginary.decimal.nu |
captures: |
1: constant.numeric.value.nu |
2: punctuation.separator.decimal.nu |
3: punctuation.separator.decimal.nu |
4: constant.numeric.suffix.nu |
push: maybe-transpose |
- match: (?:\d+(\.)\d*|(\.)?\d+)(?:[Ee][-+]?\d+)?(?!\w) |
scope: meta.number.float.decimal.nu constant.numeric.value.nu |
captures: |
1: punctuation.separator.decimal.nu |
2: punctuation.separator.decimal.nu |
push: maybe-transpose |
strings: |
- match: \' |
scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.nu |
push: single-quoted-string |
- match: \" |
scope: punctuation.definition.string.begin.nu |
push: double-quoted-string |
single-quoted-string: |
- meta_include_prototype: false |
- meta_scope: meta.string.nu string.quoted.single.nu |
- match: \'\' |
scope: constant.character.escape.nu |
- match: \' |
scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.nu |
set: maybe-dot-transpose |
- match: $\n? |
scope: invalid.illegal.unclosed-string.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: escaped-characters |
- include: format-specs |
double-quoted-string: |
- meta_include_prototype: false |
- meta_scope: meta.string.nu string.quoted.double.nu |
- match: \"\" |
scope: constant.character.escape.nu |
- match: \" |
scope: punctuation.definition.string.end.nu |
set: maybe-transpose |
- match: $\n? |
scope: invalid.illegal.unclosed-string.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: escaped-characters |
- include: format-specs |
escaped-characters: |
- match: \%\%|\\\\|\\[abfnrtv] |
scope: constant.character.escape.nu |
format-specs: |
- match: \%(?:\d\$)?[-+\s0#]?(?:\d+|\*)?(?:\.\d+|\.\*)?(?:[cdeEfgGis]|[bt]?[ouxX]) |
scope: constant.other.placeholder.nu |
variables: |
- match: \b{{identifier}} |
scope: variable.other.nu |
transposed-variables: |
- match: \b({{identifier}})(?:\s*(\.\')|(\')) |
captures: |
1: variable.other.nu |
2: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
3: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
variable-assignments: |
- match: \b({{identifier}})\s*(=)(?!=) |
captures: |
1: variable.other.nu |
2: keyword.operator.assignment.nu |
structures: |
- match: \b({{identifier}})(\.)(?={{identifier}}) |
captures: |
1: variable.other.nu |
2: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
push: structure-fields |
structure-fields: |
- match: ({{identifier}})(\.)(?={{identifier}}) |
captures: |
1: variable.other.member.nu |
2: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
- match: "{{identifier}}" |
scope: variable.other.member.nu |
set: maybe-transpose |
###[ PARENS/BRACKETS/BRACES BLOCKS ]############################################ |
parens: |
- match: \( |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.nu |
push: parens-content |
parens-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.parens.nu |
- match: \) |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.nu |
set: maybe-fields-or-transpose |
- include: last-indices |
- include: expressions |
maybe-fields-or-transpose: |
- match: (\.)({{identifier}}) |
captures: |
1: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
2: variable.other.member.nu |
- match: \.(?!['*/\\^]) |
scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: maybe-transpose |
brackets: |
- match: \[ |
scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.nu |
push: brackets-content |
brackets-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.brackets.nu |
- match: \] |
scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.nu |
set: maybe-transpose |
- include: separator-semicolons |
- include: argument-placeholders |
- include: expressions |
braces: |
- match: \{ |
scope: punctuation.section.braces.begin.nu |
push: braces-content |
braces-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.braces.nu |
- match: \} |
scope: punctuation.section.braces.end.nu |
set: maybe-fields-or-transpose |
- include: separator-semicolons |
- include: last-indices |
- include: expressions |
###[ DECLARATION BLOCKS ]####################################################### |
function-declarations: |
- match: \bdef\b |
scope: keyword.declaration.function.nu |
push: function-declaration-header |
function-declaration-header: |
- meta_scope: meta.function.nu |
- include: line-continuations |
- match: "{{eol}}" |
set: maybe-function-arguments-block |
- match: ({{identifier}})\s*(=) |
captures: |
1: variable.parameter.output.nu |
2: keyword.operator.assignment.nu |
- match: \[ |
scope: punctuation.section.brackets.begin.nu |
push: function-output-parameters-list |
# - match: = |
# scope: keyword.operator.assignment.nu |
- match: (?:(?:set|get)(\.))?{{identifier}} |
scope: entity.name.function.nu |
captures: |
1: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
- match: \{ |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.nu |
push: function-input-parameters-list |
function-output-parameters-list: |
- include: line-continuations |
- include: eol-pop |
- include: separator-commas |
- match: \] |
scope: punctuation.section.brackets.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- match: "{{identifier}}" |
scope: variable.parameter.output.nu |
function-input-parameters-list: |
- clear_scopes: 1 |
- meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.nu |
- include: line-continuations |
- include: eol-pop |
- include: separator-commas |
- include: argument-placeholders |
- match: \) |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- match: "{{identifier}}" |
scope: variable.parameter.input.nu |
maybe-function-arguments-block: |
- meta_content_scope: meta.function.nu |
- include: comments |
- match: \barguments\b |
scope: keyword.context.arguments.nu |
push: function-arguments-block-header |
- match: (?=\S) |
set: function-body |
function-arguments-block-header: |
- meta_scope: meta.arguments.nu |
- match: \[ |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.nu |
push: function-arguments-block-attributes-list |
- match: "{{eol}}" |
set: function-arguments-block-content |
function-arguments-block-attributes-list: |
- meta_scope: meta.attributes.nu |
- include: eol-pop |
- match: \] |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- match: \bRepeating\b |
scope: variable.parameter.attribute.nu |
function-arguments-block-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.arguments.nu |
- match: \bend\b |
scope: keyword.context.arguments.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- match: \b\.\? |
scope: keyword.operator.properties.nu |
- include: argument-placeholders |
- include: builtin-types |
- include: expressions |
function-body: |
- meta_scope: meta.function.nu |
- match: \bend\b |
scope: keyword.declaration.function.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: function-declarations |
- include: keywords |
- include: expressions |
###[ KEYWORDS AND FLOW CONTROL BLOCKS ]######################################### |
# https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/iskeyword.html |
# https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/control-flow.html |
keywords: |
- include: if-blocks |
- include: switch-blocks |
- include: for-blocks |
- include: parfor-blocks |
- include: while-blocks |
- include: try-blocks |
- include: spmd-blocks |
# - match: \bbreak\b |
# scope: keyword.control.flow.break.nu |
# - match: \bcontinue\b |
# scope: keyword.control.flow.continue.nu |
# - match: \breturn\b |
# scope: keyword.control.flow.return.nu |
# - match: \bglobal\b |
# scope: storage.modifier.global.nu |
# - match: \bpersistent\b |
# scope: storage.modifier.persistent.nu |
if-blocks: |
- match: \bif\b |
scope: keyword.control.conditional.if.nu |
push: if-block-content |
if-block-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.block.if.nu |
- match: \belseif\b |
scope: keyword.control.conditional.elseif.nu |
- match: \belse\b |
scope: keyword.control.conditional.else.nu |
- match: \bend\b |
scope: keyword.control.conditional.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: keywords |
- include: expressions |
# switch-blocks: |
# - match: \bswitch\b |
# scope: keyword.control.conditional.switch.nu |
# push: switch-block-content |
# switch-block-content: |
# - meta_scope: meta.block.switch.nu |
# - match: \bcase\b |
# scope: keyword.control.conditional.case.nu |
# - match: \botherwise\b |
# scope: keyword.control.conditional.otherwise.nu |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: keyword.control.conditional.end.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: keywords |
# - include: expressions |
for-blocks: |
- match: \bfor\b |
scope: keyword.control.loop.for.nu |
push: for-block-content |
for-block-content: |
- meta_scope: meta.block.for.nu |
- match: \bend\b |
scope: keyword.control.loop.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
- include: keywords |
- include: expressions |
# parfor-blocks: |
# - match: \bparfor\b |
# scope: keyword.control.loop.parfor.nu |
# push: parfor-block-content |
# parfor-block-content: |
# - meta_scope: meta.block.parfor.nu |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: keyword.control.loop.end.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: keywords |
# - include: expressions |
# while-blocks: |
# - match: \bwhile\b |
# scope: keyword.control.loop.while.nu |
# push: while-block-content |
# while-block-content: |
# - meta_scope: meta.block.while.nu |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: keyword.control.loop.end.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: keywords |
# - include: expressions |
# try-blocks: |
# - match: \btry\b |
# scope: keyword.control.exception.try.nu |
# push: try-block-content |
# try-block-content: |
# - meta_scope: meta.block.try.nu |
# - match: \bcatch\b |
# scope: keyword.control.exception.catch.nu |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: keyword.control.exception.end.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: keywords |
# - include: expressions |
# spmd-blocks: |
# - match: \bspmd\b |
# scope: keyword.context.spmd.nu |
# push: spmd-block-content |
# spmd-block-content: |
# - meta_scope: meta.block.spmd.nu |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: keyword.context.spmd.end.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: keywords |
# - include: expressions |
###[ OPERATORS AND PUNCTUATION ]################################################ |
# https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/matlab-operators-and-special-characters.html |
operators: |
- match: '\+|-|\*|\.\*|/|\./|\\|\.\\|\^|\.\^' |
scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.nu |
- match: "==|~=|>=|>|<=|<" |
scope: keyword.operator.comparison.nu |
- match: '~|&&|&|\|\||\|' |
scope: keyword.operator.logical.nu |
- match: ":" |
scope: keyword.operator.colon.nu |
- match: "=" |
scope: keyword.operator.assignment.nu |
- match: \?(?=[A-Za-z]) |
scope: keyword.operator.metaclass.nu |
- match: \! |
scope: keyword.operator.shell-escape.nu |
push: shell-escape-content |
- match: \b\@ |
scope: punctuation.accessor.at.nu |
- match: \@ |
scope: keyword.operator.at.nu |
push: function-handle |
shell-escape-content: |
- meta_content_scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
- match: \n |
pop: 1 |
function-handle: |
- match: \( |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.begin.nu |
set: anonymous-function-parameters-list |
- match: "" |
pop: 1 |
anonymous-function-parameters-list: |
- meta_scope: meta.function.parameters.nu |
- include: line-continuations |
- include: eol-pop |
- match: "{{identifier}}" |
scope: variable.parameter.input.nu |
- include: separator-commas |
- match: \) |
scope: punctuation.section.parens.end.nu |
pop: 1 |
maybe-transpose: |
- match: (?:\s*(\.\')|(\'))? |
captures: |
1: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
2: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
pop: 1 |
maybe-dot-transpose: |
- match: (?:\s*(\.\'))? |
captures: |
1: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
pop: 1 |
accessor-dots: |
- match: \b\. |
scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
terminators: |
- match: \; |
scope: punctuation.terminator.nu |
separator-commas: |
- match: \, |
scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.nu |
separator-semicolons: |
- match: \; |
scope: punctuation.separator.sequence.nu |
###[ BUILTIN CONSTANTS, VARIABLES AND DATA TYPES ]############################## |
# Functions that return essential constants, usually used without parameters |
# builtin-constants: |
# - match: \b(true|false|eps|pi|Inf|NaN|NaT|flintmax|intmax|intmin|realmax|realmin|namelengthmax)\b |
# scope: constant.language.nu |
# push: maybe-transpose |
# builtin-variables: |
# - match: \b(ans|nargin|nargout|varargin|varargout)\b |
# scope: variable.language.nu |
# push: maybe-transpose |
# builtin-types: |
# - match: \b(?:categorical|cell|char|complex|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|logical|single|string|struct|table|timeseries|timetable|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64)\b(?!\() |
# scope: storage.type.nu |
# last-indices: |
# - match: \bend\b |
# scope: variable.language.nu |
# push: maybe-transpose |
# argument-placeholders: |
# - match: \~(?![A-Za-z]) |
# scope: variable.language.anonymous.nu |
###[ BUILTIN COMMANDS AND FUNCTIONS ]########################################### |
# Functions with predefined parameters, mostly used in command syntax form |
# builtin-commands: |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/axis.html |
# - match: \baxis\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-axis-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/beep.html |
# - match: \bbeep\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/box.html |
# - match: \bbox\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/matlab.graphics.interaction.internal.brush.html |
# - match: \bbrush\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cla.html |
# - match: \bcla\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-cla-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/clear.html |
# - match: \bclear\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-clear-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/close.html |
# - match: \bclose\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-close-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/diary.html |
# - match: \bdiary\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/drawnow.html |
# - match: \bdrawnow\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-drawnow-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/echo.html |
# - match: \becho\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-echo-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/exist.html |
# - match: \bexist\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-exist-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/exit.html |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/quit.html |
# - match: \b(?:exit|quit)\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-exit-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/format.html |
# - match: \bformat\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-format-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/grid.html |
# - match: \bgrid\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-grid-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/hidden.html |
# - match: \bhidden\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/hold.html |
# - match: \bhold\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-hold-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/import.html |
# - match: \bimport\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-import-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/material.html |
# - match: \bmaterial\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-material-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mkdir.html |
# - match: \bmkdir\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-mkdir-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/more.html |
# - match: \bmore\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/movefile.html |
# - match: \bmovefile\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-movefile-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/opengl.html |
# - match: \bopengl\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-opengl-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rmdir.html |
# - match: \brmdir\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-rmdir-parameter |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/who.html |
# # https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/whos.html |
# - match: \b(?:who|whos)\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
# push: maybe-who-parameter |
# maybe-on-off-parameter: |
# - match: (?:on|off)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-axis-parameter: |
# - match: (?:manual|auto|tight|padded|equal|image|square|fill|vis3d|normal|xy|ij|on|off)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-cla-parameter: |
# - match: reset\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-clear-parameter: |
# - match: -regexp\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# set: regexp-pattern-list |
# - match: (?:all|classes|functions|global|import|java|mex|variables)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# regexp-pattern-list: |
# - include: eol-pop |
# - match: (?=[;,]) |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '[^;,\s]+' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.regexp.nu |
# maybe-close-parameter: |
# - match: all\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# set: maybe-close-parameter-2 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-close-parameter-2: |
# - match: (?:hidden|force)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-drawnow-parameter: |
# - match: (?:limitrate|nocallbacks|update|expose)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-echo-parameter: |
# - match: (?:on|off)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# set: maybe-echo-parameter-2 |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-on-off-parameter |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-echo-parameter-2: |
# - match: all\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-exist-parameter: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-exist-parameter-2 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-exist-parameter-2: |
# - match: (?:builtin|class|dir|file|var)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-exit-parameter: |
# - match: (?:cancel|force)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-format-parameter: |
# - match: (?:short|long|shortE|longE|shortG|longG|shortEng|longEng|bank|hex|rational|compact|loose)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-grid-parameter: |
# - match: (?:on|off|minor)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-hold-parameter: |
# - match: (?:on|off|all)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-import-parameter: |
# - match: (?:\w+\.)*(?:\w+|\*) |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-material-parameter: |
# - match: (?:shiny|dull|metal|default)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-mkdir-parameter: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-mkdir-parameter-2 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-mkdir-parameter-2: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-movefile-parameter: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-movefile-parameter-2 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-movefile-parameter-2: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-movefile-parameter-3 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-movefile-parameter-3: |
# - match: f\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-opengl-parameter: |
# - match: (?:info|software|hardware|hardwarebasic)\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-rmdir-parameter: |
# - match: '{{filename}}' |
# scope: meta.string.nu string.unquoted.nu |
# set: maybe-rmdir-parameter-2 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-rmdir-parameter-2: |
# - match: s\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# maybe-who-parameter: |
# - match: global\b |
# scope: meta.string.nu support.constant.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - include: else-pop |
# - include: eol-pop |
# Parentheses are usually omitted when functions are used without parameters. |
# This command syntax is also possible for functions if all parameters are character arrays. |
# Only the function names are matched here to allow both command syntax and function syntax form. |
# https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/command-vs-function-syntax.html |
builtin-functions: |
- match: \b{{nushell_functions}}\b |
scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.builtin.nu |
custom-functions: |
- match: \b{{custom_functions}}\b |
scope: support.function.custom.nu |
plugin-functions: |
- match: \b{{plugin_functions}}\b |
scope: support.function.plugin.nu |
nushell-keywords: |
- match: \b{{nushell_keywords}}\b |
scope: support.function.keywords.nu |
nushell-aliases: |
- match: \b{{nushell_aliases}}\b |
scope: support.function.aliases.nu |
nushell-personal: |
- match: \b{{nushell_personal}}\b |
scope: support.function.personal.nu |
nushell-operators: |
- match: \b{{nushell_operators}}\b |
scope: support.function.operators.nu |
boolean-operators: |
- match: \b{{boolean_operators}}\b |
scope: support.function.boolean.nu |
###[ BUILTIN PACKAGES AND OBJECT FUNCTIONS ]#################################### |
# builtin-packages: |
# - match: \bcdflib\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-cdflib-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bclibgen\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-clibgen-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5A\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5a-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5DS\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5ds-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5E\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5e-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5F\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5f-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5G\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5g-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5I\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5i-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5L\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5l-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5ML\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5ml-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5O\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5o-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5P\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5p-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5R\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5r-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5S\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5s-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5T\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5t-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bH5Z\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-h5z-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bMException\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-mexception-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bNET\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-net-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bnetcdf\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-netcdf-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bRandStream\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-randstream-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# - match: \bTiff\b |
# scope: support.module.builtin.nu |
# push: |
# - maybe-tiff-object-function |
# - maybe-accessor-dot |
# maybe-accessor-dot: |
# - match: \.\' |
# scope: keyword.operator.transpose.nu |
# pop: 2 |
# - match: \.(?!\*|/|\\|\^) |
# scope: punctuation.accessor.dot.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '' |
# pop: 2 |
# maybe-cdflib-object-function: |
# - match: '{{cdflib_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-clibgen-object-function: |
# - match: '{{clibgen_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5a-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5A_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5ds-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5DS_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5e-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5E_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5f-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5F_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5g-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5G_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5i-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5I_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5l-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5L_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5ml-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5ML_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5o-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5O_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5p-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5P_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5r-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5R_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5s-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5S_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5t-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5T_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-h5z-object-function: |
# - match: '{{H5Z_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-mexception-object-function: |
# - match: last\b |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-net-object-function: |
# - match: '{{NET_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-netcdf-object-function: |
# - match: '{{netcdf_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-randstream-object-function: |
# - match: '{{RandStream_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# maybe-tiff-object-function: |
# - match: '{{Tiff_object_functions}}\b' |
# scope: meta.function-call.nu support.function.nu |
# pop: 1 |
# - match: '{{identifier}}?' |
# scope: variable.other.nu |
# pop: 1 |
###[ INVALID ]################################################################## |
invalid-variables: |
# No variables or function names can start with a number or an underscore. |
- match: '\b(_\w|\d+[_a-df-zA-DF-Z])\w*\b' |
scope: invalid.illegal.invalid-variable-name.nu |