local M = {} |
---@class TreeInspectorOptions |
---@field file string|nil # The path to the file to inspect. |
---@field pattern string|nil # A Vim file pattern (e.g., "*.nk") for dynamic matching. |
---@field inspector_name string|nil # The name of the inspector buffer (default: "TreeInspector"). |
---@field lang string|nil # The language for the tree-sitter parser (default: nil / infered). |
---@field width number|nil # Width of the inspector window (default: 30% of editor width). |
---@field height number|nil # Height of the inspector window (default: full height minus two lines). |
---@field vertical boolean|nil # Whether to use a vertical split (default: true). |
---@field style string|nil # Style for the inspector window (default: "minimal"). |
---@field title? string|fun(bufnr:integer):string|nil # Custom title function for the inspector window. |
---@field logger_name string|nil # Name of the logger (default: "tree-inspector"). |
---@field group_name string|nil # Name of the autocommand group for setup_auto_inspect. |
---@field desc string|nil # Description for the autocommand (default: "Automatically run InspectTree"). |
---@param opts TreeInspectorOptions |
M.open_tree_inspector = function(opts) |
-- local Logger = require('mtb.utils.log') |
-- local logger = Logger.new(opts.logger_name or 'tree-inspector') |
local file = opts.file |
if not file then |
-- logger:error("'file' must be specified for tree inspection.") |
return |
end |
local inspector_base_name = opts.inspector_name or 'TreeInspector' |
local unique_name = inspector_base_name .. '-' .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ':t') |
local lang = opts.lang |
-- logger:info('Opening tree inspector for ' .. file) |
local file_bufnr = vim.fn.bufnr(file) |
if file_bufnr == -1 then |
-- logger:warn('Sample file buffer not loaded, nothing to inspect.') |
return |
end |
local file_winid = vim.fn.bufwinid(file_bufnr) |
-- logger:info('File bufnr: ' .. file_bufnr) |
local inspector_bufnr = vim.fn.bufnr(unique_name) |
if inspector_bufnr == -1 then |
-- logger:info('Creating new inspector buffer: ' .. unique_name) |
inspector_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) |
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(inspector_bufnr, unique_name) |
end |
local inspector_winid = vim.fn.bufwinid(inspector_bufnr) |
if inspector_winid == -1 then |
-- logger:info('Creating a new inspector window') |
inspector_winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(inspector_bufnr, false, { |
win = file_winid, |
width = opts.width or math.floor(vim.o.columns * 0.3), |
height = opts.height or vim.o.lines - 2, |
vertical = opts.vertical or true, |
style = opts.style or 'minimal', |
}) |
end |
-- logger:info('Inspector winid: ' .. inspector_winid) |
-- Open the tree inspector |
vim.treesitter.inspect_tree({ |
bufnr = inspector_bufnr, |
lang = lang, |
winid = inspector_winid, |
title = opts.title or function(buf) |
return 'Tree Inspector for: ' .. vim.fn.bufname(buf) |
end, |
}) |
end |
---@param opts TreeInspectorOptions |
M.install = function(opts) |
-- local Logger = require('mtb.utils.log') |
-- local logger = Logger.new(opts.logger_name or 'tree-inspector') |
if not opts.file and not opts.pattern then |
error("setup_auto_inspect: Either 'file' or 'pattern' is required.") |
end |
local group_name = opts.group_name or 'TreeInspectorGroup' |
local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(group_name, { clear = true }) |
local pattern = opts.pattern or opts.file |
local inspector_base_name = opts.inspector_name or 'TreeInspector' |
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', { |
group = group, |
pattern = pattern, |
callback = function() |
local matched_file = vim.fn.expand('<afile>') |
local unique_name = inspector_base_name .. '-' .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(matched_file, ':t') |
-- logger:info('Matched file for pattern: ' .. matched_file) |
local dynamic_opts = vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, { |
file = matched_file, |
inspector_name = unique_name, |
}) |
M.open_tree_inspector(dynamic_opts) |
end, |
desc = opts.desc or 'Automatically run InspectTree', |
}) |
end |
return M |