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Created February 6, 2014 23:53
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Save melcher/8854953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds support for OPTIONS verb testing in rspec-rails Request (integration) tests
module RequestHelper
# Add support for testing `options` requests in rspec.
# See:
def options(*args)
reset! unless integration_session
integration_session.__send__(:process, :options, *args).tap do
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Hi Graham. Thanks for this gist. I'm trying to test CORS as well with RSpec. I'm using the rack-cors gem which requires the Origin HTTP header to be passed in the request. My specs are failing and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm not passing in the Origin header correctly. I get the correct HTTP status in the response, so I know it's actually hitting the correct :options route, but it's not returning any Access-Control-Allow headers, which means that the Origin wasn't passed. I've tested it via curl, so I know everything is actually working, so the tests should be passing.

Here's how I include the Origin header in a regular POST request in an integration spec:

post '/api/locations', { name: 'foo' }, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => ''

When I try the same thing with your options method, the Origin header doesn't seem to be recognized:

options '/api/locations', {}, 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => ''

I also tried removing the middle hash, but that didn't work either:

options '/api/locations', 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => ''

What am I doing wrong?


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