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Created March 2, 2009 18:14
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SVN recipes
# limit the log to the last 4 commits
svn log --limit 4
# show the log for a particular file
svn log foo.js
# create a new repo
svn import http://repo/path/<new-repo> -m "Initial import"
# create a new branch
svn copy http://repo/path/trunk http://repo/path/branches/<new-branch> -m "Create new branch"
# revert to a previous version
svn merge -r 303:302 http://repo/path/
# restore a deleted file
svn copy -r 303 http://repo/path/foo.js ./foo.js
# revert local changes to a file (no network required)
svn revert foo.js
# remove deleted files
svn status | grep '\!' | awk '{print $2;}' | xargs svn rm
# add all new files
svn add * --force
# recursively remove .svn directories
rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`
# remove Mac OS resource fork files
svn rm --force dir/._*
# edit externals
svn propedit svn:externals .
# edit ignore
svn propedit svn:ignore .
# find files that are not under version control
svn status | grep "^\?" | awk "{print \$2}"
# Roll back everything to a previous revision
svn merge -r HEAD:302 http://repo/path/
# get an old revision of a changed / deleted file
svn merge -r <302>:<303> foo.js
# merge changes from another branch
# 303 = include everything *after* this revision from the *other* branch
svn merge -r 303:HEAD http://repo/path/
# delete branch
svn delete http://repo/path/branches/<branch> -m "Remove old branch"
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priyanka7340 commented Jul 12, 2020

We are trying to delete the non-versioned files from SVN branch. This command works on Client node --- for /f "tokens=2" %i in ('svn status ^| find "?"') do del %i* Need help to frame a chef cookbook to execute this command automatically on the client node

note - Client node - Windows 2016 and Chef Workstation and Server - Linux (redhat 7.3) Basically trying to revert the non versioned files in SVN branch (checkOut folder) and our TortoiseSVN client version is 1.7

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