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Created September 16, 2019 23:53
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Candlestick Chart

A zoomable candlestick chart.

Copyright © 2015, Anil Nair - MIT License


A zoomable candlestick chart with wider intervals for larger periods. With Volume and volatility bars. Uses d3.nest and rollup to aggregate OHLC prices over different intervals depending on the period of view. Data is requested only once.

function barchart() {
var margin = {top: 300, right: 30, bottom: 10, left: 5 },
width = 620, height = 60, mname = "mbar1";
var MValue = "TURNOVER";
function barrender(selection) {
selection.each(function(data) {
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeBands([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.rangeRound([height, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var svg ="svg")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
x.domain( { return d.TIMESTAMP; }));
y.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d[MValue]; })]).nice();
var xtickdelta = Math.ceil(60/(width/data.length))
xAxis.tickValues(x.domain().filter(function(d, i) { return !((i+Math.floor(xtickdelta/2)) % xtickdelta); }));
.attr("class", "axis yaxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + ",0)")
// svg.append("g")
// .attr("class", "axis yaxis")
// .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")
// .call(yAxis.orient("left"));
var barwidth = x.rangeBand();
var fillwidth = (Math.floor(barwidth*0.9)/2)*2+1;
var bardelta = Math.round((barwidth-fillwidth)/2);
var mbar = svg.selectAll("."+mname+"bar")
.attr("class", mname+"bar");
.data(function(d) { return d; })
.attr("class", mname+"fill")
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.TIMESTAMP) + bardelta; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d[MValue]); })
.attr("class", function(d, i) { return mname+i; })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(0) - y(d[MValue]); })
.attr("width", fillwidth);
} // barrender
barrender.mname = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return mname;
mname = value;
return barrender;
barrender.margin = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return; = value;
return barrender;
barrender.MValue = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return MValue;
MValue = value;
return barrender;
return barrender;
} // barchart
/* Container
/* =============================================== */
#demobox {
margin: auto;
min-height: 310px;
min-width: 700px;
max-width: 800px;
padding-left: 30px;
color: #333; }
#csbox {
color: #fff;
background: #292f3b;
margin: 10px auto;
width: 670px;
height: 500px;
font-size: small;
text-align: center; }
/* Candlestick Chart
/* =============================================== */
#chart1 .grid { stroke-opacity: .3; }
#chart1 .axis line,
#chart1 .axis.xaxis path { fill: none; stroke: darkgrey; shape-rendering: crispEdges; }
#chart1 .tick text { font: 10px sans-serif; fill: darkgrey; stroke-opacity: .3; }
#chart1 .axis.yaxis path { fill: none; stroke: #292f3b; }
#chart1 .bands rect { fill: darkgrey; fill-opacity: 0; stroke-opacity: 0; pointer-events: all; shape-rendering: crispEdges; }
#chart1 .bands .hoved { fill-opacity: .6; }
#chart1 .sticks rect { pointer-events: none; shape-rendering: crispEdges; }
#chart1 .sticks .rise, #chart1 .candles .rise { fill: lightgrey; }
#chart1 .sticks .fall, #chart1 .candles .fall { fill: turquoise; }
#chart1 .sticks .hoved { stroke: white; }
#chart1 .candles .hoved { stroke: white; }
#chart1 .candles rect { pointer-events: none; shape-rendering: crispEdges; }
#chart1 .bbmn { fill: none; stroke: cyan; stroke-width: 1.5px; pointer-events: none; }
#chart1 .bbup { fill: none; stroke: green; stroke-width: 1.5px; pointer-events: none; }
#chart1 .bbdn { fill: none; stroke: crimson; stroke-width: 1.5px; pointer-events: none; }
#chart1 .volumebar { fill: darkgrey; }
#chart1 .volumebar rect { pointer-events: none; }
#chart1 .volumebar .hoved { fill: white; }
#chart1 .sigmabar { fill: darkgrey; }
#chart1 .sigmabar rect { pointer-events: none; }
#chart1 .sigmabar .hoved { fill: white; }
#option { width: 230px; height: 25px; float: left; padding-top: 5px; }
#option input { cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5px; color: #fff; background: #696d75; border: none; }
#option input {
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
#option .active { cursor: auto; background: #94979d; }
#option .active {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
#infobar { width: 440px; height: 25px; float: left; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left; font-family: sans-serif; }
.infohead { width: 140px; height: 25px; margin: 0px 2px; float: left; }
.infobox { width: 70px; height: 30px; margin: 0px 2px; float: left; }
#volchart .volbar .volfill { fill: crimson; }
#volchart .sigbar .sigfill { fill: crimson; }
#volchart input { cursor: pointer; }
function cschart() {
var margin = {top: 0, right: 30, bottom: 40, left: 5},
width = 620, height = 300, Bheight = 460;
function csrender(selection) {
selection.each(function() {
var interval = TIntervals[TPeriod];
var minimal = d3.min(genData, function(d) { return d.LOW; });
var maximal = d3.max(genData, function(d) { return d.HIGH; });
var extRight = width + margin.right
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeBands([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.rangeRound([height, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
x.domain( { return d.TIMESTAMP; }));
y.domain([minimal, maximal]).nice();
var xtickdelta = Math.ceil(60/(width/genData.length))
xAxis.tickValues(x.domain().filter(function(d, i) { return !((i+Math.floor(xtickdelta/2)) % xtickdelta); }));
var barwidth = x.rangeBand();
var candlewidth = Math.floor(d3.min([barwidth*0.8, 13])/2)*2+1;
var delta = Math.round((barwidth-candlewidth)/2);"svg").remove();
var svg ="svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", Bheight + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
.attr("class", "axis xaxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
.attr("class", "axis yaxis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + ",0)")
.attr("class", "axis grid")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + ",0)")
var bands = svg.selectAll(".bands")
.attr("class", "bands");
.data(function(d) { return d; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.TIMESTAMP) + Math.floor(barwidth/2); })
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("height", Bheight)
.attr("width", 1)
.attr("class", function(d, i) { return "band"+i; })
.style("stroke-width", Math.floor(barwidth));
var stick = svg.selectAll(".sticks")
.attr("class", "sticks");
.data(function(d) { return d; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.TIMESTAMP) + Math.floor(barwidth/2); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.HIGH); })
.attr("class", function(d, i) { return "stick"+i; })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.LOW) - y(d.HIGH); })
.attr("width", 1)
.classed("rise", function(d) { return (d.CLOSE>d.OPEN); })
.classed("fall", function(d) { return (d.OPEN>d.CLOSE); });
var candle = svg.selectAll(".candles")
.attr("class", "candles");
.data(function(d) { return d; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.TIMESTAMP) + delta; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d3.max([d.OPEN, d.CLOSE])); })
.attr("class", function(d, i) { return "candle"+i; })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d3.min([d.OPEN, d.CLOSE])) - y(d3.max([d.OPEN, d.CLOSE])); })
.attr("width", candlewidth)
.classed("rise", function(d) { return (d.CLOSE>d.OPEN); })
.classed("fall", function(d) { return (d.OPEN>d.CLOSE); });
} // csrender
csrender.Bheight = function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return Bheight;
Bheight = value;
return csrender;
return csrender;
} // cschart
function genType(d) {
d.LOW = +d.LOW;
d.HIGH = +d.HIGH;
d.OPEN = +d.OPEN;
return d;
function timeCompare(date, interval) {
if (interval == "week") { var durfn = d3.time.monday(date); }
else if (interval == "month") { var durfn = d3.time.month(date); }
else { var durfn =; }
return durfn;
function dataCompress(data, interval) {
var compressedData = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return timeCompare(d.TIMESTAMP, interval); })
.rollup(function(v) { return {
TIMESTAMP: timeCompare(d3.values(v).pop().TIMESTAMP, interval),
OPEN: d3.values(v).shift().OPEN,
LOW: d3.min(v, function(d) { return d.LOW; }),
HIGH: d3.max(v, function(d) { return d.HIGH; }),
CLOSE: d3.values(v).pop().CLOSE,
TURNOVER: d3.mean(v, function(d) { return d.TURNOVER; }),
VOLATILITY: d3.mean(v, function(d) { return d.VOLATILITY; })
}; })
.entries(data).map(function(d) { return d.values; });
return compressedData;
function csheader() {
function cshrender(selection) {
selection.each(function(data) {
var interval = TIntervals[TPeriod];
var format = (interval=="month")?d3.time.format("%b %Y"):d3.time.format("%b %d %Y");
var dateprefix = (interval=="month")?"Month of ":(interval=="week")?"Week of ":"";"#infodate").text(dateprefix + format(data.TIMESTAMP));"#infoopen").text("O " + data.OPEN);"#infohigh").text("H " + data.HIGH);"#infolow").text("L " + data.LOW);"#infoclose").text("C " + data.CLOSE);
} // cshrender
return cshrender;
} // csheader
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d").parse;
var TPeriod = "3M";
var TDays = {"1M":21, "3M":63, "6M":126, "1Y":252, "2Y":504, "4Y":1008 };
var TIntervals = {"1M":"day", "3M":"day", "6M":"day", "1Y":"week", "2Y":"week", "4Y":"month" };
var TFormat = {"day":"%d %b '%y", "week":"%d %b '%y", "month":"%b '%y" };
var genRaw, genData;
(function() {
d3.csv("stockdata.csv", genType, function(data) {
genRaw = data;
function toSlice(data) { return data.slice(-TDays[TPeriod]); }
function mainjs() {
var toPress = function() { genData = (TIntervals[TPeriod]!="day")?dataCompress(toSlice(genRaw), TIntervals[TPeriod]):toSlice(genRaw); };
toPress(); displayAll();"#oneM").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "1M"; toPress(); displayAll(); });"#threeM").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "3M"; toPress(); displayAll(); });"#sixM").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "6M"; toPress(); displayAll(); });"#oneY").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "1Y"; toPress(); displayAll(); });"#twoY").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "2Y"; toPress(); displayAll(); });"#fourY").on("click", function(){ TPeriod = "4Y"; toPress(); displayAll(); });
function displayAll() {
function changeClass() {
if (TPeriod =="1M") {"#oneM").classed("active", true);"#threeM").classed("active", false);"#sixM").classed("active", false);"#oneY").classed("active", false);"#twoY").classed("active", false);"#fourY").classed("active", false);
} else if (TPeriod =="6M") {"#oneM").classed("active", false);"#threeM").classed("active", false);"#sixM").classed("active", true);"#oneY").classed("active", false);"#twoY").classed("active", false);"#fourY").classed("active", false);
} else if (TPeriod =="1Y") {"#oneM").classed("active", false);"#threeM").classed("active", false);"#sixM").classed("active", false);"#oneY").classed("active", true);"#twoY").classed("active", false);"#fourY").classed("active", false);
} else if (TPeriod =="2Y") {"#oneM").classed("active", false);"#threeM").classed("active", false);"#sixM").classed("active", false);"#oneY").classed("active", false);"#twoY").classed("active", true);"#fourY").classed("active", false);
} else if (TPeriod =="4Y") {"#oneM").classed("active", false);"#threeM").classed("active", false);"#sixM").classed("active", false);"#oneY").classed("active", false);"#twoY").classed("active", false);"#fourY").classed("active", true);
} else {"#oneM").classed("active", false);"#threeM").classed("active", true);"#sixM").classed("active", false);"#oneY").classed("active", false);"#twoY").classed("active", false);"#fourY").classed("active", false);
function displayCS() {
var chart = cschart().Bheight(460);"#chart1").call(chart);
var chart = barchart().mname("volume").margin(320).MValue("TURNOVER");"#chart1").datum(genData).call(chart);
var chart = barchart().mname("sigma").margin(400).MValue("VOLATILITY");"#chart1").datum(genData).call(chart);
function hoverAll() {"#chart1").select(".bands").selectAll("rect")
.on("mouseover", function(d, i) {"hoved", true);".stick"+i).classed("hoved", true);".candle"+i).classed("hoved", true);".volume"+i).classed("hoved", true);".sigma"+i).classed("hoved", true);
.on("mouseout", function(d, i) {"hoved", false);".stick"+i).classed("hoved", false);".candle"+i).classed("hoved", false);".volume"+i).classed("hoved", false);".sigma"+i).classed("hoved", false);
function displayGen(mark) {
var header = csheader();"#infobar").datum(genData.slice(mark)[0]).call(header);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="cschart.css">
<div id="demobox">
<div id="csbox">
<div id="option">
<input id="oneM" name="1M" type="button" value="1M"/>
<input id="threeM" name="3M" type="button" value="3M" />
<input id="sixM" name="6M" type="button" value="6M" />
<input id="oneY" name="1Y" type="button" value="1Y" />
<input id="twoY" name="2Y" type="button" value="2Y" />
<input id="fourY" name="4Y" type="button" value="4Y" />
<div id="infobar">
<div id="infodate" class="infohead"></div>
<div id="infoopen" class="infobox"></div>
<div id="infohigh" class="infobox"></div>
<div id="infolow" class="infobox"></div>
<div id="infoclose" class="infobox"></div>
<div id="chart1"></div>
</div> <!-- csbox -->
</div> <!-- demobox -->
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
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<script src="csbars.js"></script>
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2010-07-13 410.40 416.00 407.48 414.51 129.04 23.48
2010-07-14 416.00 422.18 414.65 417.26 221.98 25.48
2010-07-15 418.00 418.00 411.00 412.52 66.96 24.26
2010-07-16 412.80 413.20 406.24 407.79 96.27 28.77
2010-07-19 408.40 412.80 404.40 409.57 179.71 34.76
2010-07-20 409.57 417.74 407.20 408.88 137.15 26.53
2010-07-21 410.02 412.95 405.00 406.61 94.61 26.79
2010-07-22 406.00 412.60 405.00 411.45 114.01 25.41
2010-07-23 413.80 413.80 405.18 407.72 141.0 24.1
2010-07-26 409.00 411.96 406.83 410.38 62.08 29.7
2010-07-27 410.64 415.60 409.00 413.36 137.22 27.39
2010-07-28 414.40 418.00 411.99 417.22 136.78 21.76
2010-07-29 418.18 423.00 416.65 420.12 236.22 22.49
2010-07-30 419.54 427.40 416.00 425.38 247.55 20.33
2010-08-02 426.00 428.98 424.27 427.27 176.25 19.1
2010-08-03 428.00 428.80 422.35 424.49 172.94 19.48
2010-08-04 423.00 425.80 418.24 422.96 155.29 21.01
2010-08-05 413.00 425.48 413.00 420.05 154.92 21.85
2010-08-06 418.65 422.00 416.29 418.14 114.28 20.23
2010-08-09 418.00 420.78 414.27 416.40 54.53 21.87
2010-08-10 417.09 420.44 413.95 419.03 153.29 20.41
2010-08-11 420.20 422.61 415.59 417.90 153.93 19.6
2010-08-12 415.38 416.56 409.60 414.63 102.7 21.98
2010-08-13 412.31 420.28 411.65 417.51 109.39 20.63
2010-08-16 415.68 425.38 414.08 416.80 74.93 22.82
2010-08-17 421.60 427.20 416.22 424.21 212.91 21.4
2010-08-18 426.00 439.80 426.00 438.39 422.34 22.94
2010-08-19 437.00 447.90 437.00 446.03 229.78 19.91
2010-08-20 442.31 447.96 441.04 446.26 93.17 23.65
2010-08-23 442.57 445.60 436.60 439.32 90.23 29.13
2010-08-24 439.32 444.00 432.02 441.73 116.78 29.63
2010-08-25 440.20 443.00 435.71 438.45 116.3 26.94
2010-08-26 435.72 442.77 433.30 435.67 223.17 24.13
2010-08-27 436.00 437.99 425.13 427.83 124.93 24.49
2010-08-30 432.00 435.54 423.32 426.34 73.23 23.6
2010-08-31 425.00 428.00 422.46 426.85 100.0 12.09
2010-09-01 427.11 431.00 424.00 429.85 103.02 21.13
2010-09-02 431.96 438.99 431.96 437.49 126.6 19.14
2010-09-03 438.80 440.00 433.65 438.79 88.77 18.64
2010-09-06 439.60 443.94 437.03 440.86 105.32 18.74
2010-09-07 443.20 443.20 436.51 439.82 92.23 10.12
2010-09-08 437.60 439.98 434.26 435.92 108.86 18.75
2010-09-09 439.00 450.00 436.62 448.97 289.79 18.06
2010-09-13 450.02 459.00 449.60 456.49 165.88 23.19
2010-09-14 457.20 470.00 457.20 466.84 381.68 24.37
2010-09-15 467.80 476.80 467.21 475.09 301.31 26.65
2010-09-16 475.14 483.00 471.07 479.06 305.05 28.06
2010-09-17 479.06 485.20 477.40 480.12 257.86 26.22
2010-09-20 480.64 493.99 479.26 489.24 183.1 29.81
2010-09-21 491.02 498.92 491.02 494.15 404.68 30.57
2010-09-22 494.00 498.00 490.06 496.33 308.82 29.92
2010-09-23 494.31 496.37 490.63 492.77 152.35 28.49
2010-09-24 481.63 500.40 481.63 499.05 346.57 28.98
2010-09-27 500.00 502.16 486.74 487.69 205.14 29.41
2010-09-28 487.60 492.34 484.28 490.08 230.03 29.7
2010-09-29 494.80 494.80 485.24 488.57 190.46 15.35
2010-09-30 486.00 499.80 485.34 497.87 457.35 25.6
2010-10-01 498.40 500.80 492.47 500.15 220.08 24.67
2010-10-04 500.15 504.52 496.64 498.80 174.49 26.78
2010-10-05 496.28 501.94 487.49 489.56 212.1 27.2
2010-10-06 491.00 496.00 490.00 491.35 101.15 27.7
2010-10-07 491.40 494.00 485.31 486.71 109.9 27.68
2010-10-08 487.03 489.60 478.00 481.15 179.33 24.47
2010-10-11 488.16 488.16 473.33 477.70 237.0 26.0
2010-10-12 479.61 480.00 467.91 476.06 184.32 24.74
2010-10-13 477.00 490.00 473.40 488.25 249.35 28.35
2010-10-14 489.00 491.20 482.01 484.87 93.71 25.53
2010-10-15 484.88 488.55 475.99 477.25 140.94 28.02
2010-10-18 507.98 507.98 470.60 479.69 196.87 29.76
2010-10-19 484.60 484.60 471.71 473.77 199.55 30.62
2010-10-20 473.80 474.40 465.62 467.11 115.61 29.21
2010-10-21 466.01 474.96 463.33 473.02 172.11 24.34
2010-10-22 476.00 476.00 463.70 465.33 151.39 26.72
2010-10-25 467.20 473.50 459.80 460.94 200.24 29.9
2010-10-26 461.60 465.20 458.20 460.28 116.84 32.6
2010-10-27 461.20 461.20 448.08 450.86 186.69 12.86
2010-10-28 451.30 463.17 448.20 453.34 479.37 29.05
2010-10-29 456.00 459.60 447.40 455.98 184.05 24.61
2010-11-01 459.60 473.20 457.01 469.84 237.32 24.77
2010-11-02 473.00 477.40 468.60 470.07 131.54 24.78
2010-11-03 472.20 474.38 470.21 472.45 83.66 23.93
2010-11-04 478.00 481.00 473.51 477.84 116.14 23.77
2010-11-05 480.00 481.40 477.00 478.68 9.41 20.44
2010-11-08 478.68 480.00 465.09 467.08 100.22 25.73
2010-11-09 468.00 481.36 466.07 479.70 162.99 24.55
2010-11-10 480.00 483.96 476.67 479.17 107.22 26.04
2010-11-11 477.02 481.88 467.25 470.66 79.75 27.14
2010-11-12 469.00 475.80 461.00 462.98 145.0 25.72
2010-11-15 463.00 478.40 462.80 477.17 269.4 25.55
2010-11-16 479.94 479.94 465.00 474.52 215.94 25.37
2010-11-18 483.80 483.80 463.75 468.07 195.44 28.1
2010-11-19 469.00 472.80 458.40 460.72 135.74 27.79
2010-11-22 464.20 478.19 461.20 475.98 129.73 30.99
2010-11-23 473.00 476.00 461.49 474.36 134.14 35.75
2010-11-24 470.80 474.78 457.99 462.28 96.4 39.09
2010-11-25 465.00 471.74 458.45 464.61 264.26 11.12
2010-11-26 465.20 468.00 455.20 459.58 174.12 25.35
2010-11-29 460.00 463.58 457.00 459.58 136.21 24.56
2010-11-30 459.40 466.81 451.70 457.08 197.71 25.4
2010-12-01 457.71 475.00 456.00 473.41 188.13 21.19
2010-12-02 475.60 480.00 470.62 478.35 175.63 20.79
2010-12-03 479.00 480.00 474.40 479.13 94.57 19.49
2010-12-06 484.00 485.00 475.05 476.65 112.54 21.38
2010-12-07 476.00 478.00 465.70 470.33 201.81 22.8
2010-12-08 468.00 468.00 453.04 456.09 268.36 25.99
2010-12-09 454.63 456.88 443.86 446.40 409.74 28.4
2010-12-10 440.00 446.45 434.06 444.47 453.67 30.74
2010-12-13 448.60 449.00 436.28 447.80 175.44 29.8
2010-12-14 449.40 455.18 442.40 447.65 132.66 30.11
2010-12-15 446.00 446.00 430.00 432.58 245.38 30.76
2010-12-16 432.60 443.92 430.00 440.16 212.78 30.58
2010-12-20 439.96 439.96 430.29 434.50 112.16 30.01
2010-12-21 434.60 443.81 434.38 442.82 136.28 29.83
2010-12-22 446.60 448.00 434.01 435.76 165.37 26.83
2010-12-23 436.00 440.80 434.79 438.19 71.52 27.52
2010-12-24 437.80 444.95 435.00 443.68 77.47 25.88
2010-12-27 443.80 446.00 439.42 442.74 83.38 28.23
2010-12-28 444.78 453.74 443.03 451.23 104.79 32.58
2010-12-29 451.20 467.36 450.71 465.56 186.31 32.66
2010-12-30 467.24 468.68 457.61 461.10 167.27 22.81
2010-12-31 461.00 473.00 458.41 469.27 193.7 21.49
2011-01-03 474.00 479.93 470.08 478.10 128.78 20.85
2011-01-04 477.30 477.60 466.60 469.11 195.09 23.82
2011-01-05 469.94 469.94 459.50 461.64 181.08 25.21
2011-01-06 463.20 468.53 461.80 465.55 126.31 25.63
2011-01-07 465.24 465.24 452.20 453.89 181.15 27.32
2011-01-10 451.21 454.00 427.60 430.45 437.52 34.4
2011-01-11 434.00 443.74 425.00 429.32 262.73 33.94
2011-01-12 433.80 442.80 421.32 441.06 213.98 32.34
2011-01-13 441.80 443.48 425.28 428.60 204.62 34.26
2011-01-14 430.00 441.60 406.00 409.91 270.52 36.94
2011-01-17 412.00 418.60 410.11 413.62 254.2 38.96
2011-01-18 417.36 423.20 409.33 421.87 175.82 34.57
2011-01-19 422.33 422.81 412.60 415.09 187.19 36.6
2011-01-20 413.85 426.88 409.18 423.51 200.97 36.38
2011-01-21 420.80 424.94 415.22 418.83 173.96 34.46
2011-01-24 419.00 430.80 414.60 429.72 269.95 39.33
2011-01-25 430.24 434.97 414.02 416.86 298.84 37.72
2011-01-27 420.00 420.00 408.20 410.18 393.3 28.93
2011-01-28 411.00 417.87 408.41 410.85 367.42 29.3
2011-01-31 408.54 412.69 399.24 409.46 225.02 28.17
2011-02-01 415.38 415.38 403.02 407.92 174.38 28.74
2011-02-02 410.30 412.70 401.24 403.98 198.45 27.41
2011-02-03 404.00 414.35 402.00 412.19 118.79 25.74
2011-02-04 410.20 417.00 401.00 403.55 189.23 24.97
2011-02-07 409.00 412.00 404.04 407.77 175.49 27.27
2011-02-08 411.98 411.99 397.02 400.57 144.8 27.55
2011-02-09 399.60 407.00 396.28 404.46 148.13 27.57
2011-02-10 403.20 409.80 400.00 403.17 233.72 29.42
2011-02-11 399.00 412.00 399.00 411.86 206.33 27.51
2011-02-14 410.03 422.04 410.03 421.09 123.77 25.42
2011-02-15 422.00 425.60 415.06 421.40 160.09 24.9
2011-02-16 422.80 424.40 417.01 418.97 95.41 26.19
2011-02-17 420.00 438.80 419.00 437.12 255.35 19.79
2011-02-18 436.80 448.62 433.05 435.22 437.18 28.05
2011-02-21 433.00 441.60 426.50 440.34 121.29 29.4
2011-02-22 438.00 438.34 425.08 427.69 124.7 38.81
2011-02-23 425.04 430.60 420.04 422.82 130.33 37.68
2011-02-24 417.40 423.71 409.15 411.82 208.26 24.6
2011-02-25 417.40 417.40 403.60 408.43 129.59 32.64
2011-02-28 412.80 424.19 407.00 410.45 226.78 30.87
2011-03-01 414.96 430.00 411.80 427.80 217.77 27.96
2011-03-03 426.98 444.46 426.01 438.63 276.76 29.48
2011-03-04 442.00 446.58 441.30 443.65 218.88 27.57
2011-03-07 440.80 440.80 430.18 434.63 139.53 35.71
2011-03-08 431.60 443.70 431.30 441.30 197.84 34.39
2011-03-09 442.00 447.74 439.00 441.21 199.51 34.14
2011-03-10 438.40 443.00 436.47 441.68 164.47 29.94
2011-03-11 436.41 443.40 435.00 437.27 143.61 31.7
2011-03-14 434.40 443.80 434.40 442.95 144.23 33.64
2011-03-15 434.00 441.54 426.00 436.93 299.65 35.65
2011-03-16 439.20 441.00 435.72 436.75 127.35 30.84
2011-03-17 434.04 446.60 433.23 436.30 370.07 32.97
2011-03-18 436.00 439.24 428.42 429.86 104.12 33.74
2011-03-21 434.04 435.74 429.29 430.89 133.0 34.2
2011-03-22 431.82 434.60 428.41 430.32 101.74 29.02
2011-03-23 430.00 436.38 429.01 432.84 100.94 27.35
2011-03-24 435.80 439.78 433.70 438.56 96.4 26.02
2011-03-25 441.40 455.00 440.00 453.01 199.42 27.14
2011-03-28 453.00 462.40 453.00 459.35 250.87 34.92
2011-03-29 462.00 464.76 456.93 461.03 249.89 40.77
2011-03-30 463.00 472.80 461.20 468.30 259.64 44.53
2011-03-31 470.00 479.18 461.02 469.17 445.13 26.57
2011-04-01 470.60 473.00 464.60 466.75 102.01 24.53
2011-04-04 468.00 481.00 468.00 480.16 150.92 23.72
2011-04-05 480.00 481.99 473.63 479.15 201.06 25.24
2011-04-06 478.20 479.00 470.20 475.19 153.48 24.31
2011-04-07 475.00 475.60 467.92 470.95 154.3 23.43
2011-04-08 470.80 477.00 469.02 470.48 182.4 23.07
2011-04-11 465.04 467.51 457.72 459.21 257.69 25.09
2011-04-13 455.89 476.73 455.00 473.79 210.71 23.86
2011-04-15 475.00 478.40 468.80 472.62 203.28 31.27
2011-04-18 475.76 479.97 460.87 462.36 242.93 38.5
2011-04-19 468.00 471.76 464.89 469.50 175.13 33.29
2011-04-20 472.11 477.80 469.60 474.39 154.75 29.8
2011-04-21 476.40 483.38 476.40 482.13 389.84 22.72
2011-04-25 484.60 488.21 477.20 478.20 152.12 27.68
2011-04-26 477.31 479.57 468.10 471.97 149.09 30.47
2011-04-27 475.20 475.80 465.26 470.65 168.17 32.37
2011-04-28 472.63 473.80 466.00 467.55 313.58 25.18
2011-04-29 465.00 467.94 456.20 459.11 213.93 22.3
2011-05-02 461.20 463.14 452.40 458.03 161.19 22.51
2011-05-03 457.71 459.13 444.44 447.13 242.41 24.11
2011-05-04 448.80 457.03 441.56 452.29 298.15 20.19
2011-05-05 451.17 454.96 442.00 444.09 208.62 22.72
2011-05-06 445.00 464.00 445.00 459.45 244.94 19.88
2011-05-09 460.40 463.00 449.68 455.77 88.79 23.12
2011-05-10 455.60 455.60 445.02 449.28 146.95 22.75
2011-05-11 452.00 453.78 444.20 452.21 110.24 22.22
2011-05-12 450.00 452.98 447.00 448.04 106.4 21.99
2011-05-13 446.40 458.00 445.17 450.21 131.85 21.82
2011-05-16 449.00 453.22 447.26 450.61 141.34 29.39
2011-05-17 450.40 454.79 448.20 450.49 138.01 23.98
2011-05-18 451.62 455.54 448.60 453.47 156.96 23.07
2011-05-19 454.10 456.80 451.54 454.76 170.96 23.94
2011-05-20 454.00 464.00 451.08 463.14 273.71 16.41
2011-05-23 459.00 459.76 449.19 452.94 227.59 23.58
2011-05-24 450.80 458.50 449.64 451.06 102.35 25.36
2011-05-25 450.00 453.40 449.07 450.95 93.77 28.27
2011-05-26 451.00 455.40 448.00 452.84 225.11 18.84
2011-05-27 452.98 462.40 452.51 460.73 133.69 15.37
2011-05-30 460.80 465.52 459.47 461.52 90.61 16.62
2011-05-31 464.98 481.74 463.00 479.91 420.43 14.38
2011-06-01 478.00 481.40 474.95 479.64 157.56 15.8
2011-06-02 471.01 473.34 469.00 472.06 158.44 20.21
2011-06-03 471.99 474.17 469.70 471.35 141.25 19.08
2011-06-06 469.06 478.00 469.06 476.25 138.24 21.66
2011-06-07 473.02 478.14 472.76 475.30 96.61 18.17
2011-06-08 471.24 474.40 469.64 471.05 121.42 20.48
2011-06-09 470.95 474.92 468.30 472.56 76.23 20.06
2011-06-10 473.60 474.90 466.04 472.49 103.0 19.02
2011-06-13 470.63 476.00 468.83 474.52 92.73 20.55
2011-06-14 475.60 479.60 473.10 476.50 148.33 21.76
2011-06-15 476.00 479.16 473.40 474.56 167.75 21.74
2011-06-16 472.80 474.40 467.61 468.60 99.16 20.48
2011-06-17 470.10 473.22 466.73 469.86 167.02 20.07
2011-06-20 468.43 472.29 454.39 459.80 179.78 21.54
2011-06-21 460.40 468.80 460.40 465.11 118.28 21.62
2011-06-22 466.49 469.56 462.48 464.54 71.92 21.02
2011-06-23 463.80 467.89 462.00 466.75 96.19 23.87
2011-06-24 469.80 477.99 468.31 476.63 196.49 24.49
2011-06-27 476.60 486.37 474.53 483.23 247.66 30.48
2011-06-28 485.88 486.00 480.91 484.61 147.52 32.77
2011-06-29 487.00 499.80 487.00 497.82 252.96 30.2
2011-06-30 499.80 504.99 495.23 503.11 336.32 20.82
2011-07-01 508.00 509.52 495.60 500.25 166.15 22.59
2011-07-04 507.00 508.40 502.48 506.44 181.1 23.16
2011-07-05 504.40 510.40 502.90 508.23 134.61 24.51
2011-07-06 507.00 512.00 503.00 509.06 150.06 23.15
2011-07-07 509.22 514.99 506.83 513.16 189.33 23.2
2011-07-08 513.20 516.66 510.74 511.83 193.95 21.89
2011-07-11 511.80 512.82 503.02 504.87 100.75 24.67
2011-07-12 502.00 502.00 492.04 495.95 182.66 24.61
2011-07-13 498.00 505.79 495.61 503.94 93.42 24.68
2011-07-14 505.1 513.3 498.8 505.95 118.27 26.26
2011-07-15 506.45 510.45 503 508.95 69.67 25.8
2011-07-18 511.95 518.9 508 515.05 79.96 29.01
2011-07-19 517.5 519 508.35 510.85 218.8 26.11
2011-07-20 516.4 516.4 502 503.1 94.2 24.85
2011-07-21 504.8 504.9 494.5 496.3 160.35 23.35
2011-07-22 500 507.05 498.85 501.55 158.8 22.83
2011-07-25 501.55 506.5 497.15 505.2 167.77 32.05
2011-07-26 505.35 510.2 495.25 498.15 132.25 30.75
2011-07-27 499.35 503.95 492 502.05 137.81 33.06
2011-07-28 499.5 499.5 484.6 487.3 262.26 21.94
2011-07-29 489.9 489.9 481.1 486.8 145.58 22.53
2011-08-01 493.45 495.95 484.5 488 107.73 22.95
2011-08-02 487.9 487.9 480 482.85 95.81 23.56
2011-08-03 478.7 489.4 476 482.05 100.36 23.27
2011-08-04 484.1 488.9 475 476.45 88.0 24.67
2011-08-05 465 475.8 457.1 473.05 148.2 26.98
2011-08-08 463 480 458.05 462.1 200.36 32.2
2011-08-09 450 473.55 449.85 464.45 206.98 39.77
2011-08-10 494.8 494.8 473.4 479.9 156.19 27.73
2011-08-11 478.7 484.7 475 479.95 101.07 29.76
2011-08-12 485.1 486 464.1 468.05 134.14 29.66
2011-08-16 478.4 478.4 454.65 456.45 141.88 32.38
2011-08-17 456.05 472.45 455.9 467.5 145.75 31.95
2011-08-18 468.3 474.85 458.55 462.4 267.41 36.88
2011-08-19 455 463.5 450 460.85 204.4 37.82
2011-08-22 460.05 463.95 450.7 453.05 135.98 43.36
2011-08-23 457.4 462.5 445.3 459.4 183.76 44.39
2011-08-24 458 462.4 452.5 456 145.55 46.67
2011-08-25 459.4 459.4 440.7 443.65 259.98 31.47
2011-08-26 444 450.55 436.15 438.95 94.33 32.25
2011-08-29 444.5 457.95 443.15 456.45 131.3 26.25
2011-08-30 461.95 475 458.8 471.95 181.61 25.4
2011-09-02 484 484 468 472.8 179.73 24.85
2011-09-05 469.8 474 462.65 470.25 138.04 26.97
2011-09-06 468.6 476.4 460 472.8 208.85 30.01
2011-09-07 476 489.95 472.85 488.1 178.89 25.12
2011-09-08 489.7 489.7 479.15 483.7 98.58 27.74
2011-09-09 483.9 485.7 470.7 473.25 123.8 28.55
2011-09-12 467 471.2 462.5 469.35 81.53 33.1
2011-09-13 471 475.8 464 467.7 84.31 33.45
2011-09-14 467.4 483.1 461.05 478.9 91.34 33.8
2011-09-15 485.9 488.05 471.6 484.65 104.87 30.28
2011-09-16 486.25 490 476.3 483.7 132.35 29.55
2011-09-19 481.9 487 477.1 484.75 101.16 32.56
2011-09-20 485 493.25 483 491.35 144.54 32.17
2011-09-21 492.75 497.65 488.4 494.5 159.29 28.58
2011-09-22 487.9 489 465.5 472.3 121.55 36.08
2011-09-23 468.55 470 452.5 456.4 376.84 37.37
2011-09-26 456 457.65 439.45 450.1 311.18 48.98
2011-09-27 458 461.9 454.1 457.45 183.47 44.26
2011-09-28 462.4 465.35 451.75 458 173.95 44.44
2011-09-29 457.55 474.8 452.65 470.6 381.18 36.36
2011-09-30 465.85 474.8 464.4 467.65 223.31 35.73
2011-10-03 460.15 464.9 450.75 456.05 206.38 41.63
2011-10-04 452.5 456 440.5 448.9 168.12 42.09
2011-10-05 448.95 456.25 436.55 438.7 184.25 41.4
2011-10-07 452.7 460 446.2 450 213.25 37.16
2011-10-10 452 458 450.05 454.7 273.76 36.33
2011-10-11 460.7 464.9 455.15 457.5 115.05 35.02
2011-10-12 461.95 469.9 453.45 467.15 206.81 34.57
2011-10-13 475 476.2 467.6 470.65 138.55 33.21
2011-10-14 469 476.4 465.35 473.9 78.5 33.83
2011-10-17 476.6 480.5 472.35 478.05 84.56 33.9
2011-10-18 473.9 481.4 472 478.15 96.45 36.2
2011-10-19 482.95 494.6 479.3 491.85 212.4 31.41
2011-10-20 488 492.4 480.6 489.55 137.95 30.34
2011-10-21 490.05 491.8 483.3 487 111.83 29.76
2011-10-24 492.75 497 482.95 484.35 119.44 49.19
2011-10-25 487.85 490.75 448.55 468 958.22 33.33
2011-10-26 472 474.9 470 472 23.55 29.78
2011-10-28 486 494.5 479.75 482.65 217.94 30.6
2011-10-31 483 491.75 477.15 490 156.41 31.88
2011-11-01 485.1 493 480 482.3 161.24 32.86
2011-11-02 478.7 488 477.5 483.1 122.65 32.88
2011-11-03 481 484.85 472.1 481.85 125.42 31.83
2011-11-04 486.7 487.9 480.3 483 82.18 30.42
2011-11-08 483 487.35 478.5 484.25 101.23 30.83
2011-11-09 485 485.7 475.3 477.25 103.41 31.34
2011-11-11 475.65 478.4 462.6 464.05 108.0 31.01
2011-11-14 469.9 479.85 468.95 471.4 145.38 30.84
2011-11-15 470.7 477.8 469.9 472.25 137.94 31.71
2011-11-16 470 472 460.3 465.7 83.13 33.71
2011-11-17 463.15 470 456.6 459.35 124.58 35.48
2011-11-18 455.2 461.6 450.1 458.3 133.53 33.2
2011-11-21 456 456 440 444.65 114.3 41.91
2011-11-22 447 449.5 440 444.05 169.42 44.2
2011-11-23 441.75 441.75 414.2 426.1 271.61 50.79
2011-11-24 428.8 435 411.3 429.65 305.61 35.89
2011-11-25 427.75 434.9 419.05 430.9 202.42 34.49
2011-11-28 436 444.95 434.1 440.85 119.4 32.96
2011-11-29 444 445.55 432.2 435.2 162.94 31.59
2011-11-30 429.2 449.65 429.2 442.5 311.33 33.21
2011-12-01 458.95 467 449.45 453.5 158.91 30.45
2011-12-02 455.15 467.9 453.15 466 129.59 29.52
2011-12-05 463.7 467.45 458 462.35 101.06 31.07
2011-12-07 470 470.9 462.1 467.1 130.48 30.73
2011-12-08 467 467.7 451.1 453.75 143.48 32.98
2011-12-09 447 451.2 440.5 443.75 151.77 33.35
2011-12-12 448.1 450.95 426.3 432.05 132.3 33.04
2011-12-13 428 445.4 426 438.4 161.54 35.45
2011-12-14 439 443.75 430.25 434.35 265.43 37.69
2011-12-15 429 436 427 431.35 291.07 37.71
2011-12-16 434.1 440.5 410 415.3 314.61 38.75
2011-12-19 412.05 413 400.25 406 328.22 43.54
2011-12-20 406 421.6 404 414.2 206.41 42.26
2011-12-21 426 439.4 417.8 435.45 159.95 38.15
2011-12-22 431.5 444.8 428.8 442.85 148.23 38.13
2011-12-23 444.2 446.5 436 437.55 75.65 32.75
2011-12-26 439 445.4 437.05 443.7 50.54 41.31
2011-12-27 440.3 443.6 435.7 439.7 69.14 40.24
2011-12-28 442.5 443 433.05 439.8 83.84 38.61
2011-12-29 435.65 442 426 429.6 118.6 36.13
2011-12-30 433.8 434 422.1 426.85 82.32 34.89
2012-01-02 428.9 429.8 419.5 426.85 74.45 37.06
2012-01-03 431.4 440.9 430 439.15 74.92 34.8
2012-01-04 441.9 444.95 430.85 443.3 106.92 34.32
2012-01-05 444 446.7 440.3 443.65 75.08 34.9
2012-01-06 441 457.15 438.95 453.3 89.05 35.82
2012-01-07 453 453.3 450 450.95 6.38 16.52
2012-01-09 451.9 457.1 446 455.7 95.82 34.78
2012-01-10 460 462.3 456 459.7 103.21 33.8
2012-01-11 460.5 464 455 462.65 88.69 34.47
2012-01-12 461.7 469.1 461.2 466.65 92.85 34.94
2012-01-13 470 473.05 461.05 469.6 86.17 32.32
2012-01-16 466.8 467.85 458.25 460.5 73.5 36.98
2012-01-17 463.9 469 463 468.4 85.55 37.49
2012-01-18 472.9 485.4 469.6 481.9 240.19 37.28
2012-01-19 486 490.25 480.3 486.8 204.48 35.84
2012-01-20 490 493.45 480.45 490.55 174.88 32.4
2012-01-23 486 487.75 480.9 484 91.3 48.92
2012-01-24 485.25 493.1 480.55 488.8 184.15 44.86
2012-01-25 490.25 493 485.75 490.2 181.16 29.94
2012-01-27 503.9 504 479.65 484.2 181.66 30.71
2012-01-30 482.95 483 473 479.05 118.98 32.37
2012-01-31 483.5 495 479.85 492.1 129.75 30.1
2012-02-01 494.5 499.7 481.35 497.15 147.35 29.51
2012-02-02 499 500 491.3 497.9 284.24 29.21
2012-02-03 497.5 508 495.25 506.25 187.23 29.92
2012-02-06 510 516 500 507.7 220.97 30.28
2012-02-07 514 515.4 508 509.3 154.48 31.63
2012-02-08 510.7 517.8 502.75 508.45 177.04 30.64
2012-02-09 505.7 525.95 505.65 522.55 224.61 31.15
2012-02-10 522.8 525.65 514 517.5 149.39 30.0
2012-02-13 518.65 525 515.9 521.95 190.9 31.24
2012-02-14 522.5 523.8 515.05 517.9 169.97 28.32
2012-02-15 520.5 534.9 517.25 533.05 255.42 31.1
2012-02-16 531 537.85 523.25 526.45 107.19 34.06
2012-02-17 531.25 533 520.1 528.3 187.31 31.55
2012-02-21 526 533.5 520.5 532.05 195.25 36.32
2012-02-22 530 538.9 526.65 531.45 185.6 43.93
2012-02-23 527.2 535.95 527.2 533.15 227.52 30.63
2012-02-24 527.2 535.4 515.35 524.65 214.71 31.33
2012-02-27 526.9 531.45 512.15 515.6 200.11 33.93
2012-02-28 519.25 533.4 513.2 530.5 193.37 33.3
2012-02-29 533.9 539.9 513.35 517.1 261.01 33.5
2012-03-01 517 522.3 505.3 514 155.93 34.28
2012-03-02 514 525 507.75 518.75 104.82 34.89
2012-03-03 518 521.5 518 519.3 4.05 9.91
2012-03-05 520 520.95 505.55 510.95 128.12 35.45
2012-03-06 509.8 521 503.25 507.4 148.31 35.64
2012-03-07 506.85 518 497.55 515.65 96.21 35.71
2012-03-09 522 527 519.65 523.2 121.84 35.44
2012-03-12 534 534.5 517 518.95 145.86 36.75
2012-03-13 523 527.5 520.35 524.4 145.25 33.56
2012-03-14 528.1 530 521.45 528.2 154.22 33.78
2012-03-15 528 530 509.05 510.8 192.76 33.04
2012-03-16 510 524.9 505 507.85 165.15 31.85
2012-03-19 510.05 510.05 495.1 498.85 191.1 34.86
2012-03-20 496 510.85 493 505.4 79.8 32.86
2012-03-21 503 517.85 503 515.65 153.78 34.32
2012-03-22 513.9 522.4 500.1 504.25 145.0 33.51
2012-03-23 509.5 518.75 500.95 513.95 103.05 30.81
2012-03-26 513.5 516.5 505.65 511.65 125.25 38.59
2012-03-27 515 521.8 512 518.85 153.23 41.12
2012-03-28 518.5 518.5 510.05 513.45 111.68 41.56
2012-03-29 508 514.1 505 510.1 206.73 29.34
2012-03-30 512 523.85 509.75 519.85 145.01 28.17
2012-04-02 518 529.95 516.1 528.35 72.63 25.62
2012-04-03 533 536.4 528 530.2 172.26 26.1
2012-04-04 525.25 529 524.4 526.55 54.97 27.45
2012-04-09 523.75 526.3 520 521.75 65.83 29.68
2012-04-10 523.4 526 515.85 524.85 75.87 29.15
2012-04-11 521.85 530.95 517.1 526.45 97.63 29.31
2012-04-12 525 534.5 524.3 530.4 160.72 28.22
2012-04-13 536.4 537.75 523.9 529.35 131.2 29.18
2012-04-16 528.9 531 524.1 529.75 229.69 35.87
2012-04-17 532 535.9 521.1 530.25 207.32 33.61
2012-04-18 533 539.9 533 537.65 161.25 26.71
2012-04-19 540 555.6 537.2 554.05 224.31 24.34
2012-04-20 552.25 558 546.45 551.1 217.31 22.59
2012-04-23 551.95 556 543.3 545.35 115.92 29.44
2012-04-24 546.1 546.5 539.4 541.85 118.78 27.28
2012-04-25 544 549.5 538 546.65 146.6 19.82
2012-04-26 545 549.95 539 540.5 126.9 22.72
2012-04-27 542 546 534.2 541.15 61.4 20.43
2012-04-28 543.95 544.85 542.35 543.55 2.52 11.47
2012-04-30 543.8 549 540.35 542.5 82.12 22.21
2012-05-02 540.7 551 540.7 549.9 123.12 22.01
2012-05-03 545.5 558 545.45 554.05 189.71 22.01
2012-05-04 551.2 553.7 534.65 537.5 167.5 23.1
2012-05-07 531.9 534.55 516.4 532.25 219.28 24.29
2012-05-08 532.9 536.4 513.25 515.35 147.51 25.61
2012-05-09 513.7 522.6 505.4 512.65 193.21 27.72
2012-05-10 511.05 522.9 510 517.5 156.49 26.02
2012-05-11 513.25 520 508.2 510.55 103.54 26.19
2012-05-14 510.75 511.8 494.05 500.55 138.36 28.36
2012-05-15 496 504.45 496 499.1 100.37 27.39
2012-05-16 494 498.7 486 495.2 208.84 28.68
2012-05-17 497 506.5 495 497.8 145.59 27.49
2012-05-18 489.8 503.9 489 500.55 119.16 26.48
2012-05-21 500.25 507.85 493.95 497.45 107.02 28.26
2012-05-22 503.8 505 486.95 489.25 137.15 29.07
2012-05-23 490 492.9 482.2 487.2 154.37 32.59
2012-05-24 493 502.7 485 499.7 143.08 28.46
2012-05-25 499.8 503.15 495.6 500 139.84 29.4
2012-05-28 501.2 510.6 500 508.75 154.04 28.89
2012-05-29 510.15 511.95 502.1 504.95 134.01 33.91
2012-05-30 500.05 505.4 496.55 500.65 127.35 34.1
2012-05-31 496 508.9 495.35 506.2 239.59 25.42
2012-06-01 504 507.15 490 490.4 145.59 27.38
2012-06-04 488 498.5 485.05 495.65 139.37 25.71
2012-06-05 500 504.9 498.45 501.5 134.52 25.63
2012-06-06 504.85 523 503.5 519.9 324.06 25.7
2012-06-07 524.2 539.5 523 537.8 262.88 24.11
2012-06-08 540.9 542.75 530.95 539.1 259.98 24.88
2012-06-11 541.1 548.9 538.4 541.95 178.02 24.75
2012-06-12 538.8 550.85 537.95 549.6 153.65 26.68
2012-06-13 551 552.4 539.8 541.75 110.1 28.61
2012-06-14 540 547.4 532.65 534.4 116.55 32.2
2012-06-15 535 549.7 534.95 547.55 135.06 29.23
2012-06-18 552 552 529.55 534.95 150.69 28.48
2012-06-19 534.8 539 526.3 536.45 157.68 27.61
2012-06-20 537 540.5 528.55 534.2 127.13 26.05
2012-06-21 533 544.7 531.3 542.9 143.44 22.81
2012-06-22 535.1 545.1 535.1 544.35 83.42 22.61
2012-06-25 545.4 548.5 535 536.7 86.68 29.16
2012-06-26 538 548 536.3 543.45 79.51 28.62
2012-06-27 546 554.7 546 549 164.32 28.03
2012-06-28 546.9 552.65 543.25 548.5 166.51 24.87
2012-06-29 552.1 564.9 552.05 563.55 177.17 24.64
2012-07-02 564 575 560 573.95 116.58 23.15
2012-07-03 575.9 580 571.7 575.85 122.09 23.93
2012-07-04 576.7 580.85 575.65 578 185.17 24.37
2012-07-05 577.9 585 575.45 584.1 121.65 23.88
2012-07-06 582.1 589 578.5 581.5 229.94 23.8
2012-07-09 579.95 581.75 569.1 578.15 110.03 24.92
2012-07-10 580 592.3 577.5 588.65 197.84 24.32
2012-07-11 586.9 593.8 585.1 587 181.06 24.63
2012-07-12 583.9 590.9 575.6 580.1 109.99 24.55
2012-07-13 585 591.4 582.45 587.05 139.6 20.17
2012-07-16 588 592.7 581.05 582.65 188.72 20.3
2012-07-17 587 588.75 578.6 583.25 124.46 20.08
2012-07-18 584.7 588.7 580.1 587 104.14 20.11
2012-07-19 588.6 590.8 585.55 589.4 70.71 19.14
2012-07-20 589 589 581 582.6 60.8 18.33
2012-07-23 577.4 580 571.05 573 87.57 21.22
2012-07-24 572.55 577.45 570.2 574.05 76.13 20.71
2012-07-25 574.45 580.8 573.7 576.05 127.2 24.39
2012-07-26 578 578.75 563 565.8 251.46 20.18
2012-07-27 572 588.7 564.65 584.6 195.65 19.52
2012-07-30 587.1 591.9 584 587.25 124.41 20.38
2012-07-31 590 590 579.85 587.75 122.97 19.14
2012-08-01 585.55 588.35 577.6 586.5 114.94 19.61
2012-08-02 586.5 589.2 577.3 582.5 99.86 19.41
2012-08-03 581 589 579.75 588.2 145.18 18.43
2012-08-06 593.15 602 593 600.25 184.52 17.93
2012-08-07 602 602.3 597 600.1 168.38 18.95
2012-08-08 600 602 594.7 598.9 120.57 18.4
2012-08-09 601 607 598.5 604.65 149.17 18.51
2012-08-10 600 606.9 599.65 602.15 227.9 18.54
2012-08-13 600 609.5 600 607.45 127.18 19.24
2012-08-14 607.05 609 603.25 608.15 170.26 18.24
2012-08-16 608 608.15 597.85 600.05 122.4 16.63
2012-08-17 598.6 602.25 591.8 595.1 114.64 16.91
2012-08-21 595 598.5 588.2 596.4 123.39 20.69
2012-08-22 594.4 600.45 591.35 596.9 143.28 19.93
2012-08-23 599.4 604.55 595.25 597.7 141.26 18.52
2012-08-24 593.5 600.4 593.25 596.3 100.2 18.04
2012-08-27 595 598.9 592.05 594.35 60.2 22.42
2012-08-28 592.9 594.55 586.5 589.35 131.2 24.24
2012-08-29 589.25 595.8 586.25 588.55 99.58 24.74
2012-08-30 586 602 586 595.9 337.55 18.23
2012-08-31 590.35 600 589.25 595.35 186.19 20.61
2012-09-03 597.55 597.8 588 590.45 110.53 19.9
2012-09-04 590.55 592.35 587.2 590.1 85.16 19.75
2012-09-05 588 596 587.35 592.1 180.18 19.92
2012-09-06 590.1 593.5 586.1 588.15 75.25 20.67
2012-09-07 594.25 595 585.7 590.4 165.38 19.25
2012-09-08 590.55 592.8 590.55 591.05 3.46 19.66
2012-09-10 591.5 597 589.35 591.15 89.39 19.18
2012-09-11 588.75 597 583.35 594.4 93.04 19.52
2012-09-12 595.25 600 593.9 599.2 95.47 19.27
2012-09-13 601 601.5 593.55 599.2 50.83 19.71
2012-09-14 606.6 614.75 600.95 612.75 391.73 18.15
2012-09-17 619 619.95 605.5 608.3 322.62 23.7
2012-09-18 608.3 612 603.85 605.45 152.53 27.83
2012-09-20 602 610 601 606.9 158.72 25.68
2012-09-21 608.7 629 605.1 625.15 365.26 24.75
2012-09-24 625.5 636.9 622.8 635 277.0 24.91
2012-09-25 633 638.9 626.15 636.9 184.98 26.47
2012-09-26 634.85 636.6 624.15 630.75 168.75 29.3
2012-09-27 633 637 625.2 630.8 250.13 20.32
2012-09-28 631.9 634.3 626.1 629.15 173.25 21.13
2012-10-01 629 632 620 622.85 125.51 22.71
2012-10-03 624 626.8 617.95 619.45 171.1 23.81
2012-10-04 621.5 633.9 621.45 631.3 199.41 23.22
2012-10-05 638 638.65 505.05 622.4 232.71 24.64
2012-10-08 623.9 623.9 616.55 620.7 144.16 25.77
2012-10-09 624.95 630.5 622 625.75 67.54 25.12
2012-10-10 624 624 616.2 617.95 66.45 26.6
2012-10-11 621.15 627.8 618.45 624.85 153.16 27.19
2012-10-12 630 635 626 631.15 244.24 22.77
2012-10-15 632.4 634.9 622.6 634.15 119.26 21.69
2012-10-16 635.25 635.5 628.1 630.4 114.64 20.57
2012-10-17 632 632.5 626.5 628.1 101.07 20.39
2012-10-18 630 637.9 624.45 636.2 88.87 20.25
2012-10-19 632 635 627 628.5 142.5 20.15
2012-10-22 625.2 640 625.2 639 130.96 20.43
2012-10-23 639.05 639.5 632.5 634.1 132.08 25.64
2012-10-25 632.65 641 629 637.35 270.2 15.17
2012-10-26 636.65 639.8 631 637.15 105.79 15.9
2012-10-29 637.85 642.5 635.55 640.6 88.21 16.78
2012-10-30 637.05 644.8 630.6 633.65 140.82 15.7
2012-10-31 634.1 635.9 630.05 634.2 118.63 15.11
2012-11-01 632.75 635.7 627.5 628.6 111.44 15.35
2012-11-02 638 638 628 630.3 85.68 14.87
2012-11-05 632 636 630.75 635 63.71 14.71
2012-11-06 633.95 641.2 633.95 639.55 116.16 15.24
2012-11-07 639.75 645 636.9 640.05 131.48 14.76
2012-11-08 636.5 641 635.5 639 61.75 15.18
2012-11-09 638.25 643 635 639.35 70.68 15.06
2012-11-12 637.25 653.8 637.25 651.3 156.24 14.52
2012-11-13 651 651.9 646.2 647.05 6.77 14.41
2012-11-15 647 647.4 639 646.25 151.95 14.47
2012-11-16 643 648.6 640.15 642.25 195.18 14.47
2012-11-19 639.75 647.9 639.45 646.75 93.13 15.81
2012-11-20 649.1 655.9 648.25 653.85 152.6 15.46
2012-11-21 655.15 665.5 649.7 663.7 212.89 13.6
2012-11-22 666.8 671.15 664 669.1 141.07 15.85
2012-11-23 669.5 672.6 659.05 669.75 87.48 14.86
2012-11-26 673 673.7 660.1 661.9 90.88 31.75
2012-11-27 664.9 683.8 664.9 680.5 279.85 19.84
2012-11-29 677.5 703.75 675.4 699.85 436.26 16.41
2012-11-30 701 705.5 689.6 703.95 273.65 18.52
2012-12-03 700 701.15 684 686.95 200.26 19.38
2012-12-04 684.1 690 681.05 685.15 148.49 19.75
2012-12-05 689 695 687 692.6 159.73 20.95
2012-12-06 695.8 698.5 680.8 694.75 187.19 20.47
2012-12-07 695.25 698 688 693.1 137.13 19.88
2012-12-10 690 696.5 689.65 693 144.15 20.8
2012-12-11 695.25 699 686.3 690.85 234.0 20.26
2012-12-12 691.25 696 688.5 693.85 133.97 19.98
2012-12-13 693.85 696 689 691.05 108.86 19.52
2012-12-14 690.05 694.4 685.35 688.75 144.33 18.81
2012-12-17 687.9 687.9 673.6 676.5 207.51 22.65
2012-12-18 677.95 682.2 669.75 675.95 225.99 19.45
2012-12-19 674.55 689.25 674.5 688 281.83 17.51
2012-12-20 686 687 680.25 683.4 175.17 17.59
2012-12-21 681 682 674.05 676 187.58 17.77
2012-12-24 680 680.15 671.8 676.1 92.5 19.26
2012-12-26 678.1 684.85 673.1 680.3 97.3 25.21
2012-12-27 684 684 676.7 680.1 167.41 18.12
2012-12-28 681.1 683 674.15 677.65 118.97 17.27
2012-12-31 677 680 674 678.6 86.42 18.06
2013-01-01 682.1 685.1 679.65 684.5 68.77 16.69
2013-01-02 689.9 690 683.05 687.35 166.75 17.07
2013-01-03 690 690 680.4 683.35 156.5 16.63
2013-01-04 685 685 672.8 679.35 184.18 17.56
2013-01-07 683.7 683.7 666 668.2 184.61 19.17
2013-01-08 668 673.4 665.7 670.25 165.41 19.69
2013-01-09 672 672.55 666.05 667.5 215.59 18.49
2013-01-10 669.5 678 666.5 675.8 153.82 16.99
2013-01-11 676.9 676.9 666.7 669.3 172.28 17.78
2013-01-14 668.15 670.5 667.1 669.3 190.53 19.84
2013-01-15 670.8 675.45 665 668.3 138.08 20.86
2013-01-16 665.55 669.2 657.6 660.5 152.07 23.54
2013-01-17 657.7 670.85 654.05 666.8 213.11 22.42
2013-01-18 670 674 655.3 662.85 336.26 19.81
2013-01-21 660 663.4 654.75 658.55 178.95 20.09
2013-01-22 658.5 661 647.55 653.75 139.36 20.73
2013-01-23 657 663 654.35 656.6 116.6 20.84
2013-01-24 655.6 662.75 655.25 660.3 101.39 18.0
2013-01-25 660.3 667 655.55 665.05 92.5 18.2
2013-01-28 665.25 672 664.45 670.35 123.22 25.38
2013-01-29 670.75 670.9 650 652.45 197.08 28.51
2013-01-30 653 658.4 644 656.65 163.86 27.88
2013-01-31 656.6 657.9 640.1 643.05 224.51 21.02
2013-02-01 644.8 644.85 636.2 640.15 167.55 20.58
2013-02-04 641.15 649.5 640 646.9 169.28 19.24
2013-02-05 636.35 647.2 636.35 644.15 119.92 19.63
2013-02-06 646.6 646.9 637.2 639.5 157.97 19.2
2013-02-07 636.3 643 634.55 641.5 145.18 19.32
2013-02-08 640.5 653.4 640.5 650.05 305.45 18.62
2013-02-11 650 659.95 650 656.95 248.8 18.66
2013-02-12 655.65 667 655.65 665.2 262.0 17.43
2013-02-13 663.3 667.4 659.5 664.2 240.87 16.98
2013-02-14 664 678.4 662 674.8 297.2 17.88
2013-02-15 671.7 680.8 668.2 676.75 211.57 18.18
2013-02-18 678 680.9 674 676 160.68 19.56
2013-02-19 674.5 677.4 671.55 674.8 40.08 19.47
2013-02-20 677.5 680.8 674.9 676.95 116.23 20.41
2013-02-21 675 677.45 664.05 666.25 182.27 21.06
2013-02-22 662.2 666.4 657.55 659.3 127.6 20.05
2013-02-25 663.25 665.2 654.1 656.45 124.6 36.75
2013-02-26 654.8 663 645.4 651.25 192.35 28.46
2013-02-27 652.3 654 640.9 642.75 207.32 27.82
2013-02-28 646.95 654.95 619.35 625.35 440.95 21.69
2013-03-01 625 629.6 616.3 622.5 268.29 21.81
2013-03-04 620.35 630.3 618 627.65 186.7 21.89
2013-03-05 630.9 634.7 623.15 632.95 166.17 21.38
2013-03-06 634.95 637.15 629 630.5 173.01 22.46
2013-03-07 628.35 642.95 627.15 641.8 94.27 20.69
2013-03-08 644.2 660 643.4 657.3 172.41 18.53
2013-03-11 657.3 659.7 650.25 655.25 139.2 30.11
2013-03-12 653 655.7 640.1 644 111.52 28.45
2013-03-13 641.05 645.9 632.2 634.9 126.23 29.24
2013-03-14 634.9 653.5 615.35 649.25 508.04 33.76
2013-03-15 645 649.9 633.8 639.4 247.2 32.36
2013-03-18 633 654 630 643.3 282.09 34.06
2013-03-19 643 643.8 624 631.55 317.09 33.41
2013-03-20 632 633.45 621 625.5 177.58 32.6
2013-03-21 622.65 628.8 603.75 607 222.3 34.31
2013-03-22 609 614.6 602.6 605.25 450.28 33.72
2013-03-25 611 613.35 607.55 609.4 415.05 35.87
2013-03-26 606 617.5 602.55 614.5 203.58 32.85
2013-03-28 616.5 631.15 606.95 625.35 300.34 22.4
2013-04-01 624.65 629 621 623.85 104.82 24.58
2013-04-02 625 634.3 617.9 629.9 107.58 23.75
2013-04-03 628 631.65 619.5 623.65 105.17 25.51
2013-04-04 618.8 623.4 613.45 616.15 126.55 26.56
2013-04-05 614.95 626.4 613.4 620.95 200.89 26.64
2013-04-08 618.95 628.95 617.75 624.45 134.9 27.67
2013-04-09 628.1 628.1 617.4 620.6 229.77 27.98
2013-04-10 626.8 633.65 618.95 632 237.17 26.41
2013-04-11 632.5 642 631.9 639.25 399.66 25.52
2013-04-12 636.1 645.85 636.1 643.7 243.91 24.96
2013-04-15 642.1 643.45 635 641.55 254.61 27.8
2013-04-16 643 665.85 642.35 663.35 226.38 26.49
2013-04-17 665 671.85 656.8 660.1 248.21 27.94
2013-04-18 654 675.4 654 673.6 153.74 25.07
2013-04-22 674.7 702 674.7 698.3 345.15 41.79
2013-04-23 698.8 700 678.8 689 410.94 36.41
2013-04-25 692.35 695 680.05 689.55 445.48 22.06
2013-04-26 687.65 692.25 683 689.1 147.29 21.76
2013-04-29 688.25 696.85 686.5 695.15 202.81 21.73
2013-04-30 694 695.95 676.8 682.3 214.45 23.71
2013-05-02 684.4 694 682.3 692.5 212.36 23.16
2013-05-03 692.6 694 678.65 680.95 210.38 21.53
2013-05-06 679 679.3 669.95 675.5 129.08 22.29
2013-05-07 676.3 689.9 672.5 688.05 189.16 21.96
2013-05-08 689 699.5 686.5 697.15 150.07 22.19
2013-05-09 699.05 699.5 688.2 690.05 78.54 21.83
2013-05-10 688.7 704.9 688.65 703.35 243.28 22.0
2013-05-11 702.1 705 701.15 702.8 15.39 22.22
2013-05-13 705 711.45 690.8 692.75 168.69 23.45
2013-05-14 690.05 694.9 685.1 689.05 114.75 23.52
2013-05-15 693.5 716 691.35 714.85 251.12 24.34
2013-05-16 712 724 711 722.8 210.0 23.83
2013-05-17 722.5 722.5 709.2 718.9 229.65 23.41
2013-05-20 719.5 724 712.15 714.5 104.78 25.11
2013-05-21 714 718 705.05 707.8 163.54 24.01
2013-05-22 707.5 712 698 703.45 95.06 23.83
2013-05-23 699 706.45 694.3 698.6 138.39 26.01
2013-05-24 705.75 705.75 694.3 701.35 144.76 25.71
2013-05-27 698.6 717 698.6 715.05 160.3 28.8
2013-05-28 714.25 720.8 706.8 713.3 119.72 28.32
2013-05-29 710.05 718.45 703.85 715.95 87.68 29.08
2013-05-30 710.1 727.3 710.1 725.15 277.35 18.24
2013-05-31 717.25 720.7 697.7 700.5 217.0 23.04
2013-06-03 698 701.4 686.55 689.15 136.66 24.9
2013-06-04 687.3 693.8 681 683.05 96.44 25.4
2013-06-05 682 694.4 678.5 687.95 129.98 24.17
2013-06-06 683.5 689.4 678 682.2 121.53 23.24
2013-06-07 681.75 693.4 673.2 676.15 162.81 23.45
2013-06-10 681.05 687 671.5 676.35 107.85 26.56
2013-06-11 673.45 680.9 662.2 664.9 198.23 27.56
2013-06-12 662 673.4 658.45 663.95 163.56 25.53
2013-06-13 657.6 661 653.35 655.1 117.32 26.71
2013-06-14 662 668.45 659.3 665.05 248.54 25.75
2013-06-17 665.6 669.2 657.35 667.35 216.88 25.63
2013-06-18 668 668 655 657.45 205.8 25.17
2013-06-19 656.1 666.6 652.85 665.2 159.29 24.51
2013-06-20 658.85 658.85 634.6 636.6 243.0 27.14
2013-06-21 636.8 642.55 630.1 635.25 284.46 26.52
2013-06-24 631.8 633.85 623.75 625.35 169.19 31.27
2013-06-25 626 646.4 622.4 634 297.9 29.74
2013-06-26 631.5 637.65 620 622.85 165.08 32.88
2013-06-27 634 652.7 622.35 646.5 433.17 26.18
2013-06-28 649.5 673.2 649.1 669.5 350.17 25.09
2013-07-01 669 674 664.65 668.75 164.79 26.44
2013-07-02 668.7 668.75 654.3 656.55 151.55 27.37
2013-07-03 654 654.7 643.6 650.65 217.03 28.4
2013-07-04 653.8 657.45 645.7 655.15 156.4 28.13
2013-07-05 660.1 672.75 658.5 667.75 159.12 27.17
2013-07-08 664 667.45 652.75 660.45 118.3 29.98
2013-07-09 662.2 673.75 662.2 670.3 117.95 29.24
2013-07-10 670.25 671.9 656.15 659.3 118.35 29.59
2013-07-11 667 686.7 666.05 683.25 180.46 26.85
2013-07-12 687 697.7 681.8 695.75 269.37 26.69
2013-07-15 691 698.05 684 695.45 147.08 29.83
2013-07-16 679 684.5 669.95 678.7 197.43 33.43
2013-07-17 677.8 680.8 647.9 662.9 375.72 30.03
2013-07-18 669.9 688.5 656.95 684.1 228.86 23.8
2013-07-19 688.05 691.95 673.15 680 212.28 25.82
2013-07-22 676 687 676 682.05 110.36 31.11
2013-07-23 687.9 690 681.05 683.6 127.34 31.12
2013-07-24 674 676 653.5 659.95 242.09 30.39
2013-07-25 660.65 666 650.15 653.85 267.33 25.5
2013-07-26 656 656.25 638 644.1 151.11 26.49
2013-07-29 643 643 629.65 632.5 236.55 27.76
2013-07-30 630.75 635 620.1 625.35 230.89 28.6
2013-07-31 621 621.8 606.9 609.75 411.71 28.97
2013-08-01 613.9 637.8 612.4 632.2 366.06 29.58
2013-08-02 630 634.8 626.85 631.25 315.72 30.11
2013-08-05 631.55 635.45 615 632.7 212.97 31.05
2013-08-06 631 631.35 606.5 608.65 299.93 32.03
2013-08-07 609.95 614.35 600 601.2 345.46 33.95
2013-08-08 604 617.5 600 610.5 311.82 32.07
2013-08-12 610.05 610.8 598.65 602.2 236.99 32.19
2013-08-13 603.85 624.8 598.15 620.5 225.82 29.7
2013-08-14 622 623.65 608.65 621.35 220.42 27.41
2013-08-16 614 622 584.9 587.9 417.62 33.84
2013-08-19 587 588.6 570.3 584.7 289.47 36.44
2013-08-20 574.95 589.9 566.5 584.75 373.82 35.33
2013-08-21 606 619.35 590 593.35 436.38 38.19
2013-08-22 589 603.7 570 588.7 443.26 39.86
2013-08-23 592 609.15 588.3 607.55 310.83 32.88
2013-08-26 612.35 622.8 602.55 611.3 223.77 39.58
2013-08-27 597.3 600 555.45 561.9 778.8 48.63
2013-08-28 555.7 572 528 561.95 509.72 55.17
2013-08-29 568 582.5 568 572.05 584.16 40.53
2013-08-30 571 600 570.65 594 535.94 38.37
2013-09-02 598 604.35 582.5 589.5 288.51 39.72
2013-09-03 596.9 596.9 557.05 562.55 258.69 45.08
2013-09-04 567.45 576.85 559.15 564.05 296.92 46.21
2013-09-05 584 622.9 584 609.5 500.15 44.71
2013-09-06 611 620 586.75 616.2 287.72 46.07
2013-09-10 620.55 641 618.4 638 321.31 47.6
2013-09-11 633 650 625.55 647.25 202.51 48.35
2013-09-12 642.5 646 627.6 633.95 280.29 45.97
2013-09-13 632.45 634.5 621 629.2 243.92 45.91
2013-09-16 637.5 648.9 629 642.8 194.8 48.85
2013-09-17 638 645 633.6 642.25 135.06 47.63
2013-09-18 643.6 654.9 631.15 650.5 176.47 49.09
2013-09-19 680 689.9 676.3 683.2 498.6 47.2
2013-09-20 682.5 686.45 635.25 659.05 406.48 41.8
2013-09-23 651 652.35 633.1 641.95 224.16 51.03
2013-09-24 633.05 644.35 629.95 638.45 290.43 51.93
2013-09-25 638 641.7 613.2 620.6 325.94 52.47
2013-09-26 621.35 626 618 621.15 350.76 37.61
2013-09-27 622 624 605 608.9 250.56 38.21
2013-09-30 606 612.85 587.7 593.05 255.54 39.36
2013-10-01 598.8 614.4 589.35 611.65 196.57 38.43
2013-10-03 615.3 639 610 636.2 152.95 37.66
2013-10-04 635.5 647.4 635 640.45 218.88 37.61
2013-10-07 636.5 638.15 618.25 634.3 155.2 39.51
2013-10-08 650.5 654.55 625.8 632.65 187.44 39.0
2013-10-09 625.2 650.9 623 649.15 139.1 39.12
2013-10-10 649 649 633.35 641.05 133.69 39.04
2013-10-11 647.3 663.75 639.35 661.3 218.0 36.17
2013-10-14 657.55 669.3 648.65 667.5 204.27 36.9
2013-10-15 673 675 646.6 652.45 265.84 32.97
2013-10-17 653 659.95 642.55 654.2 236.85 32.31
2013-10-18 655.25 679.55 655.25 676.6 356.82 31.02
2013-10-21 674 678.8 662.55 671.25 187.97 33.47
2013-10-22 671 673.95 665.2 669 146.48 32.02
2013-10-23 669 669 653.8 660.2 223.4 31.91
2013-10-24 656.2 675.75 656.2 669.3 206.25 30.12
2013-10-25 665.25 674.95 663.15 672.55 149.77 28.27
2013-10-28 673 675 665.4 667.9 140.63 36.81
2013-10-29 668 689 655.55 686.5 257.44 38.59
2013-10-30 686 687.5 675.75 679.35 173.86 36.09
2013-10-31 676.2 685.05 673.4 680.8 309.04 27.03
2013-11-01 681.6 688 678.2 683.8 267.01 28.63
2013-11-03 685 686.55 678.1 680.45 13.77 29.86
2013-11-05 680.45 685 673 676.25 241.94 28.67
2013-11-06 678.9 679.2 665.25 668.9 77.22 28.74
2013-11-07 670 677.5 656.9 665.4 130.33 28.35
2013-11-08 663.4 667.65 644.65 652.5 220.82 28.33
2013-11-11 644 660.7 616.7 654.25 182.62 28.83
2013-11-12 652.55 663.05 643.35 645.95 146.55 28.68
2013-11-13 639 647.45 628.35 633.7 167.87 30.13
2013-11-14 638 649.9 638 642.2 203.63 28.77
2013-11-18 651.4 670 649.05 668.8 245.82 28.76
2013-11-19 668.4 668.4 657.45 660.05 112.23 28.35
2013-11-20 656.7 659 646.4 649.55 136.7 27.43
2013-11-21 644.55 645.6 635.15 637.65 204.74 29.33
2013-11-22 642.5 646.9 635.1 642.15 120.24 27.2
2013-11-25 648.05 661.75 648.05 659.75 264.75 33.33
2013-11-26 657.7 659.9 648.4 652.95 236.81 34.07
2013-11-27 651.1 658.75 644.1 653.55 139.9 35.03
2013-11-28 655.6 663 648.05 653.4 241.99 27.89
2013-11-29 655 668.9 655 661.3 158.55 28.14
2013-12-02 662 665 658.05 661.3 113.5 31.49
2013-12-03 660 662.2 652.65 655.75 169.03 32.29
2013-12-04 654.9 659.55 653.45 657.6 172.12 32.03
2013-12-05 671.55 689.9 671.55 688.1 549.17 30.01
2013-12-06 684.9 689.6 678.25 682.7 273.82 31.23
2013-12-09 710 717.4 692.55 696.65 444.7 27.56
2013-12-10 692.35 701.85 690 696.7 435.86 25.93
2013-12-11 690.1 701.8 686.9 695.55 212.86 25.88
2013-12-12 693.2 700.55 690.5 695.2 223.53 25.29
2013-12-13 687.8 702 685 689.95 438.3 25.73
2013-12-16 688 690.9 681.2 684.35 368.02 28.96
2013-12-17 675.65 675.65 654.05 657.6 297.45 34.32
2013-12-18 650.5 680.65 649.55 666.25 233.96 32.13
2013-12-19 679 683.95 650.4 652.55 164.67 25.89
2013-12-20 657.8 668.6 650.1 664.6 94.21 23.45
2013-12-23 658 671.5 657 664.45 92.22 25.98
2013-12-24 665.55 666.5 655.05 657.3 58.66 24.66
2013-12-26 659.85 672.2 656.9 669.05 133.75 21.78
2013-12-27 664.1 675.45 664.1 669.65 91.58 22.08
2013-12-30 676.8 677 665.15 669.5 70.8 22.77
2013-12-31 672.1 672.3 660.1 665.85 87.39 22.53
2014-01-01 668 669.8 663 665.15 74.81 22.68
2014-01-02 665 674.75 653.55 657 120.25 23.0
2014-01-03 652 666 650 663.1 107.66 22.86
2014-01-06 663 663 657 661.7 98.48 22.86
2014-01-07 667.1 670.95 653.3 664.4 130.7 23.35
2014-01-08 665.2 666.95 660 664.7 77.25 24.68
2014-01-09 663.2 666.05 657.1 662.95 62.56 23.41
2014-01-10 662.95 674.7 656.3 662.05 102.53 22.49
2014-01-13 660.1 676.95 656.9 672.85 79.61 23.67
2014-01-14 669.05 676 668.3 672.3 60.21 23.26
2014-01-15 673 682.7 669.6 680.55 78.45 22.39
2014-01-16 684.4 685 670.35 673.05 76.3 23.78
2014-01-17 675 675 659.05 665 722.11 23.44
2014-01-20 668.1 676.7 666.4 670.05 93.99 22.83
2014-01-21 672.95 678.8 670 676.1 105.56 21.47
2014-01-22 675.5 684.7 674.65 677.1 119.57 22.67
2014-01-23 675 681.1 672.75 679.5 93.04 20.99
2014-01-24 670 674.95 663.7 673.4 148.7 21.59
2014-01-27 664.9 664.9 645.6 649.2 278.4 32.42
2014-01-28 648 656 638.6 644.45 297.0 31.99
2014-01-29 647.5 650.9 640.55 645.45 177.07 40.01
2014-01-30 637.5 639.9 627.65 631.8 180.83 23.35
2014-01-31 630 636.3 625.1 628.5 151.14 22.65
2014-02-03 629.95 634 625.1 626.5 75.15 25.05
2014-02-04 621.65 635.5 616.8 630.6 116.26 25.76
2014-02-05 631 639.8 625.1 637.45 109.43 25.05
2014-02-06 638.75 649.6 629.5 647 215.7 22.43
2014-02-07 652.4 654.5 642.1 647.75 65.32 23.2
2014-02-10 647.65 650.15 636 643.9 101.02 25.4
2014-02-11 646 647.15 639.3 644.8 71.96 24.03
2014-02-12 646.6 652.8 643.65 645.45 104.11 23.1
2014-02-13 646 648 631.25 632.5 50.18 23.26
2014-02-14 634 643.85 629.35 641.8 67.67 21.16
2014-02-17 642 652 641.1 650.4 59.2 21.3
2014-02-18 648.5 664.4 647.4 660.4 82.89 19.05
2014-02-19 656.2 672.25 655 670.05 67.51 19.3
2014-02-20 665.8 667.45 660.85 662.75 57.19 21.51
2014-02-21 659.85 669.6 659.7 664.4 50.63 21.06
2014-02-24 662.1 673 655.75 671 83.63 24.12
2014-02-25 674 676 666 671.1 67.42 28.32
2014-02-26 670 679.2 668.55 677.4 76.83 18.07
2014-02-28 682 682.9 665.15 669.6 82.07 18.49
2014-03-03 665.2 672 663.2 666.2 61.4 20.22
2014-03-04 666 673.85 664.25 671.7 107.87 19.43
2014-03-05 673.5 675 662.5 669.75 66.84 19.27
2014-03-06 673 677.7 668.1 675.6 83.28 20.02
2014-03-07 679.6 714.9 676.2 711.45 398.66 23.83
2014-03-10 706.5 736.9 700 734.45 474.64 27.68
2014-03-11 734.5 740 719.55 725.15 236.38 26.81
2014-03-12 721.25 733 716.5 725.55 128.93 27.03
2014-03-13 727.5 749.5 727.5 742.35 212.4 27.9
2014-03-14 735 739.9 724 732.15 223.08 25.99
2014-03-18 735.4 744.8 728.3 734 148.92 26.71
2014-03-19 740 743.3 735.75 738.45 111.75 27.27
2014-03-20 738.45 738.45 728 730.2 94.98 24.73
2014-03-21 735.15 737.5 731.2 733.85 138.11 23.58
2014-03-22 736 736 729.45 732.4 7.75 23.86
2014-03-24 734.5 752.9 734 750.65 219.06 34.83
2014-03-25 750 760.55 747.75 750.15 151.33 33.32
2014-03-26 752.8 756.3 744.1 746.05 175.83 36.17
2014-03-27 750 760.75 742 746.75 459.89 28.94
2014-03-28 749.95 754.1 735.05 744.95 225.53 29.14
2014-03-31 747.95 753 743.1 748.8 154.68 31.0
2014-04-01 751.5 753.55 732.55 738.1 148.95 29.08
2014-04-02 744.95 746 721.9 731.9 189.45 29.58
2014-04-03 736 738 726.25 728.8 101.57 27.86
2014-04-04 725.55 733 720.05 725.45 134.88 25.74
2014-04-07 725 732 723.1 725.35 213.43 26.49
2014-04-09 728.05 744.9 721.75 741.85 192.54 27.99
2014-04-10 744.65 748.65 736 739.4 139.22 31.83
2014-04-11 734.05 744.8 733.9 738.15 96.24 27.46
2014-04-15 734.3 738.8 718.1 723.95 151.63 32.54
2014-04-16 723.2 731.8 721.1 725.95 64.96 31.31
2014-04-17 716.25 721.3 707.3 718.7 219.61 28.71
2014-04-21 722.7 726.5 713 716.45 125.52 43.42
2014-04-22 721.9 729.6 717.4 727.55 206.54 39.91
2014-04-23 724.9 739.45 722.6 733 384.36 36.06
2014-04-25 733.15 738 725 726.4 113.27 35.18
2014-04-28 722.25 729.25 720.55 725.2 88.51 35.82
2014-04-29 726.4 727.5 712.5 715.8 119.09 36.32
2014-04-30 716 729.9 711.65 721.3 158.38 35.76
2014-05-02 723.5 727.55 715.55 717.1 106.43 40.08
2014-05-05 719.85 723.1 714 716.7 93.2 41.73
2014-05-06 720.2 724.6 714.1 720.2 111.0 40.8
2014-05-07 718.5 727 711.45 715.6 118.63 41.23
2014-05-08 717.15 723 715.5 718.3 135.19 47.32
2014-05-09 720 760 720 756.8 304.46 50.39
2014-05-12 755.1 794.85 754.5 792.15 344.38 70.68
2014-05-13 800 800 782.5 788.15 249.54 50.04
2014-05-14 785 794.8 774.25 775.45 166.23 54.89
2014-05-15 769 791.15 766.05 788.35 184.97 52.81
2014-05-16 800 854 787.65 804.7 687.82 32.66
2014-05-19 815.9 835 808 811.9 216.01 33.23
2014-05-20 816 821.6 804.35 816.05 129.8 36.19
2014-05-21 812.35 814.5 805 809.5 73.72 29.91
2014-05-22 812 815 798 802.6 156.38 24.97
2014-05-23 799 803 782.7 789.65 193.96 26.14
2014-05-26 799 804.05 790 797.15 347.18 27.61
2014-05-27 800 810.65 788.35 804.9 152.48 30.82
2014-05-28 799.9 826.75 799.5 823.45 294.08 35.22
2014-05-29 822.6 830.75 807.4 810.25 278.75 32.9
2014-05-30 815 822.8 730 792.75 653.31 34.07
2014-06-02 793.5 822.35 793.5 819.4 163.91 31.34
2014-06-03 823 827.85 814 824.35 74.45 29.39
2014-06-04 822.4 829.7 815.1 816.7 58.84 27.2
2014-06-05 811.8 815.4 801 805.45 154.56 28.44
2014-06-06 813 821 801 815.25 213.58 29.34
2014-06-09 821.9 830 815 819.45 192.2 30.65
2014-06-10 821.15 823.6 810 816.65 102.01 29.42
2014-06-11 817 829.85 810 820.5 158.69 27.32
2014-06-12 824.5 844.95 812.85 839.85 265.96 31.24
2014-06-13 844 856 831.65 835.4 258.24 29.42
2014-06-16 831 842.8 830.3 839 111.04 32.64
2014-06-17 836 848.8 827.35 846.55 146.02 29.78
2014-06-18 847.1 851.4 828.75 834.85 112.63 29.13
2014-06-19 837.1 839.95 822.2 825.75 97.85 29.47
2014-06-20 826 831.75 819.35 821.95 61.17 27.85
2014-06-23 824 826.55 815.3 821.45 119.83 29.5
2014-06-24 825.35 832.75 825 829 104.87 30.48
2014-06-25 829 833.2 823 824.1 131.09 31.59
2014-06-26 820 826.6 808.65 812.4 443.9 25.43
2014-06-27 817.85 822 814 816.2 105.12 24.99
2014-06-30 819.9 832.7 819.9 821.55 127.35 25.76
2014-07-01 823 827.95 815 823.3 156.6 27.19
2014-07-02 830.8 842 825.5 839.9 159.11 25.55
2014-07-03 841 845.3 831.35 836.8 126.92 27.6
2014-07-04 836.8 858.95 835.1 856.65 119.43 28.07
2014-07-07 859.9 860.7 835.85 840.45 172.0 29.54
2014-07-08 844 848.35 820 829.25 140.93 28.33
2014-07-09 828 834.85 818 830.3 120.05 28.57
2014-07-10 830.3 848 812.25 823.35 204.33 25.1
2014-07-11 821.1 831.45 808.8 811.8 187.92 25.1
2014-07-14 815 820 807.15 817.45 100.4 22.26
2014-07-15 820.75 828.8 816.5 826.8 125.33 21.61
2014-07-16 829.5 838.5 817.9 835.75 198.09 24.13
2014-07-17 838.7 839 829.5 831.8 105.0 22.94
2014-07-18 828.9 836.8 822 832.45 151.28 23.7
2014-07-21 841.7 846.95 825.25 827.45 205.04 22.36
2014-07-22 829.9 842.65 827 839.85 145.91 19.02
2014-07-23 843.1 845 835 836.3 164.89 18.99
2014-07-24 836 844 833 842.25 89.96 18.29
2014-07-25 841 849.8 834.15 835.5 224.26 17.12
2014-07-28 838.5 839.8 828 829.55 80.68 21.59
2014-07-30 831 841.9 826.85 838.8 97.8 22.87
2014-07-31 837.9 839.9 828.55 834 248.58 20.2
2014-08-01 826.05 827.8 812 815.45 140.05 21.72
2014-08-04 819 822.7 807.1 813 149.66 22.52
2014-08-05 817 823 809.9 820.2 123.99 20.12
2014-08-06 815.05 819.55 807.35 810 68.77 20.0
2014-08-07 812.9 818.5 810 811.5 80.03 19.55
2014-08-08 805 807.8 795 796.15 148.84 19.85
2014-08-11 801 802.85 791.4 792.95 111.92 20.24
2014-08-12 801 808.5 792 807.2 132.37 19.6
2014-08-13 810 815.75 802.65 812.4 158.87 18.88
2014-08-14 814.1 831.65 813.3 826.7 245.59 17.57
2014-08-18 830 834.5 823.6 832.35 139.21 19.14
2014-08-19 833 837.5 822.25 823.85 163.19 19.66
2014-08-20 829 834.6 819 820.55 194.63 20.2
2014-08-21 822 835.2 821 832.5 132.48 20.79
2014-08-22 834.35 848.75 828.05 846.75 210.62 19.5
2014-08-25 843 852.8 837.2 843.45 141.04 21.75
2014-08-26 844.5 848.5 838.1 842.5 87.82 23.65
2014-08-27 846 846 834 836.6 101.73 23.29
2014-08-28 837.5 845.5 834 843.55 168.14 20.39
2014-09-01 845.9 849 838.6 841.2 87.57 22.65
2014-09-02 843.1 861.1 838.65 859.2 244.5 22.3
2014-09-03 865 865 851.6 856.65 198.21 21.46
2014-09-04 858.05 859 848.5 851.85 136.86 21.32
2014-09-05 852 855.55 844.1 848.45 81.36 21.26
2014-09-08 851 867.8 849.45 864.75 210.45 21.07
2014-09-09 860.1 869.9 857.8 865.6 165.73 21.79
2014-09-10 865 865 854.1 857.3 92.56 20.11
2014-09-11 857.4 863.1 853 854.35 139.81 20.39
2014-09-12 850.1 858 848.95 855.7 130.02 19.57
2014-09-15 850 865 850 860.35 125.06 20.81
2014-09-16 861 862.05 848 851 108.58 20.91
2014-09-17 855 855.9 842.1 846.4 167.46 20.88
2014-09-18 844.75 861 842.25 858.15 142.22 18.48
2014-09-19 860 865 851.4 860.25 140.34 17.83
2014-09-22 856.95 858.5 851 856.85 139.58 20.55
2014-09-23 856.05 857.85 845.6 848.85 100.5 21.35
2014-09-24 847.1 857.3 845.05 855.45 142.08 20.71
2014-09-25 853 865.6 842.1 849.95 354.99 19.07
2014-09-26 849.95 879 845 871.65 213.0 21.82
2014-09-29 873 877.35 861.2 865.1 188.74 21.64
2014-09-30 864.2 879.8 861.15 872.65 262.08 20.67
2014-10-01 866 871.15 860.5 868 127.14 19.8
2014-10-07 865 867 854.1 862.45 108.11 20.98
2014-10-08 860.55 870 858.3 867.6 67.85 21.21
2014-10-09 874 892.95 868.25 887.6 168.75 20.5
2014-10-10 883.05 885.15 864.9 867.3 93.04 21.51
2014-10-13 864 878 855.65 876.8 116.63 22.4
2014-10-14 885 885.95 865.15 868.35 158.09 22.97
2014-10-16 868.4 874 855.05 858.85 119.79 23.77
2014-10-17 860.25 888.1 857.1 885.25 219.51 23.89
2014-10-20 894 909.6 890.15 893.8 213.48 25.85
2014-10-21 900 905.75 887.65 895.55 359.22 22.87
2014-10-22 905.05 906.35 891.25 893.65 102.56 20.36
2014-10-23 893 897.85 892 896.45 20.13 18.62
2014-10-27 899.05 907.3 894.15 897.25 151.59 24.39
2014-10-28 899 900.2 894 895.3 130.05 23.66
2014-10-29 900.2 902.5 890 891.55 176.5 22.03
2014-10-30 889.9 899.95 887.1 896.65 240.31 18.86
2014-10-31 900.1 914.6 897.35 911.85 229.95 18.95
2014-11-03 915.2 919.3 905.4 910.7 164.81 18.96
2014-11-05 915.05 920.3 910.25 912.8 172.44 18.69
2014-11-07 905 906.6 893.65 899.45 203.07 17.87
2014-11-10 899.5 908.35 893 904.65 143.66 19.76
2014-11-11 905.9 917.3 902.4 907.9 134.44 20.45
2014-11-12 911 919.9 904.15 911.75 206.99 20.87
2014-11-13 915.5 920 903.9 915.95 168.68 21.15
2014-11-14 918.2 933 911.75 930.1 194.5 29.48
2014-11-17 930 934 908 918.95 308.73 23.44
2014-11-18 921 935 912 932.2 212.44 22.46
2014-11-19 935.05 937.7 922.15 926.55 80.22 21.73
2014-11-20 927.95 927.95 912.1 918.2 109.36 20.2
2014-11-21 921.2 935 914.05 932.85 204.6 21.22
2014-11-24 932.35 950 928.1 945.2 171.95 27.18
2014-11-25 943 958.8 939 953.55 289.09 27.79
2014-11-26 939.8 959.9 933.3 951.3 213.23 27.68
2014-11-27 950.6 953.8 943 948.15 313.14 20.46
2014-11-28 948 965.9 947 957.15 221.77 21.08
2014-12-01 958.3 962.45 948.2 950 176.24 21.93
2014-12-02 941.75 949.6 939.2 943.3 106.58 20.54
2014-12-03 942 944.05 932 933.1 156.07 20.62
2014-12-04 940 944.25 932 941.4 160.24 19.95
2014-12-05 941 944.4 935.7 942.75 95.71 19.11
2014-12-08 945 945 925 927.15 94.85 19.49
2014-12-09 925.05 935 925.05 926.75 113.26 19.32
2014-12-10 926.1 935 925.3 931.4 129.39 19.82
2014-12-11 929.9 935.75 925 933.6 112.04 19.86
2014-12-12 933 936.2 929 931.5 107.6 18.66
2014-12-15 930 944.3 928 941.5 155.8 20.92
2014-12-16 937.55 942 917 925.75 115.77 20.24
2014-12-17 926 932.5 916 921.85 162.68 20.93
2014-12-18 932.6 936.5 922.05 934.05 150.84 20.03
2014-12-19 945.05 949 932.5 941.45 143.88 19.45
2014-12-22 954 966.1 942.5 963.7 197.61 18.91
2014-12-23 959.7 973.95 955.35 959.75 181.99 22.88
2014-12-24 957.9 964.8 941.1 945.25 395.41 21.55
2014-12-26 950.4 952.95 942.55 948.65 79.86 20.89
2014-12-29 950.1 956 948.3 951.7 86.04 20.96
2014-12-30 950 959.6 942.75 956.45 135.09 21.14
2014-12-31 956 957.3 949.75 951.6 118.81 21.22
2015-01-01 951 954.4 945.05 952.05 84.12 21.03
2015-01-02 950.4 969.3 950.4 965.3 142.38 20.45
2015-01-05 970 970.55 955.1 957.15 115.0 21.15
2015-01-06 954 956.55 937.55 942.25 194.91 22.23
2015-01-07 939.7 951.35 936.25 945 136.0 22.26
2015-01-08 954.25 968.95 948.2 964.85 229.52 21.12
2015-01-09 972.9 980 966.6 975.65 218.8 19.57
2015-01-12 969.4 974.4 964.5 967.05 99.94 20.06
2015-01-13 968.95 971.95 955.7 963.35 140.82 20.44
2015-01-14 960.05 974.65 959.7 963.9 89.04 21.01
2015-01-15 990 998.2 970.75 993.15 281.74 22.41
2015-01-16 1002.2 1014.9 998.55 1001.35 196.68 23.25
2015-01-19 1013.25 1020 1002.95 1004.55 106.83 24.93
2015-01-20 1010 1027 1002 1020.95 215.97 25.3
2015-01-21 1027.4 1032.95 1018.35 1019.95 172.75 25.6
2015-01-22 1025 1032.5 1018.55 1021.25 165.63 27.05
2015-01-23 1030 1048 1024.4 1042.8 260.23 25.86
2015-01-27 1043 1077.75 1040.9 1074.05 263.94 40.18
2015-01-28 1070 1093.2 1055 1058.35 304.12 33.13
2015-01-29 1075 1100.6 1061 1095 558.14 31.51
2015-01-30 1094.55 1094.55 1064.25 1077.35 284.46 32.13
2015-02-02 1068.5 1093 1052.35 1081.6 153.05 34.08
2015-02-03 1078.5 1082.2 1055.3 1064.1 271.93 31.78
2015-02-04 1063 1080.8 1057.25 1067.7 165.95 31.45
2015-02-05 1075 1092.8 1070.35 1076.5 218.09 29.15
2015-02-06 1077 1078.95 1050.05 1053.5 183.14 27.99
2015-02-09 1047 1051.75 1034.5 1040.1 136.06 27.2
2015-02-10 1030 1062.3 1030 1054.45 243.79 27.18
2015-02-11 1058 1064.8 1053 1058.4 110.21 26.64
2015-02-12 1065.1 1081.9 1052.7 1076 147.11 26.19
2015-02-13 1081.2 1082 1063.6 1065.8 206.31 27.12
2015-02-16 1075.8 1085 1062.5 1067.55 198.69 25.68
2015-02-18 1067.55 1082.95 1057.05 1074.8 144.66 25.88
2015-02-19 1074 1084.9 1063.8 1079.8 121.14 25.11
2015-02-20 1083 1089.9 1068.5 1073.05 167.42 25.45
2015-02-23 1077.1 1081.55 1062 1067.5 149.57 30.74
2015-02-24 1070.3 1071 1057.1 1067.65 155.65 26.84
2015-02-25 1070 1074.8 1050 1052.45 123.6 28.75
2015-02-26 1053.65 1056 1035.1 1038.15 323.59 25.9
2015-02-27 1045.45 1058.55 1045.45 1054 270.39 27.22
2015-02-28 1063 1076.8 1044.15 1071.2 307.03 24.18
2015-03-02 1080.35 1099 1068 1082.55 391.18 25.51
2015-03-03 1086.45 1092 1077.05 1083.35 163.67 26.15
2015-03-04 1105 1109.3 1060 1065.3 333.3 23.83
2015-03-05 1065 1090 1062.5 1085.1 261.01 23.41
2015-03-09 1077.05 1081.8 1056 1059 153.07 22.71
2015-03-10 1062 1062.25 1045 1052.55 135.29 22.6
2015-03-11 1050.9 1061.9 1050 1056.45 144.24 22.25
2015-03-12 1060.1 1063.9 1051.1 1054.6 198.59 22.21
2015-03-13 1060 1064 1034.6 1042.65 141.57 22.07
2015-03-16 1045 1057.9 1042.5 1051.55 140.73 22.42
2015-03-17 1060 1065.9 1042.85 1058.05 141.68 22.98
2015-03-18 1060.15 1071.9 1053.2 1063.55 136.87 22.94
2015-03-19 1071 1073.8 1048.7 1052.2 142.46 20.6
2015-03-20 1051 1059.5 1045.95 1055.9 170.78 21.0
2015-03-23 1055.95 1059.4 1046 1047.75 143.5 23.1
2015-03-24 1043.3 1057 1035.45 1037.95 234.68 19.61
2015-03-25 1040.05 1046.7 1031.1 1034.25 275.36 23.97
2015-03-26 1026.9 1032.2 1002.1 1006.95 905.28 20.76
2015-03-27 1014.95 1023.55 1008.1 1014.65 275.42 20.09
2015-03-30 1020 1039 1012.8 1036.9 178.75 19.11
2015-03-31 1039.9 1039.9 1014.85 1022.7 153.17 19.52
2015-04-01 1026.1 1036.85 1013 1033.25 98.62 19.4
2015-04-06 1035 1036.85 1019.8 1031.95 184.04 20.28
2015-04-07 1033.25 1038.2 1023.65 1032.75 159.66 19.37
2015-04-08 1040.05 1042.45 1030.05 1035.55 106.45 18.58
2015-04-09 1038.25 1059 1030 1056.1 183.37 18.97
2015-04-10 1053 1053 1034.85 1042.65 159.45 19.83
2015-04-13 1040 1046.3 1034.8 1038.8 118.7 20.69
2015-04-15 1040 1048.7 1025.2 1031.65 127.03 22.06
2015-04-16 1028 1033.55 1018 1029.65 143.98 19.97
2015-04-17 1025.1 1027.85 1016.05 1018.25 103.26 20.51
2015-04-20 1020 1025 1002.6 1005.1 131.47 23.22
2015-04-21 1005 1014.4 995.6 1003 163.72 25.05
2015-04-22 1006.5 1021 993.5 1013.1 170.41 24.92
2015-04-23 1020.05 1024.2 1006.1 1013.5 244.51 27.47
2015-04-24 1018.9 1019 1000.35 1006.45 181.91 23.27
2015-04-27 1006.95 1012.5 996 1005.45 184.86 28.62
2015-04-28 999.55 1011.45 990.1 1004.55 198.38 28.21
2015-04-29 1004 1009.5 988 993.15 195.85 33.21
2015-04-30 991 995 979.05 988.8 373.54 21.05
2015-05-04 994.05 1009.5 992 1000.95 78.73 21.05
2015-05-05 999.05 1003.9 985.85 987.65 127.45 22.74
2015-05-06 987.5 987.5 965.5 970.6 268.07 24.55
2015-05-07 968 970 944.2 951.3 281.22 26.12
2015-05-08 961.5 987.8 955.4 982 280.91 22.71
2015-05-11 986.05 992.75 974.05 990.3 165.74 22.65
2015-05-12 990 990 967 971.95 270.02 25.13
2015-05-13 975.85 993.4 971.6 990.25 191.47 24.55
2015-05-14 989 994.85 974 991.05 109.59 25.98
2015-05-15 994.9 997.55 984.2 990.1 201.83 25.47
2015-05-18 996 1012 992 1009.85 143.14 22.67
2015-05-19 1006.35 1018 998.1 1007.55 120.65 22.13
2015-05-20 1009.65 1026.8 1009.55 1024.05 102.37 19.57
2015-05-21 1024 1030 1015.1 1024.7 100.61 19.81
2015-05-22 1024.7 1029 1018.35 1024.3 120.1 16.86
2015-05-25 1028.4 1031 1017.6 1023.55 111.98 23.02
2015-05-26 1024.45 1030.2 1018.05 1027.4 125.58 24.34
2015-05-27 1023.8 1040 1021.4 1038.15 83.09 23.25
2015-05-28 1039.05 1043.7 1022.2 1029.4 246.12 20.83
2015-05-29 1029.95 1054 1027.15 1050.55 131.95 21.01
2015-06-01 1048.95 1056 1031 1036.2 100.44 22.89
2015-06-02 1038.4 1040.3 1004.9 1008.8 120.7 21.31
2015-06-03 1009 1017 998 1005.55 146.9 22.52
2015-06-04 1008.85 1017.85 995 1014.95 139.95 22.97
2015-06-05 1010.25 1018.5 1002.5 1011.75 170.78 22.75
2015-06-08 1004.25 1012.25 995.55 1003.45 95.6 23.13
2015-06-09 1005 1006 997.1 1001.85 151.35 22.34
2015-06-10 998 1019 997 1015.6 202.14 20.15
2015-06-11 1017.6 1018.55 994.7 1000.2 228.88 20.88
2015-06-12 1001 1010.85 990.15 1009.15 163.34 19.21
2015-06-15 1002 1013.75 1000 1005.2 150.92 20.41
2015-06-16 1000 1010.45 997.05 1008.4 150.59 18.8
2015-06-17 1009 1013.5 999.5 1004.7 243.54 19.32
2015-06-18 1005.9 1023.8 1002.25 1019.6 214.69 18.11
2015-06-19 1024.8 1034.95 1013.15 1030.5 95.61 16.23
2015-06-22 1032.1 1056.9 1028.5 1047.15 143.1 21.48
2015-06-23 1052 1061.2 1042.5 1052.1 149.12 21.58
2015-06-24 1054 1057.8 1042.7 1045.8 164.25 23.62
2015-06-25 1048.25 1070.85 1042.65 1065 438.51 17.6
2015-06-26 1067 1070.95 1051.5 1062.85 149.58 17.56
2015-06-29 1044.9 1061.75 1030.5 1056.65 169.22 19.53
2015-06-30 1052.25 1072 1048 1067.15 192.88 18.4
2015-07-01 1061.35 1077 1060.05 1072.35 133.28 17.2
2015-07-02 1065 1067.7 1055.65 1058.2 118.91 20.17
2015-07-03 1054.05 1076.15 1054.05 1074.25 107.96 19.18
2015-07-06 1064.05 1085 1060.25 1083.5 87.68 20.41
2015-07-07 1078.5 1091.5 1078.5 1086.85 112.43 18.95
2015-07-08 1079.1 1080.6 1066 1068.85 144.83 20.91
2015-07-09 1062.7 1076.9 1060.1 1074.05 74.82 21.23
2015-07-10 1069.8 1095 1068.5 1090.75 133.0 20.0
2015-07-13 1085 1105.9 1085 1096.15 193.94 19.72
2015-07-14 1095.5 1101.9 1086 1091.85 155.13 20.92
2015-07-15 1093 1101.45 1090.8 1096.7 105.61 20.37
2015-07-16 1098.8 1119 1098.1 1114.7 202.97 19.36
2015-07-17 1119.4 1121.75 1105.6 1110.55 97.53 19.73
2015-07-20 1115.95 1119 1107 1115.25 126.58 23.47
2015-07-21 1116.55 1128 1093.1 1098.05 306.58 23.38
2015-07-22 1096.4 1117.05 1088.65 1114.4 202.04 21.48
2015-07-23 1112.9 1116.7 1100.1 1107.9 140.95 21.6
2015-07-24 1103.15 1115 1100.5 1107.85 132.14 20.75
2015-07-27 1103.9 1104.5 1070 1095.85 91.39 24.89
2015-07-28 1094 1113.9 1092.45 1108.5 175.6 25.68
2015-07-29 1105.1 1117.9 1105.05 1108.35 109.48 29.75
2015-07-30 1107 1117 1101.1 1110.55 262.93 18.63
2015-07-31 1115.6 1121 1103 1111.65 156.81 19.0
2015-08-03 1112.75 1117.5 1093.45 1095.4 119.79 20.68
2015-08-04 1098.1 1102 1081.95 1086.45 147.03 19.56
2015-08-05 1092.15 1097.7 1085.2 1092.2 112.54 19.29
2015-08-06 1091.9 1101.35 1085.45 1095.95 102.49 18.75
2015-08-07 1093.95 1097.5 1088.6 1092.65 88.09 17.84
2015-08-10 1095 1105.95 1088 1094.65 108.72 18.16
2015-08-11 1095.05 1098.85 1084.25 1094.7 74.43 18.77
2015-08-12 1088.4 1094.9 1067.7 1070.45 161.77 19.6
2015-08-13 1077 1082.7 1066.6 1077.55 93.33 19.3
2015-08-14 1083.1 1103.65 1079.9 1101.8 98.73 18.69
2015-08-17 1099.05 1101.8 1075.8 1091.5 68.25 19.36
2015-08-18 1091.6 1096.1 1078.45 1086.35 50.37 19.27
2015-08-19 1084.85 1087 1075 1081.85 81.25 19.96
2015-08-20 1068 1084.75 1068 1074.7 81.98 19.45
2015-08-21 1064 1072.95 1051 1061.3 205.63 21.44
2015-08-24 1044.7 1044.7 1011.25 1019.05 376.5 44.51
2015-08-25 1024.7 1032.3 1005.7 1018.45 314.26 37.89
2015-08-26 1017.4 1029 1009 1013.5 141.9 38.38
2015-08-27 1025 1034.45 1009.1 1022.1 353.86 25.44
2015-08-28 1031.05 1042.75 1019.4 1027.95 143.19 23.4
2015-08-31 1021.1 1032.9 1015.55 1027.45 88.21 24.61
2015-09-01 1021.3 1021.3 993 1000.1 262.48 29.31
2015-09-02 1005.1 1013.95 985 995.15 215.8 29.23
2015-09-03 1002.3 1015 999 1010.3 164.01 25.69
2015-09-04 1002.2 1006 980 996.05 282.82 28.97
2015-09-07 1001 1009.8 980 984.45 133.6 30.84
2015-09-08 986.7 1010 977 1004.05 184.92 27.91
2015-09-09 1014.5 1025 1005 1016.3 166.49 26.19
2015-09-10 1003 1016.95 996.3 1011 112.07 27.0
2015-09-11 1014.5 1020 1006.8 1010.5 108.74 26.23
2015-09-14 1008.85 1022.3 1003.5 1019.7 128.33 28.67
2015-09-15 1017.95 1019.65 1008.1 1013.15 109.75 28.36
2015-09-16 1018.9 1028.1 1011.55 1023.35 108.69 27.09
2015-09-18 1035 1062 1031.15 1049.75 206.43 21.8
2015-09-21 1037.95 1055 1036.35 1052.95 112.04 24.41
2015-09-22 1050.05 1060 1025.3 1030.65 157.61 27.8
2015-09-23 1019.2 1053.45 1018.65 1049.2 134.07 25.87
2015-09-24 1047 1054 1036 1051.4 215.42 22.7
2015-09-28 1055 1060 1043.1 1046.4 151.94 23.94
2015-09-29 1032 1073.9 1025.1 1064.8 275.2 23.39
2015-09-30 1068 1073 1061.35 1068.8 240.99 22.13
2015-10-01 1075.2 1076.9 1059.35 1067.65 134.27 22.75
2015-10-05 1077.2 1104.8 1077.2 1098.35 220.2 22.39
2015-10-06 1107 1107.9 1083 1085.95 129.34 22.03
2015-10-07 1088 1098.35 1083.35 1087.75 119.41 22.07
2015-10-08 1088.1 1090.7 1075.4 1083.1 104.84 22.0
2015-10-09 1095 1095 1080.2 1086.15 93.6 21.25
2015-10-12 1087.7 1095.5 1077.8 1080.55 60.25 22.51
2015-10-13 1075.55 1082.15 1073.2 1076.35 49.1 21.78
2015-10-14 1068.8 1086.5 1067.05 1084.75 74.3 21.22
2015-10-15 1085.7 1096.5 1081 1084.15 106.84 22.77
2015-10-16 1090 1101.5 1085 1100.05 132.53 20.78
2015-10-19 1100 1102.1 1094.3 1097.8 72.87 23.71
2015-10-20 1098 1102.9 1091.2 1094.9 105.61 24.13
2015-10-21 1098.9 1104 1085 1095 199.21 21.5
2015-10-23 1099.45 1113.7 1096 1108.5 123.71 18.53
2015-10-26 1113.95 1114.2 1097 1101.5 134.65 25.17
2015-10-27 1095.55 1114 1095.55 1110.9 248.91 26.51
2015-10-28 1105.05 1124 1105.05 1111.5 214.59 27.03
2015-10-29 1110 1114.5 1100 1103.55 185.35 19.85
2015-10-30 1102 1112 1090.45 1099.6 222.82 20.01
2015-11-02 1095.05 1095.9 1076.5 1083.1 85.4 22.35
2015-11-03 1090.95 1092 1079.2 1084.9 69.23 21.17
2015-11-04 1090.05 1098.1 1078.25 1081.7 73.52 20.98
2015-11-05 1078.5 1083 1069.5 1079.85 96.84 22.22
2015-11-06 1080.7 1089 1075.25 1080.9 159.33 22.73
2015-11-09 1058 1069.65 1051 1064.8 303.08 20.58
2015-11-10 1060.05 1065 1052.45 1054.6 116.36 19.61
2015-11-11 1055 1060 1052.45 1054.4 25.73 19.05
2015-11-13 1049.4 1055 1041 1052.05 103.55 19.83
2015-11-16 1048.75 1065 1045.25 1060.95 125.34 19.7
2015-11-17 1063.3 1063.8 1051.2 1060.8 67.98 18.93
2015-11-18 1061.7 1065.85 1046.3 1048.6 64.56 20.25
2015-11-19 1055 1070.95 1049.6 1068.9 87.09 18.77
2015-11-20 1064.9 1080.25 1060 1070.85 124.77 16.51
2015-11-23 1074 1075.5 1059.05 1066.05 90.89 20.85
2015-11-24 1065.25 1073.5 1062.1 1064.35 106.84 20.54
2015-11-26 1059 1067 1051.1 1063.95 233.8 17.43
2015-11-27 1064.85 1082.2 1060.95 1079.4 186.49 16.96
2015-11-30 1079.2 1081 1069.7 1077.75 141.18 17.39
2015-12-01 1077.05 1084.9 1073.5 1083 51.2 16.21
2015-12-02 1090 1092.7 1071.85 1077.8 69.19 16.57
2015-12-03 1072.5 1081 1067.3 1076.75 102.39 17.2
2015-12-04 1073.6 1073.6 1056 1058.9 155.6 17.06
2015-12-07 1068.2 1071.1 1061.1 1061.95 154.77 17.26
2015-12-08 1061 1061.9 1047 1049.25 128.9 17.51
2015-12-09 1047.1 1057 1044.85 1047.45 102.25 18.31
2015-12-10 1045 1063.2 1042.3 1060.6 172.14 17.75
2015-12-11 1060 1060.6 1042 1046.35 79.65 18.47
2015-12-14 1041 1059.85 1040.1 1055.05 154.65 20.33
2015-12-15 1053 1062.45 1045.3 1059.45 120.09 19.99
2015-12-16 1063 1073.35 1059.35 1067.3 182.43 19.04
2015-12-17 1073.9 1084 1065 1080.25 130.96 16.52
2015-12-18 1085 1085 1068.5 1073 85.07 15.66
2015-12-21 1071.75 1079.9 1069.05 1075.4 83.14 15.24
2015-12-22 1074.5 1076.5 1064 1066.45 64.99 14.44
2015-12-23 1072.6 1077.95 1069.15 1074.1 80.87 13.11
2015-12-24 1076.2 1076.4 1068.3 1074 57.54 13.08
2015-12-28 1074 1079.9 1067.75 1077.25 208.61 15.24
2015-12-29 1078.95 1079.85 1071.3 1077.95 113.96 16.72
2015-12-30 1080 1081.95 1072.55 1074.3 56.83 18.38
2015-12-31 1075 1084.9 1075 1082.15 251.25 14.88
2016-01-01 1082.4 1090.25 1076.15 1088.75 86.78 14.54
2016-01-04 1084 1084 1068.1 1070.5 139.19 17.04
2016-01-05 1070.2 1074.8 1061.35 1062.4 84.25 16.9
2016-01-06 1056.65 1076.75 1056.65 1067.1 111.31 16.42
2016-01-07 1060.1 1064.9 1049.7 1056.2 160.17 18.51
2016-01-08 1061.95 1064.5 1057.25 1062.35 92.5 18.21
2016-01-11 1052.05 1061 1045.3 1058.6 86.73 19.5
2016-01-12 1063.9 1063.9 1043.5 1046.95 111.65 18.88
2016-01-13 1052 1062.75 1037 1060.15 118.38 17.7
2016-01-14 1050.15 1057.4 1039.5 1049.75 164.74 20.07
2016-01-15 1048 1055.45 1038.1 1042.15 141.88 20.57
2016-01-18 1035.65 1041.45 1021 1025.85 167.73 23.92
2016-01-19 1027.2 1037.55 1026.3 1035.8 165.44 21.63
2016-01-20 1025 1108 1007.9 1018.3 242.84 23.75
2016-01-21 1021 1033.25 1013.4 1023 160.89 24.03
2016-01-22 1025.7 1044.25 1022.05 1030.3 109.41 25.53
2016-01-25 1039.95 1046.7 1033.05 1041.15 263.54 23.61
2016-01-27 1048.45 1048.7 1033 1035.65 104.97 28.57
2016-01-28 1039 1046.9 1030 1031.7 257.75 18.9
2016-01-29 1035.2 1054.95 1035.2 1049.85 140.07 18.57
2016-02-01 1058 1067 1053.7 1059.75 122.25 18.43
2016-02-02 1065 1065.25 1050.2 1053.8 173.09 17.75
2016-02-03 1044.5 1051.4 1042 1043.85 126.82 18.69
2016-02-04 1048 1054.9 1045.55 1049.2 149.11 18.27
2016-02-05 1052.8 1063.8 1045.6 1055.25 198.63 17.58
2016-02-08 1055 1058 1030.3 1035.85 91.26 19.24
2016-02-09 1026.7 1031.55 1020.65 1026.05 141.96 20.29
2016-02-10 1023.9 1030.15 1010.1 1012.95 195.49 21.85
2016-02-11 1010 1013 968.2 975.3 218.21 26.5
2016-02-12 979 986.45 966 971.4 306.5 25.11
2016-02-15 980 988.25 971.1 973.6 267.08 25.44
2016-02-16 981.5 982 962 973.45 173.3 24.77
2016-02-17 976.9 979.9 959 974.9 181.87 23.93
2016-02-18 986 991.25 977 989.45 167.29 20.21
2016-02-19 988.75 992.6 973.5 989.3 81.77 20.73
2016-02-22 983 996 983 988.75 99.1 22.65
2016-02-23 984.9 985.5 966 970.05 147.7 26.02
2016-02-24 960 962.9 946.4 949.6 154.05 37.02
2016-02-25 954 957.25 938.2 942.65 200.62 21.74
2016-02-26 950 971 945 961 149.16 21.39
2016-02-29 961.1 982.6 928 971.85 212.96 22.73
2016-03-01 974.95 986.75 971.85 984.15 105.95 21.63
2016-03-02 998 1010.9 995 1007.2 159.69 21.44
2016-03-03 1010.75 1020 1010 1015.85 116.96 19.87
2016-03-04 1015.45 1024.9 993.1 1020.55 144.05 19.46
2016-03-08 1024 1024 1009.5 1014.15 48.58 21.78
2016-03-09 1013 1029.9 1006.75 1024.8 166.14 21.83
2016-03-10 1024.8 1025.75 1010.1 1021.25 68.09 21.93
2016-03-11 1019.9 1030.8 1013 1028.7 121.23 21.93
2016-03-14 1028 1037.95 1025.25 1027.55 77.5 22.07
2016-03-15 1027.9 1033.4 1021.65 1026.7 197.17 21.98
2016-03-16 1027 1034.25 1018.95 1030.45 123.07 21.76
2016-03-17 1034.95 1039 1011.15 1018.4 131.55 19.55
2016-03-18 1022.95 1032 1015.35 1028.4 106.2 17.75
2016-03-21 1033 1047.35 1032.25 1045.6 138.29 18.22
2016-03-22 1046.5 1056.6 1040.7 1053.85 108.01 17.02
2016-03-23 1053.05 1053.05 1040.55 1049.35 221.35 16.41
2016-03-28 1045 1053 1041.65 1047.5 295.47 22.32
2016-03-29 1047.5 1059.5 1044.25 1053.8 177.6 24.46
2016-03-30 1058 1069.9 1053.9 1064.95 207.7 27.49
2016-03-31 1066.85 1078.9 1065.05 1071.15 538.64 19.86
2016-04-01 1068.8 1076.4 1056.8 1064.45 137.08 20.57
2016-04-04 1065.2 1072.8 1064 1069.05 165.03 20.95
2016-04-05 1069 1076.9 1055.65 1057.45 177.26 19.74
2016-04-06 1061 1066.95 1056.75 1061.5 114.14 18.61
2016-04-07 1064 1064.75 1047.05 1055.5 103.3 17.18
2016-04-08 1055 1063.35 1054.25 1059.35 78.38 16.91
2016-04-11 1060.3 1074.1 1042.85 1070.95 106.82 17.72
2016-04-12 1069.6 1071 1059.25 1063 131.38 17.37
2016-04-13 1072 1084.95 1069.5 1081.75 134.16 16.81
2016-04-18 1083.5 1092 1071.6 1087.8 111.83 20.11
2016-04-20 1091.9 1100 1083.55 1097.85 104.5 21.19
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