Previous List: What I Didn't Know about Functional Programming until 2020
A hom-functor is usually implemented in Scala as the reader functor. The type itself is essentially a hom-set, but if we fix the domain to a particular type, we get a functor:
// A hom-set Hom(A, X) type Reader[A, X] = A => X // A hom-functor X => Hom(String, X) or Hom(String, -) type HomStringTo[X] = Reader[String, X]
To implement the reader functor instance, we need to fix the domain at the instance-level and let
supply the codomain:implicit def readerFunctor[A]: Functor[Reader[A, *]] = new Functor[Reader[A, *]] { def fmap[X, B](fa: Reader[A, X])(f: X => B): Reader[A, B] = f compose fa }
Since we fixed the domain, our functor was covariant because the type parameter it takes was in the positive position.
If we fix the second type parameter of
, we can implement it as an instance of the contravariant functor, because the second parameter is in the negative position:implicit def readerContra[X]: Contravariant[Reader[*, X]] = new Contravariant[Reader[*, X]] { def contramap[A, B](fa: Reader[A, X])(f: B => A): Reader[B, X] = fa compose f }
If we vary both type parameters of
, we get a profunctor. After all,Reader
is contravariant in the first type parameter and covariant in the second. The implementation for thedimap
is just a series of function composition:implicit val readerProF: Profunctor[Reader] = new Profunctor[Reader] { def dimap[A, B, C, D](fa: Reader[A, B])(f: C => A)(g: B => D): Reader[C, D] = g compose fa compose f }
For any category
and any objecta
, the set of natural transformations from a hom-functorC(a, -)
to any functorF: C -> Set
is isomorphic toF(a)
. This is known as the Yoneda Lemma:Nat[Hom(a, -), F] <=> F(a) // alternatively... [C, Set](C(a, -), F) <=> F(a)
This means given any point in
, we can derive a natural transformation; and for any natural transformationalpha: Hom(a, -) -> F
, we can apply it to the morphismid(a)
and pick any element fromF(a)
.To show this, we can start by picking two objects
, with the morphismf: x -> y
and the hom-setHom(a, x)
. We can get a morphisma -> y
viaf compose h
is an element ofHom(a, x)
. In terms of hom-sets, we write that composition asC(a, f)
. So, if we have a natural transformationalpha
with componentsx
, our naturality square will have the following equation and it's point-wise form:alpha(y) compose C(a, f) = F(f) compose alpha(x) = alpha(y)(C(a, f)(h)) = F(f)(alpha(x)(h)) // point-wise form = alpha(y)(f compose h) = F(f)(alpha(x)(h))
Now, if we set
x = a
, we can chooseid(a)
fromC(a, a)
, and reduce the equation:alpha(y)(f compose id) = F(f)(alpha(a)(id(a))) = alpha(y)(f) = F(f)(alpha(a)(id(a)))
We managed to make
work with any randomy
in the naturality square. -
By virtue of the Yoneda Lemma, the functions
below are isomorphic:trait Yoneda[F[_], A] { def F: Functor[F] def alpha[B](hom: A => B): F[B] def fa: F[A] }
is the natural transfromationNat[Hom(a, -), F]
. Note howF
above is a covariant functor. This is because whilea
is in negative position inHom(a, -)
, it's also in negative position inalpha
. That's double negation, makinga
's position positive. -
Because of duality, we also get Coyoneda for free. It simply fixes the codomain of the hom-functor:
Nat[Hom(-, a), F] <=> F(a)
in this case has to be a contravariant functor, becausea
is negative position (positive in the hom-functor times negative in the natural transformation itself, making it negative as a result). -
The set of natural transformations between hom-functors
C(a, -)
andC(b, -)
for any categoryC
, under the Yoneda Lemma, gives us the Yoneda Embedding:// Substitute C(b, -) for F in the general statement [C, Set](C(a, -), C(b, -)) <=> C(b, a)
It's as if
b -> a
is embedded in[C, Set]
, though the positions ofa
are swapped. This results to contravariant functors for the mappingsa -> C(a, -)
andb -> C(b, -)
. -
Catamorphisms generalize fold operations on any functor. It maps an F-Algebra and a fixed-point of a functor to the type the functor is acting on. To implement catamorphism, let us first define an algebra that collapses an embellished value, removing the attached context, and a higher-kinded type
that maps a type constructor to its fixed-point:type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A /** * Y-combinator at the type-level */ final case class Term[F[_]](out: F[Term[F]]) object Term { // Helper function to make function composition more convenient later on def out[F[_]]: Term[F] => F[Term[F]] = _.out }
We can then define catamorphism (usually named
) in terms of those two:def cata[F[_], A](f: Algebra[F, A])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Term[F] => A = Term.out andThen F.fmap(cata(f)) andThen f
performs a leaf-to-root traversal, applying the algebra to the nodes of the recursive data structure. Etymologically, the Greek origin of the prefix "cata" means "collapse" or "destruction" (e.g "catastrophe" or "cataclysm"). -
An anamorphism is the dual of catamorphism; it acts on the same objects but the arrows are reversed:
type Coalgebra[F[_], A] = A => F[A] object Term { def in[F[_]]: F[Term[F]] => Term[F] = Term.apply[F] // ... previous code here } def ana[F[_], A](f: Coalgebra[F, A])(implicit F: Functor[F]): A => Term[F] = compose F.fmap(ana(f)) compose f
We defined Coalgebra as the dual of Algebra, and
as an alias forTerm.apply
. The definition ofana
differs from that ofcata
in the order of composition:cata
uses left-to-right composition withandThen
uses right-to-left composition withcompose
. The other difference is the use
instead ofTerm.out
.The prefix "ana" also comes from the Greek word which means "building".