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Last active May 17, 2023 12:23
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This script allows to you sign your loginToken the proper way to better authenticate to the Maiar DEX API.
This script allows you to sign your loginToken the proper way
to better authenticate to the Maiar DEX API.
You need to install the pip package erdpy.
> pip3 install erdpy
from erdpy.accounts import Account
from erdpy.wallet.signing import sign_message
from Cryptodome.Hash import keccak
PREFIX = "\x17Elrond Signed Message:\n"
def sign_access_token(login_token, account):
"""This function generates the signature of the login_token+public_key.
login_token (str): The loginToken your retrieved while requesting
(POST) {{maiar}}/login/init.
account (Account): The elrond account that's used to sign the
str: The signature to put in the Body of the next call to (POST) {{maiar}}/login
wallet_address = str(account.address)
informations = wallet_address + login_token + "{}"
message_bytes =
return sign_message(message_bytes, account)
if __name__ == "__main__":
key_file = "path/to/your/key/erdxxx.json"
password_file = "path/to/your/password/file.txt"
my_account = Account(key_file=key_file, pass_file=password_file)
login_token = "bff013b2d47ae5f0b176bac615fb3edb"
signed_message = sign_access_token(login_token, my_account)
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