This is a tilegram of Russian regions with area being distorted according to 2015 population. I relied on Gastner and Newman, 2004 distortion algorithm. Each hexagon is approximately equal to 25,000 people. Hover over the regions to see their names and population counts (in Russian).
# (c) Dmitriy Skougarevskiy, November 2016
# Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license
# located at
# Load dependencies
packages <- c("maptools", "raster", "sp", "rgeos", "devtools")
if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > 0) {
install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())))
lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE)
# NB: uncomment the below two packages lines to install
# the packages from Github. They require
# (e.g. brew install fftw)
#devtools::install_github("chrisbrunsdon/getcartr", subdir = "getcartr")
# Function to download and open zipped shapefile
# via
url_shp_to_spdf <- function(URL) {
wd <- getwd()
td <- tempdir()
temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
download.file(URL, temp)
shp <- dir(tempdir(), "*.shp$")
y <- readShapePoly(shp)
# Download Russian regional boundaries shapefile
# that has 2015 regional population embedded therein.
# I aggressively simplified it with mapshaper and by hand
# (removal of the Far North islands, all small islands or lakes
# not exceeding than Sebastopol in area)
rus_bounds <- url_shp_to_spdf("")
# Use Albers Siberia projection
WGS_84 <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
Albers_Siberia <- CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=52 +lat_2=64 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=18500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=krass +towgs84=23.92,-141.27,-80.9,-0,0.35,0.82,-0.12 +units=m +no_defs")
proj4string(rus_bounds) <- WGS_84
rus_bounds <- spTransform(rus_bounds, Albers_Siberia)
# Create the cartogram (takes time and CPU, decrease the resolution
# to 512 to enjoy reasonable computation time at the cost of larger error in shape areas)
rus_bounds_transf <- quick.carto(rus_bounds, rus_bounds$region_pop, res = 3000, gapdens = 2, blur = 0)
# A hack to fix possible topology errors
# (via
rus_bounds_transf <- gBuffer(rus_bounds_transf, byid = TRUE, width = -0.0001)
# Export transformed shape now if you feel ready to explore it
#writePolyShape(rus_bounds_transf, "rus_bounds_transf")
proj4string(rus_bounds_transf) <- Albers_Siberia
# Check whether areas are now proportional to population
## Correlation between region population and area now exceeds 0.9:
## cor(rus_bounds_transf@data$region_pop, gArea(rus_bounds_transf, byid = T))
## Difference in area between Crimea and Moscow now almost corresponds to difference in population:
## gArea(rus_bounds_transf, byid = T)[36]/gArea(rus_bounds_transf, byid = T)[54]
## rus_bounds_transf@data$region_pop[36]/rus_bounds_transf@data$region_pop[54]
# Also examine the residuals of the transformation
## discrep <- cart.resids(rus_bounds_transf, rus_bounds$region_pop)
## shs <- auto.shading(c(discrep,-discrep), n = 5, col = brewer.pal(5, "RdBu"))
## choropleth(rus_bounds_transf, discrep, shading = shs)
## choro.legend(600, 600, shs)
# Establish the average number of people per unit of transformed shapefile area
pop_per_area <- mean(rus_bounds_transf@data$region_pop/gArea(rus_bounds_transf, byid = T))
# Set area for hexagons so that each one encompasses 25000 people
hex_area <- 25000/pop_per_area
# Function to produce hexagonal grid
# (via
make_grid <- function(x, cell_diameter, cell_area, clip = FALSE) {
if (missing(cell_diameter)) {
if (missing(cell_area)) {
stop("Must provide cell_diameter or cell_area")
} else {
cell_diameter <- sqrt(2 * cell_area / sqrt(3))
ext <- as(extent(x) + cell_diameter, "SpatialPolygons")
projection(ext) <- projection(x)
# generate array of hexagon centers
g <- spsample(ext, type = "hexagonal", cellsize = cell_diameter,
offset = c(0.5, 0.5))
# convert center points to hexagons
g <- HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(g, dx = cell_diameter)
# clip to boundary of study area
if (clip) {
g <- gIntersection(g, x, byid = T)
} else {
g <- g[x, ]
# clean up feature IDs
row.names(g) <- as.character(1:length(g))
# Create the hexagonal grid
source_hex_grid <- make_grid(rus_bounds_transf, cell_area = hex_area, clip = F)
# Add attributes to the grid to produce the final object
rus_hex <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(source_hex_grid, over(source_hex_grid, rus_bounds_transf))
proj4string(rus_hex) <- Albers_Siberia
# Define the color palette
region_colors <- data.frame(REGION = levels(rus_hex$REGION),
color = brewer.pal(12, name = "Set3")[sample(1:12, 85, replace = T)]
# Add color palette to the grid
rus_hex$color <- as.character(region_colors[match(rus_hex$REGION, region_colors$REGION), "color"])
# Export the resulting shapefile with hexagons
writePolyShape(rus_hex, "rus_hex")
# Convert shapefile to TopoJSON with
system(paste0("cd ", getwd(), "; ",
"topojson --width 960 --height 550 --margin 10 -s .25 --shapefile-encoding utf8 --id-property SP_ID -p oktmo=OKTMO -p region=REGION -p population=region_pop -p color=color -o rus_hex.topojson rus_hex.shp"