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Created February 9, 2025 10:48
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generate_graph <- function(num_nodes, del_probability) {
# Make sure the igraph package is available
if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Please install the 'igraph' package.")
# Create a list of nodes
nodes <- 1:num_nodes
# Create all possible directed edges between different nodes
# (This creates a complete directed graph, i.e. for every pair (i,j), i != j, we have an edge.)
edge_list <- expand.grid(from = nodes, to = nodes)
edge_list <- edge_list[edge_list$from != edge_list$to, ]
# Shuffle the edge list so that removals happen in random order
edge_list <- edge_list[sample(nrow(edge_list)), ]
# Initially, all edges are present.
keep <- rep(TRUE, nrow(edge_list))
# Each node in a complete directed graph (without self-loops) has:
# - (num_nodes - 1) outgoing edges and
# - (num_nodes - 1) incoming edges,
# so the total (undirected) degree is 2 * (num_nodes - 1)
degrees <- rep(2 * (num_nodes - 1), num_nodes)
# Process each edge: with probability del_probability, try to remove the edge
for (i in 1:nrow(edge_list)) {
if (runif(1) < del_probability) {
source_node <- edge_list$from[i]
target_node <- edge_list$to[i]
# Removing the edge would reduce the degree (connection count) of both nodes by 1.
# We only remove the edge if both nodes will still have at least one connection.
if (degrees[source_node] > 1 && degrees[target_node] > 1) {
keep[i] <- FALSE # Mark the edge as removed
degrees[source_node] <- degrees[source_node] - 1
degrees[target_node] <- degrees[target_node] - 1
# Keep only the edges that were not removed
final_edges <- edge_list[keep, ]
# Build the igraph object using the final edge list.
# We convert the nodes to characters for naming.
g <- graph_from_data_frame(final_edges, directed = TRUE,
vertices = data.frame(name = as.character(nodes)))
plot(generate_graph(500, 0.4))
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