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Last active December 17, 2019 11:04
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  • Save meodai/030572d375680b68ba350ac4af3e9418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save meodai/030572d375680b68ba350ac4af3e9418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Design System
"dialog-breakpoints": {
"desktop": "'min-width: 701px'",
"mobile": "'max-width: 700px'"
"colors": {
"brand": "#62a8e0",
"branddark": "#3790d8",
"brandlight": "#90e9ff",
"night": "#2a2a2a",
"steel": "#797979",
"tomb": "#9B9B9B",
"rock": "#C5C5C5",
"silver": "#D8D8D8",
"dove": "#F1F1F1",
"rain": "#ECEEF4",
"glitter": "#ECF1F5",
"snowflake": "#fff",
"tomato": "#EE4036",
"ripe-tomato": "#EE4036",
"pumpkin": "#FF7B16",
"pumpkin-soup": "#FF7B16",
"salad": "#95D459",
"old-salad": "#95D459",
"transparent": "rgba(255,255,255,0)"
"palettes": {
"brand": {
"default": "brand",
"highlight": "brandlight",
"shade": "branddark"
"interaction": {
"default": "brand--default",
"default-hover": "brand--shade",
"active": "brand--shade",
"button": "interaction--default",
"button-contrast": "interaction--inverted",
"button-neutral": "transparent",
"button-negative": "shade--none",
"button-caution": "notification--error-fill",
"hover-background": "shade--lighter",
"inverted": "shade--none",
"focus": "brand--highlight",
"disabled": "text--weak"
"shade": {
"none": "snowflake",
"lighter": "dove",
"light": "silver",
"half": "rock",
"dark": "tomb",
"darker": "steel",
"full": "night"
"notification": {
"error-fill": "tomato",
"error-text": "ripe-tomato",
"warning-fill": "pumpkin",
"warning-text": "pumpkin-soup",
"success-fill": "salad",
"success-text": "old-tomato",
"neutral-fill": "shade--dark",
"contrast-text": "text--inverted"
"text": {
"default": "shade--full",
"weak": "shade--dark",
"inverted": "shade--none"
"icon": {
"default": "shade--half",
"default-over": "interaction--default",
"inverted": "shade--none"
"layout": {
"background": "glitter",
"card": "shade--none",
"card-appendix": "shade--lighter",
"line": "shade--light",
"navigation": "brand--default",
"navigation-active": "brand--shade",
"tooltip-fill": "brand--default",
"shadow": "shade--dark"
// ___ ____ __ _ __ _
// | | \ | |_ ( (` | | / /`_ | |\ |
// |_|_/ |_|__ _)_) |_| \_\_/ |_| \|
// __ _ __ _____ ____ _
// ( (` \ \_/ ( (` | | | |_ | |\/|
// _)_) |_| _)_) |_| |_|__ |_| |
// Everything related to the design-system must happen in this file.
// All design rules and settings are set within the /design/ folder and are
// meant to be maintained only in those .json files to guarantee that there is
// a single source of truth regarding all the design rules.
// The API between code and visual design is called "design-taxonomy".
// Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification of things or concepts,
// including the principles that underlie such classification.
// We create a common language that is understood by the project team.
// The design system consists of 4 components: breakpoints, colors, sizes and
// typography. They all come with helper functions and/or mixins.
// breakpoints:
// .someselector {
// display: inline;
// @include bp(mobile) {
// display: block;
// }
// }
// colors:
// .someselector {
// color: c('text--default')
// background-color: c(layout--background);
// border: 1px solid c(layout--line);
// }
// sizes:
// .someselector {
// margin-top: size(grid);
// }
// typography:
// .someselector {
// @include typo(title);
// // includes all properties needed for this element
// // including breakpoints
// }
// ___ ___ ____ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ _____ __
// | |_) | |_) | |_ / /\ | |_/ | |_) / / \ | | | |\ | | | ( (`
// |_|_) |_| \ |_|__ /_/--\ |_| \ |_| \_\_/ |_| |_| \| |_| _)_)
// setting up basic breakpoints for the project
// import breakpoints from the taxonomy
@import '../../design/breakpoints.json';
// setting up basic breakpoint mixin
@mixin bp($name) {
@if map-has-key($dialog-breakpoints, $name) {
@media (#{map-get($dialog-breakpoints, $name)}) {
} @else {
@error "there is no breakpoint called #{$name}";
// usage:
// @bp(mobile) {
// whatever is different on mobile
// }
// __ ___ _ ___ ___ __
// / /` / / \ | | / / \ | |_) ( (`
// \_\_, \_\_/ |_|__ \_\_/ |_| \ _)_)
// Colors are organized in palettes, you can not access a named color like "red"
// you have to know in what context its used. Let's say you need a color inside
// the logo, you probably want to use the 'brand--primary' color. If contexts
// are missing, feel free to extend the colors.json file.
// see for tooling reference
// import all colors from the taxonomy
@import '../../design/colors.json';
// imports the SCSS color parsing tools
@import "paletter/lib/parse-palettes.scss";
// populates the $paletter-colors map with the values from the taxonomy
$paletter-colors: _parsePalette($palettes);
// adds helper function to return colors
@import "paletter/lib/color-helper-fn.scss";
// see ../../design/colors.json for reference
// usage: color: c('brand--primary');
// __ _ ____ ____ __
// ( (` | | / / | |_ ( (`
// _)_) |_| /_/_ |_|__ _)_)
// check for more information about
// the library
// import all sizes from the taxonomy
@import '../../design/sizes.json';
// import the actual library
@import 'dialog-size/dist/dialog-size';
// populate the SCSS map for the sizes() function
$dialog-sizes: toDialogSizeList($sizes);
// see ../../design/sizes.json for reference
// usage: size('huge');
// _____ _ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ _
// | | \ \_/ | |_) / / \ / /`_ | |_) / /\ | |_) | |_| \ \_/
// |_| |_| |_| \_\_/ \_\_/ |_| \ /_/--\ |_| |_| | |_|
// check for more information about
// the library
// import typography from the design-taxonomy
@import '../../design/typography.json';
@import 'dialog-typography/dist/dialog-typography';
// usage: @include typo('title');
"sizes": [
"value": "0.1rem",
"names": ["line"]
"value": "0.4rem",
"names": ["inline", "border-radius", "icon-inline"]
"value": "0.8rem",
"names": ["input-bezel--y", "tag-gutter", "icon-bezel"]
"value": "1.2rem",
"names": [
"value": "1.4rem",
"names": ["form-gutter", "grid-gutter", "card-aside-bezel--y"],
"isBase": true
"value": "1.6rem",
"names": [
"value": "2rem",
"names": ["content-bezel", "card-stack"]
"dialog-typo": {
"desktop": {
"default": {
"font-size": "1.5rem",
"font-family": "'Roboto, Arial, sans-serif'",
"font-weight": 400,
"font-style": "normal",
"line-height": 1.5,
"color": "c('text--default')"
"tag": {
"color": "c('text--default')"
"button": {
"color": "c('text--default')"
"link": {
"color": "c('interaction--default')"
"meta": {
"font-size": "1.2rem",
"line-height": 1.3,
"color": "c('text--weak')"
"title": {
"font-size": "2.4rem",
"line-height": 1.3,
"font-weight": 700
"modal-title": {
"font-size": "1.5rem",
"line-height": 1.3,
"font-weight": 700,
"text-align": "center"
"mobile": {
"default": {
"font-size": "1.15rem",
"line-height": 1.5
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