There are a mess of troubles in sending and receiving files from my macbook to dev server, since I had no permission to excute command scp on dev server. Here is a lightweight, quick, and convenience tools which related with ssh, called lrzsz. lrzsz is a unix communication package providing the XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM file transefer protocol which usually has been already installed in most of servers.
- iTerm2 is necessary. Here is the official website.
- Install lrzsz on your mac:
sudo brew install lrzsz
- First you should download the scripts from ZModem integration for iTerm 2, and save them in /usr/local/bin/
- Set up two triggers in iTerm2's [preference] -> [profile] -> [advanced] -> [triggers] -> [edit]
Regular expression: rz waiting to receive.\*\*B0100
Action: Run Silent Coprocess
Parameters: /usr/local/bin/
Regular expression: \*\*B00000000000000
Action: Run Silent Coprocess
Parameters: /usr/local/bin/
- Run "rz" on dev server. Then it would prompt that something like "rz waiting to receive." and create a new window titled "choose a file to send".
- Choose the file you need to receive from your laptop.
- run "sz /path/file" to send server's file to your laptop.
yes , source link is 404!
I downloaded a few months ago,checkout my gist link.
send script:
recv script: