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Created January 6, 2012 18:51
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category folding fail
trait CategoryFoldableV[F[_], C[_, _], A] extends FoldableV[F, C[A, A]] {
implicit def C: Category[C]
final def composeRight = sumr(Monoid.liftCategory)
trait ToFoldableV0 {
implicit def ToFoldableVUnapply[FA](v: FA)(implicit F0: Unapply[Foldable, FA]) =
new FoldableV[F0.M,F0.A] { def self = F0(v); implicit def F: Foldable[F0.M] = F0.TC }
trait ToFoldableV extends ToFoldableV0 {
implicit def ToFoldableV[F[_],A](v: F[A])(implicit F0: Foldable[F]) =
new FoldableV[F,A] { def self = v; implicit def F: Foldable[F] = F0 }
implicit def ToCategoryFoldableV[F[_], C[_, _], A](v: F[C[A, A]])(implicit F0: Foldable[F], C0: Category[C]) =
new CategoryFoldableV[F, C, A] { def self = v; implicit def F: Foldable[F] = F0; implicit def C: Category[C] = C0 }
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object Hoho {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val fns = List[Int => Int](1 + _, 2 + _)
val plusThree = fns.composeRight // this works
val fns2 = List({a: Int => Option(1 + a)}, {a: Int => Option(2 + a)})
val plusThree2 =[Option, Int, Int]).composeRight // this doesn't
// value composeRight is not a member of List[scalaz.Kleisli[Option,Int,Int]]
trait CategoryMonoid[F[_, _], M] extends Monoid[F[M, M]] {
implicit def F: Category[F]
def append(x: F[M, M], y: => F[M, M]): F[M, M] = F.compose(x, y)
val zero =[M]
def liftCategory[F[_, _], M](implicit F0: Category[F]): Monoid[F[M, M]] = new CategoryMonoid[F, M] {
implicit def F: Category[F] = F0
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